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LoÜd Call Bs Y The First Of April. House And Lots, Nnd Coop...

LoÜd Call Bs Y The First Of April. House And Lots, Nnd Coop... image
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LOÜD CALL BS y the first of April. HOUSE and lots, nnd Coopnr íhop, for sntc ortrnde, near D. Kelloggs dwelling in Ann Arbor. Traile lor liorscs, wngons, hnrncs3, cows, hog8, hcep nnd fnrming uionsüs, or cash, and givo credit alter tho fust paynent. For furher iiilorniaU'jn cali on Jacob Duel, on the promiscp. Feb. 17th. 1SI0. 2GO-tfL.OST, ON the Evcningof the 'lili or morningof ilic "ili instant, n Fnstiiin Knvclopc, conuiining ' y iiii n :nul liill.s ut nccount lu tlic inount ofsomc ï or '100 dollars. On Saturday evcning l took ilic rond fr.nn A uil Arbnr o Dellii, vin llirain Arnoldn, On Snbbolh morninp rom diere to Kensigngion via lndcpondonce and Wliitmorc I. ilvc On this rout tlie above wos ot. Any pcrson givin informdtion conccniinfr he nlove cilhcr to mo by mnil nt Kcnsington, Ookland Co., or at the Si-.-nnl Oíllcc, Ann Arbor4 will confcr a favor and nll inciilcntnl cxpcneCH will bc frccly paid. The notes wcro nioat or all piven pnyablc to me and nre of no valnr u any oiher man, nn immcdiatc mcoBures will bc taken to inicreept rinynient. JOHN M. TEN F.YCK. Kensington, April 6. 184G. 2?J-4wWOOXi WOOin CLOTH! CLOTHH HHHE undersigned woald nform the public X. thnt ihoy continue 10 mnnufncturo FÜLLED CLOTH AND FLANNELS, at thcir inaniifuctory, two and a huif miles wesi of Ann Arbor, on ihe Hurou River, near t'i# Railfoad. TERMS. Tbe price of mnnifft'ct uring White Flanncl will be 20 cents, Fulled Cloih ',7% cents nnd Cassiniere 44 cents per ynrd, or lialf tlie cloili the Wool will niake. Wc will also exchnnge Cloih for Wool on rensonnbie term. Tiie colora will bo grrty. bJack or brown. , The Wool belonging to each individual will be worked by iteelf when there is cnough of one qunlity to mako 80 yards of cloih ; whefi ihU is iiot tlie case, 6everal pareéis of tho eamó quulity will be worked together, and the clo'th divided aniong the scveral owners. Woot éent by Rail road, markcd S. W. Foster & Co., Aun Albor, with directions, will be attèndod tö in Ihe Bime manner as if the owncr were to come with ii. - The Wool will bc tnnniilnctured in turn na it comes in, os near as m iy be consistent wiih ihe different qunlities of Wool. We have been engnged in' th'is' business sevc rnl yeafs, and from the very general satisfoction we have given to our numerous customem lor the last two years, we are ins'uced (o aak a large sbnrè of patronage Vvfih coirimenco ihnt wc slinl! meet the just expoctiiiions of customors. Letters should be ddreseed to S. W. foster & Co., ScW. S. W. KOSTER & CO. Scio, April 6. 1Ö46. !G0-ly OIV II 1A1 AitAWIXl jBp rTlfiTE Siib6cribcrhaB juM 5-' J. received, (and ia con jfcJ 3tani'y recciving) from IjTfV í NnvVurknh !'■ u.iiu m d ' UJliöB Wl'" B(;leclctl OBêortnionl Jcwelry, ClockS, Watelics, Vc. tfce. which he intuiids to v as l-ir as BI önj olher establishment ihis side ol liuflalo for mid pni o n In mnong which mily bè foilnd theiollow ing: a L"""i assortmeñi of Gold Vinger Ringi. GolcJ Hreasi pins, Guard Chains and Keys. Silver Spoons, Germnn Silvcr Ten and Table Spoons (firtl cuality.) Silver and Germán do Sugur Tong. Sil ver Snit. Muscird nnd Cream B)oons, JJmter Knivcs, Silver J'encfl Casca, Silver and Coinmofj Thiinblus, Silver Spectncles, Gcrninh'nhH Stcèl do. Clothcs. Hair and Tooth Brnslics, Lather Ikushcs, Rozors and Pocket Knives. Fine Slicnrs and Sc8-"irs, Knivfn nnd Forkü, Brittannia Tea Fots and Casiors, Fine platad do Brittnnia nnd Braíí Cahllesticks, Shaviny boxts nnd Sonps, Chnpmon's Best Rarior Stroji, Calfnnd Morocco Wallets. Silk and Cdtioh pnrses, Violins nnd Bows, Violin and Basi Viol