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The Legislature

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Tlia body adj.Hirned on Monday lust, aflcr a session oí 133 dars. TJiey compleled thc Re1 visión, and made provisión for its piiblicalion. - i The Free Press represents tbat ihe volume wil contain twelve or fifieen hundred pages. It is to be piinted, we believe, at l.L5 per volunieThe Revisión is to take effect next January . - Of its monta we can of course eay nothing nt al] lili itshall be publishcd. The Legisla ture have done several things indicativo of progress. They have abolished thp fjolish militia trainings that Juve bcen kept up íor the last 70 years : they have abolished hanginp. ar.other cnstom still inore ancient: and it :s said ihat thcy liave largely extended thc ainount of property exempted from execution. It isre that the Liccnse law has also been amended. whether íor the better or worse we have no incansof knowinj. As to the ülterations in the Judiciary. as finally agreed upon, we know no: whnt they nre. Thcy have aboüslied the charters oíiwo broken banks, t'ic St. Clair and Riv er Raisin. On iheother hnnd, thcy have refused the righ of suíTrage to colored cltizena, rejected thc sin gle district systeni, and creatcd n host of specia corporaiions. However, tho bnre abolition o Militia trainings will save enough to tho peopl of :he State in one year to puy the wholc expens es of ihis legisla' ure. Thc iollowing is the vote on thc adoption o the Revised Statutes. Wc put it on record be cause there may bo curious thinss in th book and the people mny be curious to know who vo ted for making ihem into laws. Ykas - Ainca. Andrews, A C. Baldwin. C DülJwln, Baibour. Barrett, üavi, Duuham Gcn. Grahani, Groves, Hand. IJawlcy, Uollis ter, Kennedy, T. Lewis, W. Lcwid, Moran Wóráe, Noble, O'Malley. Ürd, Patiorson, I'eck Scott, Spragtie, Sweeney, Thomis.Tull, Wakc man, Wnlker. Webster. Wing. Speaker - 34. N.Ti - Blair, BrDthcrson, Chubb, Edmunds Giddings. Hazleton, Jones, Leach, AIcDonald Par8on?, Palmer. Pierce, Ranson, Rice, fean born - 15.