Communications: For The Signal Of Liberty: Liberty Meeting A...
GrassLakk, March O, IS1G. Rnir.HD Fosrmi, - A vcry iiiierefiing Lücrly meetitfjj was held h'ejro on the -lili inst. At 2 oclo'ck P. M. ii,e meeting was addessed hy flrrry Bibb, who illusirnted ilic ttnincicr f (Hè ''Peculiar Inêïi titiiiu," by n n'irratire of hia lifo. The large and rcpcctal)lc nudicnce of Indica mul gentlemen wliicli fi led hc Congrcgationni Meeting fïouw, isicncd wfih the deepest nttcminn, ns with liis won t cd eli q'ioncc lic dejcribcd ihe secties ol'sufernà ilu)uj;i) whieli ns a ijlave lic had pnsscd: svliile ilie eympathclic look and silent lear, told n Nnturc's owii lnn;irige. that llicy had licarte o ft'el for llie wüps of tho oppresscd. Ilnving finished his narrotiye, Mr. Bibbcloscd with a pou-erfui app&il in beiiaif of ihe Liberty piiueiplos. lic s'iid ihc South were wenk, unafi!ü io susain the insiitution of Slavcry only as tlipy rcceivedower from llie Norih. This power w e were giving by casÃing our rotes for f bvcliolders and tlieir upjiortcrs. Thy Nprlh, ihcrcfore. aré impticatetl in the g tilt oà slavchólding, nird repohsiWe foritè coniinonnce. In the cveninj, the house was crówded with an aitentivc.iuiüenuc. C. U. SÃkWakt. Ksq.. prcse.ucj (hc claims of ihc canse upan the support ( the ladies. ] lo stiid it Ind been remarkcd ih.uöiavery isa jtoUUcal as well as a mgral ([ticötion. tic woulJ s:iy that il s ñ moral as well us n pa!iiic;i!q-i.stion. Thougli the IjuMcs could nnt vio, thuyould uso tlu-ir inn.iciu-e in !.â - li:ill ol" ihe glori.uis principies öl Muu.-iii trébtft '1'heir influence Ãs inmenso. Thcy Cot:ld accompliil! al.nost nny iljin il.oy woul.l unJcrlnkc. &c. VVhen l,c liad muclu.led liis reninrka to ihe Indio?, lio addressod the gumloincn on the -.ul.joct of ihe Slave power and ihu incrcasini: mtliietce of ibg Liberiy jnriy. lic was lollped by r. Bïbb, wl.o illiistrated -.ho kind of -nood netvs" which is prendà cd 10 ihe Slaves. Two ïexis werc niosi coinmonly iisc.l, v.z: Sei vanis obcy your inaiior" and ;'llc tliat knovfètii fifia ina?ici-s wi and doel h it m t. sliall !)c bailen wilh many sliijns " These the tools of ihr sl.iveholÃlc s. (for wc ennnot cali ihenuhe ministers pf:Jesos Clirisi) so distort 8 to mako hem mnptton the "reatest aljoniinatioii in a!l the World' American Slavcry. Mr. IJibb dosed by ielliig an intercsting anocdoia Sevcral rnteresting liberty s)n;q wore sunfr. by Mcssré. JJibb and AUl-;., vv{iich elicitcd müdi appiausc.A Commitlceol Air.ingf?mcn!3 wnsnppointc i cohttitÃhg of 10. W. SÃnw, V. Ohnpmnn, A. Moicalf. 1). Pnce an.-l fÃ. K,,bins.u. -o makc preparations fot altciulin tUo anninl meeting of ihc -'Vuiin Mcn's Libfriy Asioeiation." lobo htlii ni Ann Arbar, the ñm Weduelay in June. A voto wns pnsÃcd. uhanimousiy. fendering ilic thanksof ihc lucuting !o MCS3rs. 6Ãbb oóU Sitwari fur liicir labora. Ttio inceftng u-ill be rlio racain of uinch go.d to llie cuu-.o.