títríngs, Flutce, Files. Clnrionets. Accordeons Moiló Senls. Steel Pens and Tweezere, Pen cases, Sñúff and Tobacco boxen, [vory Dressing Combe. Sido and Bsck and Pocket (ombi, Nccdle cases, Stelc-toee, Water Piiint? To Waiclies, n great variety of Uolls. in short :ho greaiest variety of loya ever brought (o if.fs mnrkél, Fanóy work boxen, children's tea íetts. Colouiic Mair Oils, melliny Snlts, Court Piasier. Tei Bel's, Thcrmoinetere, Germán Pipes, CÍiildren's Work Baskets, SlateK nnd Pencils, Wpod Penrils, BRASS AND WOOD CLOCKS, &c. ffi fnct al most cvery (hing to pienso tho fnnfcy. Lodies nnd Gentlemen, cali and examine lor yöurselves. Ciocks. Waiches and Jewelry repaired nnd warrantfd on short notieë. Shop at h'.e oíd Htand, opposite IJ. lieckor's brick Store. CALVIN BLISS. pi. B -Cash paid for old Gold & Siicr. Ann Arbor, Nov. 6th, 1845. 2ö7-ly CÓ-Í'ARTNERSMIP. TÍIK " ri U rsigned have thi day formod o Copartnership frtr ihe purpone ofcarrying m ihe VVügfon. Cnrriapc. nnd Hlncksmithing bumpss nt ilièold stand of Millen' &. McKinncy, inder hc firm of McKmnèy & Millcns'.- - Ml tho .iccounis of the l.iie rirm will be t.ettled by eithor o( the snbirirrmra. . . +,T...,„„ GEORGE W. MILLEN. April J. 1846. 858-3w Bisstflntioiï. THE Cipartnpr,6hip bcrtiioloro i-xisting iinder thtfirm -t Mijlen' & McKinny, is üiis day disolved by mutiifil consen'i. GEQRGF, W. MILLEN, DANIKLS MlLLF.N, PIULO B, MILLEN. FREDERICKMcKlNNEY. Plástering Hair. A' QUANT ITY fbr sale nt the. Signal Office, by FOSTER &. DELL. Afrii Arbor, farch2 Ife43. "óMJ. HOLMES &, CO. WHOLESALE AND iI'ktAIL DEALERS tt( 8TAPLB ANÓ FaNCY DRY GO O DS, JDiy Grocerieé, Carfréiingf and paper lInHgiitgtj No. G3 Woodward Avenue, Latned'i Block, Detroit. j h u.xr.s, Nnc York. ï S M. IIOLMÏS, Detroit. WE lako ïhie niethod ui ufornnng our íriendí1 ain! custumers thróüghoüt the State, that we are st til pursuiiK? thè even tenor of' our wnj's, endcavoring o fo uur lniMi'ióès üpon Uir uud lutnoniblc principios. V'is wúúltí aleo unJi;r our nekiioWlcdniCntji for thè pntronage itended to tu ly our ('istonters, nfiü would beg ImTO (o cali tlic nttentioil of the public to a tety weJI (IcaieO Mor(tnet t' tna$unatlo Guodt, whicli r.': L' ('Ui-rol ;ii wluïc8;iló Of rotnil nt vcry luv priecs. Our laciliiieS for purthneing Goodi' nrc unsurpnK(c(l by nny conn-rn in the State - One ot' tlic firin, Mr. J. flulincs resides in lliu ouy of Now York, anti from lus long experiencd in the Jobhitig trndu in tlint city. ond ('rom ht" ihorotmli knowledpc of tlic mnrkct, he is cnabled ui nvnil himself of tho nuctiona and nnjr (irciinc in pnces. VVé nláo párchase frofn t!i Inipurierí, Mnttüfacturèr's Ageiu, and ftèrn ilio nuctions, by tTié pnekagfi, the sninc as Ñ. Y.' JoMters purclinsc, thus suving ilieir profíts. - ' VV t iU thrse fnciliiicö wc enn snely nny that out Goods nrc eoiil cjikai' for the cvidence of Which wu invite ihe nti,ntion of the publit to oür stock. We iiold to tfie grént cnrdinu! principie of "tha greatest good to llic irhcle number," so if you' wnntto hny Gootla riruj), and buy a largt quant'tttj for a liltlc moncy givo us a triol. Our Btock is na exiensive ná uuy n the city, nnd wè aró consuhilv recoiving ncw nnd frcéE Guóds Irurn' Nuw York. 50,000 llis. M'ool. Wnnted, theabove qunntjiy of good m?rclmntable Wool for which the higheBi inarket prica will bo paid. 3. HOLMEfc & tÖ. Detroit. 1845. 214-tf BOOKSTBOOKS! 