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Returns are in from all bui onc town. Below wc give dio popular voic, Iy which il wil: bc secn tlint llio Wlug has fallen oflabout8,0l 0 sinco 18 10, and ihe Democratie abó ut G,000. - We set down the vote íor Bcrry na gííren for Lib erty, because lic was the Liberty cindidate. and ubout two-thirdsol tlie voieswere givcn by Liberty men. the remainder bcing enst for htm 1 tlie Texas Demoornis. The Libeny vott is nearly a fifili of the wliole. roi'ULAR VOTK IN NEW HM:1' ïr.HE. Democrat. Wliig. Lib. Seat 1840 32,700 2f),i:M 18-14 27,J60 I7,SÍ6 1.101 1815 29,3(15 15.623 5,7oi; 910 1846 20,822 17,683 10,36') 82O A correspondent nq:iircs of ua whethci Chriatians cari lny nside their religión', like n Sunday coat. when they go to tho polls, support oppre8Bivo ltnvs, nud then toM the negroes vh. moy fcel nsrgrievcj, "tha if they tío not like iliem ihcy mny go to AK-icn," &c Tlio cxpln natton is, that such Cliriiinns do kot Iny aaid. thcir religión. Thcy are converted nol to Chris tianity. ns tought bi is Fffundor, bm to o kind oí religión, whicli thcy and othcrscnl! Chrtstiani ty, nnd whicb allows, os just and right, feolings of projudicü and hato, and acts oi wrong umi oppiession. Tuis religión thcy liavc no ocension to lay aside.I have rnroly known a good story-tellor, w lm did not acquirc tlio fnculty- f it wero not born with hm- at tho expense nfhis lienevolent feeling?. One that can keep the whole company n a roar, whilst the musclcs of hs own face are entirely under his own contKil ouglit nut to lie eouglit hras afriend. He wül be found ih He inain vranting in henrt a-d sympa:!iy. C. ITWe are indcbied lo Senator Casa forsundry Congrcesional spccclieeand doc-umenis.