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rvoiicc. D. 1IILL would respectfully inform tlie cuizens of Ann Arbor tmd vicinity iliat the firin of il. I). liill &. CV, having-diftsolveA, lic will continue ihtr !)ti8inft.s at the olil stand ui Howkine' B'.ock. on the old and e3tobriahed prinijjlcfi of the house 'Smi.t. pKoriTfl aud prompt iv," he will bo íihlfc toDÍTcr to h.s cuatomcr on T nhoti! the 2f)ih dy of M y, A SPLENDID ASS3RTMENT OF SPRING GOODSi t the lowest poss.lile rntrn lor Cnsh, heai' Voolj nnd alloilior ktnda of.'prodüCO. A!l frrrsnue u-aniiü tn tmy gpóda will find i' o iht-ir advontnc '.o h'oM on taoft Clotlus, nul rhc nhovo ru iCil flssiriinent ir received, ae licy will bo E'ild at Vtfy to'v raies. The Sulcrilor will nlso irty ibe 'hihoat niarket pricc for 100,000 FOUNDS OF WOCih.G. D. UILL. Ann Arhor. Ma II. I84G. 2-M-it i 5íisol5ition. TH VI rVrtnersliip uinlcr théhame nnii ilrm of G. 1). Rill & Cd. liaviny dissolvcd by limHoiiim. nu persons hïdobtcd to the concern by noto or ncconnt{ ure DOliiied tliat unless riiey cali .-■iid pnyurWttle the tome wiili G. D. Hill [ro-vitniH id i!;el5ih lny of June noxt.' :h"y will fin'd' the añil notes nnd accounts in tlie hands oi a Jnticc uf ilie Pcncc for collectlon. G. D. HILL& Co. Ann Arbo'r, My II 1S46. iGJ-if "notice. WhereagMilo Wait. wj füdènted npprenticc, iboui IC.years 'LI, has-loft my forviio and en - ptuy. nllpt-rsons nrc t.o'tlfiéd not to tiuei or harbot li:men iny nccouni. is I hall pa y no charges or debta contrac'.od by h:m. . ■ , IlOÏtACE BOOTFI-. Lodi Muy 15, 1S4C. Ü64-ÜW. ■ EXCHANGE HOTELTKlTIPERA.!EJK HOUSE. (Direclhj opposite the Cataract IIolvJ.) BY CYRUS F. SMITII, NIÁGARA FALLB, Ni Y. Thifl House is not oP the .largoit clnss, but jb wel! kopt. u[ion'epinn thalit hns been fur sevcral yenra pnet. and aflbrds irnple and very coinfiirtrh'c acconimodations for lijóse stopping al iha Falls. This Hotel is sfiuated' irf the ple.Taritcst pnri of the Villagc. ou Main Strccrt, nnd but a fewminutes walk frem the Ca:aract, Goot Island or the ferry. Niágara Fnlls, 1840. 262-öw18461 Watkïns & IJissell, i9iG fouwarding and commission - Detroit; Agentsfor the Troy nnd Erie Line. For Frcight and Passage, ajrpJy to Asa C. Tefft, . N. CHAMBEaLI.V, .{ 29CoontiesSlip, N. Y. Ide, Coit cc Co., Troy. KiítjBivr.LY, Pese & Co.. }n _ ' S.. Drullard, . . L Buflhlo. Mark Packngcs" Troy and Erio Lino." Sliip Dai'jr, (Sundnys exceptcd,) from.Cóemies1. Slip, N. Y., by Tfoy nd Erie ïron Tow Willson Corn Mili, {Mc'KnighCs Patent.) Thp subscriber would hcreby say tg the püH:c tliat bc is now prcpnrcd to ftmiish ort ïort no': jtico, thoc whö ish, n portable mi!!, cnpabto of erindnig HO buslicla of cnrs of corn per hour, or 2tind other coarso graio (or fccd,-rEhellcd corn, (.wttb n rush.) rub out clorer seed, &c. Sec. c?.l!ed J. L. McKnights patent corn cruaher and clover rubber, S:c. ■ - The sudscriber is alen prepnred to Feil tov.-n and cou.