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- _ April 22. Prayer by the chaplain. Mr1." Gíreen. from judiciary committec reported back without amendnient the bill to confirmthe partitionof Jands own ed by L. Caa Jn common with the state of Michigan, the bill was read a third lime and passed.Mr. Williams from committco on roads and bridges, reponed bnck with amendments the "bilí to amend an act to alter, lay out, and cstnblisli certain state roads, approred iIarch 9th, 1843;" the nmendments wero concurred, in tlie bilí read a third time and passed. Mr. Alien from commktec on incorpo'rations, reported back with amendments 'the bilí to incorpórate the Woodstock manual labor school, the amendments were concurred in, and the bilí referred to the committee of the whole. Mr. Alllen from select committee, to vhom was referred the bilí to provide 'for the sale of the Southern Railroad,reporled the same back without amcndment, and recommended its passage. Also, rcported a proposition of J. Bid'-well and otners, to purchase the Southern Railroad at $600,000, the bil! and propoaition were referred to the committee of the whole. We mentioned in our last, that the Senate had amended ihe bill for the sale of the Suu'horn railroad, by increasing the omount to be paid for the road, lo $550,. 000. The followinfr are the proceedings in the Senate, April 22, on the bül Mr. Allen, frorn the committeo on the subject, reportcd back the hiU for the sale of the Southern railroad, accompanied bv n proposition from Ira Bidwcll and others of Lenawee cowntj, for the purchase of the Southern railroad for the sum of six hundred thousand dollars, and to charter the bill for the sale of the Southern railroad with certain amendments therein spacified. The bül and proposilion were referred to the comniitteu of the whoie. The Senate then went into committee of the whole, Mr. JJush in the chair, and considcrod the bill for the sale of the Southern railroad and the proposition of Ira Bidwell & nthers lor the purchasc oiliie road. Mr. Green consideren! that Ihcro was mothing tangible in the ofTur made. The 'persons wlio sign tho paper, say ihey make iheoiPur in liehnlf of tbcmselves and others, out no au'.hoiily is shown by wliicli the olhers shall be boutid. Mr. Allon briely stated ihe fefleel of tho alteratiotis in the bill as proposed by the company. The pledge contained in a former proposition to deposii ten tlmusand dollars wiih the Slale Trensurer to bo forfeited { they do not accept the churtor is withdrawn by ihis proposilion. Mr. A. said that under tho circumstances of withdrawing that ofler to deposit he could aot believe the proposition mado in good füith. If the company was serious, no good reaeon could exist wliy this proposition should bo withdrawn. No papers were shown him to prove that the persons for whom Mesrs. Hulwell and Comstock oro ncting, would feel bound by the proposition mado irj their name, thougU he (Mr. A.)hadno douht but that the gentleman who made the proposition acted in that matter by authority. After gome other remarks the question was put on passii.g over tho proposition, önd carried. Tho bill was then consideted. Mr. (luie moved to strike out the word 'yíV' so as tbsellthe road for half a"unión, insicad oí hvu hundrud and fi fa tlioimnd dullars. Air. Halo saicí nn proposilion liad been made to give this additionnl fifty thousand by thecomjxmy hero sought lo be incorr.orated. ' The President (Li. Gov. Greenly) saul Ihat a proposition had boen made to give the süm nnmed by men of undoubted wetilth, bm that proposition had been wiilidrawn. Mr. G. theti went into a long exammation of the effect of placin" this chartor in the liand of those who would take the road to Toledo, and argued that it would bc better for.tho state to strike out the sum hamed. and keep tho road within our state. Tho queatióri was then taken ánd fifty thousand was struck out Mr. Thurbcr oflercd anamendment providmg thnt said company shall not charge a less sum for ihe trnnsportatton of freight, &c, than ihe maximum allowed to be charged from timo to time on the Centrul Railroad. Agreod lOi Añer the consideration ofother amendincnts, the commiltee rose and reported Ihe bil! back to tho Señale, and the ques. tion beingon agreeing to ihe ametidmentsirtKing out hfty thousand dollars, and the fiame was agreed to, yeas 12, naya Messrs. Allen, Kobinson, Smith, Videlo - 4. The question then being on agreeing to the amendment prohibiting the company from charging#a less ratc of tolls ihan that authorized un the Central railroad, it was brieíly opposed by Mossrs. Hale, Green and others and defended by Mr. Thurber, and lost, yeas 4, nays 12. Mr. Thurbor moved a reconsideration of the vote just laken and carried, yeas 0, nays 5. The question being on the amendment was taken and lost, yeas 5, nays 10. The other arnendments were agreed to. The bill was then read thethird time and tho question being on iho passage, it was passed, yoas 14, nays, Messrs. Coe, Smith. House- April 23- Tho bill to provide for the sale of the Southern railroad was rcceived from the the Señale with amendinents. Mr. Noble moved that the amcndmcnts be concurred in, in gross, Which prevailed, nnd the bill as ametuled was passed - ynas 0, nays Messrs. Andrews, Hlair, Brothcrson, Chubb, Edmunc's, Leiand, and Pierce - 7.