'Í At Ferry's Book Store.JYerl door Eíisl of the V. York Chebp Store: THK subscriber lina just openod uud is nuw rcady tO mII ilic inoRi extensivo nasonment o BOÖkê, bLANK BOOKSand STATIOlti:UY, cvcrofTüicd in Anti Arhor. Misstuck consista ó' SCHOOL DOOKS of ncnrly cvery variety in usc in this State - rJÍKttirM-8. I{uf;rnphic8, Travcla, Mrnioirs, Mit-" cclloneoüs, Reliyiuiis nnd Cln8nicnl Books. BffiLKS and TÊSTAENTS; : ovnry ynricty ut, S17.C, stylo anfl bieding. Somc plendidly tihibhcil. PRAYÈR BOOÍÍS, TÓEMS &. AííNtlALS bunutifulty bound fot Holyday niftè; Párenla1nnd othcrti wiahifig (o mnko eplëndid imlvdny presenta at small cost, will dú weíl to cali a( l'ciry's and mako tncíf eefeclíons rurn a fúlí stock. Don'l (Jclny. Alao, bn hand tho largos! nssortnicnt of PAPER cver olllrcd WMl if Detroit; such oe Cap Flat Cup, Letter, Frencli Letter, Bnnkere Poet, Cqpying, 'i'issuö, Card Backt Envelope, ond 1(7 kinda of note papVj.wítb n full nsnortment of Steel Pens, Quilla, VVniere; Black, Biuc, Red, and Oopylng Jnít; Saruf, Inkfilamía, Folder, Pen Holden, Stomp. Moito Siols, Gold and Silver Wafcrs, India Rubber, Pencils nnd Pointe,1 Envelop b, nnd mnnv v.'irietiea of Visiting Carda Also, GOLD PENS, dm artille coinbining clegnnce Wilfi ccononiy. He haa on hand a good eclectióirt of Roñica snitablö for Foinil) ,' Schooi District and TWnship LIBRAïlIES. Il will nut bcpofcsible lo nonio all tlie articlos in hiüüui': SiiHiceittu sny, tïint lua asortnient is general flfd cheaper ihan was évór béforo offered in this illnge. He lias made a rangemtnts ín New York which v.-iil cnablc liini nt all tinice (o óbtoin nnythilig in his line direct from NeV York at shor notice, by Express. It will bc scen thnt lus fa ciliiies lor accumodating hiscilstoirtefa with articluu nut on hond is beyoñd precedent, and hc ia ready and willing to do evory ihingreasonoblo to' makè his estalilidhmèhl tiic'h an oné aa an én-. lightened aiul diecdrriihg cónununity requirc, and he hopee o fncrit a slinro of patronage. Persona wishing nny nrticle in his line will do well tö" coll belorè pnieUnsing elscwhfere. If you forgcl tho placo, enquire lor Pbrry's Bookstor:, Aim Arbor, Upper Village - 2d aóor Eost öf Main' street, on Huron etreet. . , . . WM. ft. PERRY. December, lRi". i;W E OOKIIVU STOVE, And Stoves of all kinds. 'J'hc aubicnber wutild cali ilic atteiition oi thó public lo Woolson's Hot Air Cooking SïOVE Which hc eat'i cohfidcntly ïecommrnd na bciriff dccidcdly superior t6 any Cooking Stove in uae. For eimplitity in operation- ècohomy m inol, nnd lor iinrqtmlled HakÍWo tínd Koasmkg quahity, it ia' úrtri valled, The n6w and imp'orfant improvtnèhl introduced in its conetru'ctiofi' bcuig aüch aa to inpuic great a(fvantngfta oVer all öiher kinds oí Cooktng Stovèa. . ,. . . WILL1AM R. KOYES, Jr. 70 WoodVard AVenuu, Droit. Dcc. fa, 1845. 2i2 IVIanhattaii Store. Corner of Jtjfcrson Atctíite aud Baícs strek, Dèlruit. BK stirc and v'mh the Maniiatian Store when' are in.ikïntj purcliuècb. Tb cfds whicK you will find iherc are excellriit rn üality on! rcaBonnble in price. We h?ve (rooil Heavy Shcetinge, Mnpncns, DuMirè, JSferinóa, Tickings, Muslin Delaihca, LinaevB, Cnehmerca, Red end white Flanfrclé, Cahcofl, Satinfits, Laeeeila, Full CÍolha, Vrcen Barrcgo,Casiimerèd, Glovèa, Vesting, Hosiery, Broa.lèlolhe,, Ginghnma, Sliowls, Ribbons, Liricu Oanibric Hdkia. Loeft,Ac. Ac. &c. Dat' ing, Cotton Yath. AVitking, White Cri' pet Wnrp. Colorèii do. do Strnw Tijcking,' Bleacbcd Cottors of all quniniê. Fine unbleached Cóttona„Biu-red Inslins, .Vc. &c. AIpo, FEATHEKS ond PAPER ÍIA,NGINGS; Bordèriflg, Window paper, Fire boaid papera, Traveling Botikctf. , Firat rate TEA and COFFEE; Ac &c. Arfd other anieles to .nimieronjB to mctilion: Fnrriero cainrt fnil of fifldiñg the Manhattan Store n dcoírable f!íi-e o rio tlícír trading. Na p.iins will lic spared m woitm on custómcra and nll nié iuviicd to culi and examino our gooda before tnakiñg thpir purcliases. Whilo We ara confident that nll who examine our atóck will luy, yei we will take no oifence. ff a.'icr phow ing our goods. peoplv' trndp cowlW( W. A. RAYMQN0; Drtroit. Qcc 2-'. 1P45. 244-6 Chattcl ülorlga - - JUST printaí lidiar aalo Hl 0' } . quanti.y. '" ofI)c0 " JMarrh24; tYi Stf- 1