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VVo announced in our pnper of lust week, that the bilí for tho salo of the Southern Railroad had boen lost on its j passage, in tho House. That voto has been reconsidered and tho bill pnssed with but 8 votes in the negative, amon wluch wcre thesix Whigsfrom thiscouirty. In tho Sonate, it appears that tho bill met with opposilion. That body have amended the bill so as to increase the pu rehuso money to $550,000. It was then laid on the table.The Senate havo also nmendcd tïtlo 21 of the revisión, by striking oui the bill for tho improvement of Justico, aud inserttng the system as reported by their Judiciary Commiitee. In the House. April 17, title 21 of the revisión, when Air. Peck moved to commit the same to a select committeo with the following instructions : That litle XXI of the proposed revision be referred to a select committee, to examino it, and recommend to tho House aconcurrence insuch of the amendments to said titlc made by the Senato as thev shall deern best, and to recommend a nonconcurrenco in such of said amendments as they shall deern proper to introduce,ana rccommend such substituto for the amendments to bo non-concurred in n thoy shall deern proper, with instruotions to enquiro uno and report na to the ex[lediency of so omending the title ns 'to provide: l?t. For the abolition of the court oi chancery. 2d. For the organi.ation of the supremo and the circuit courts, txs reported ly the jtidicmry conimitten of the house giving the circuit courts prigínhl and exclusive junsdiciiot) of all caaes i„ cqu,y ;" nll c.vl casos Dl law, uhen the fimouni in dipalo excoeds tho sum of $500, and in nll criminal cases not copnizablo by of he ,oace. niökjiig the circuíi judge a vice chancellur and clerk of the circuit a r-gistr in chancery; and providing that each cuse in üqpïiy shall be ttied in the circuit wlicreone of the i.arJies reside, or the property in disputo rhayád. I'or the organizaron of n cnunty court, to èonsbt of ono judge, elocted by Ihe peoplo of onch eoimty, to hold liis office for Ihé tonn of fouryenrs, w.hoshall havo onginul and ekclüsiye jurisdiction oí a 1 c.vil cases over 100, and un to ;jü(), and ipjjollatc jurisdictionof all ca0? from justice of the peace. with junV thction to try all civil cases by consent of partios- the practica of the court to coniurm as near as nmy be to that of iustices courts as heroloforo adopled by the House. ror the organi.ation of courts of ust.ces of tho peace, courts f probate as hcretofore adop.ed hy tho House-nnd of sueh oiher ninonclments to said title ns mny be ..ecessary to perfect a systèm on these bases. tncMt]?ïr OfrerOd 'h follüwi"ganend ment to tho instructions Siriko out all tbat relates to the court of chnncery, all that relates to the circou w-i?' ÍWW of acountv and cnusosot aclion whatsoever, whether inlawormequity.whichshallboahv ís in sessum for the transaction of bu n 4 and shnl nrncon,! fJ :.. ,, oiiic&sM -öieiii in aneases substantial y os provided in tho bill udopted fS And also vidpJ ' - the judges of the supremo court hul] diSí l Tï mt SO mnn' disicts ás here shall bo judges of Síld court and - hat omo of the saidjudgos shnl] l,old nt least two terms of said supremo court in each year in ench of the counties of hi district for the purpose of hearing appeals and deciding all such questions of lav as may be legally brought before him fmm the county couit, provided, it shall alwaysbe luwful for any party conceiving liimself aggrievod by such decisión to nppcal from the supremo court. After considerable discussion the amendment of Mr. Blair was negatived, and the original proposition of Mr. Peck was adopted- yeas 31, nays 14.