-ny rihts to sauf patent on libernl torms.' Tbo machine svorks like a ïliann, appricnblq to in irse, water, or sieani power onc horsc is sulucicntin perform the neecE2nTygrinüin fox, uny farm or oiher eal.iblislimcnt Ier home COI Rumption. but morcrvower is ncccEsary to do custom wurl; to' a profit. The aiübêcnbcr lias nmv in oporotion in, {u's, hop at Vul Tempcranco IIoíibo. in ftivso hon& power, by which, with the frro,ot one horse (only at pieeen) hc diivc-s said macliino'. ' The adyantagea of feeding corn nnd eobb in ibis way is now too weü underslood to nofcdreheareing. SiiiFiccit to say, that toihie somh, whcre tliey ïai-je eorn easy. nnd wonh p,"rlinps ,t 0 cents per bushcl, tUy rhink il nn object to ccunomisc by tluis.fccding corn and cobb. nienl, tik! :!mi too wnere give. from to for for grindiiig ciilicr for feod ordietillntjon. One, tfro or thrce coitípeton't'.íplemeii wnntcd t 6cll righta to suid machina iu ihis Sinto and OÜïoj nrul tosellrighls to Thomkin's nmr-i ticing machine in tlr.3 Sinte; t'nc best now ii 'usc. J. T. WILLSQN. Jnckson, Mnrcli 2, 1816. 2u('-(linTO THE PUBLIC. THE subscrihrr wislirs to rnform dia public, tliat hr hns cotnptcled liis niw R.Hck Buildiny in ibe yilínibof Ilowcll, an'l ha? Rticd.Ui up, togethor witB Ivirns anti otiior' out ' tttiildings, tora permnnent Tavrn stand. Uc hos uuiv bpertcd the Mine lor tlie nccomniodation of tbc public, nnd will criden vor to mnkc his hoilM .". quici resting pfacó for tlie trovellor. The H" wil! !c kept upon strictlv IVmnerancc princi, 1 ?, at ciiarrt'9 nrhicli wil comparo wiili jhe most ,rens.n;ible, Ythoogf) it ph.mlj denianJ eome pei-uninrrs.icrifice to susiain it." To tlio írícnds r lihcrty nnd cqual risiif. the ktBiRKKY Uousk" s iidvv pfiered vuu wiül ilie motto: 'LU'cTtt - Tcmjerant(' E. f1. GAY?' HowclI, Liv. Co. April ?9, 1846. 26 !-tf HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE OR EXCÈANG E. HOUSE and ihree lois unitcd, pituntr ' :u rods S. E. of the Acadetny. Sold for huif :iv i!i w.i, or oschangcd for a Itirm with pooJ. )uill ne. abövtii inilo fiom n villnüc. lc'.'eci. a. ÍO nnd 13 dfg. in Sow Enghmth New yorfc, or MicJiian. whciea Uigh School may he ob.inidöor G monih, yearly. Emjnire of the jwiurLI. II. (intlui, t'ra'rs! urv, Vt., ot Laain M:lls. and II Moore, Aun rb r. '20;{-3in FKANKLIN V O L D W A TE R il O U S E ! };tls Stkket, ave door ATrA " Jkkkürsox Avkkuï, UETKOIT 2f.3-y S. FIN NKV. TVVO yoaitg men ttboúl IS or 10 yi-nrsof go ns nppretmues to the b'nvii-and Hlmd m:iking. usirjess. AJ, one JOL'liiNEYMAN, ut the iove busu.oe-ö. - H. GRECdRY Ann Arbor. Lowcr-Town, Dec. 4, t 4 r . ValuaMc Walcr Power foi Sale. TUE snliiorilt-r ill b:ll ot ront his nler tlie VValer Power in iho viüago of De!hi, miles wth-of Ar.n Aib'T. on ihc íluron líiver, msistiug of n chop eruUable for blacksniiihing. nrnnce ot srythe factor, with two lorges nki ire irip Intnuicis. Tho Wnier Power is 130 ich s undt r nearly nine fiei lie ili. Alo a VVar Power in öuhI villni snllirifii' to piojie! four in ! none A úwelYing hous wiö n'so Ie lid with ilie :;loo. if dcsrroil. Kor luiiln-r j;cnla;8enouirc on ihc pn in í . d JACOB1 l.OREMUS. May 18, 1846. 2J4-it