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Ari exchange paper brings us the fol1 'ving, purpoiting to be an extract from Cassius M. Cliy's Truc American. As Mr. Clay has latoly virütcd the North, and liad an opportunity of comnnmi ng witfe lealing Whigs, he inay have facilites for prophesylng not posscsscd by AlÖlitionists. Wogive the anide for what it ia worth. Ia ïvfcmng to a s;Cccli of Ilenry Wilson'in the Massachusetis Legislature, Mr. Clay says: "Siace n.Mi.-ing s-,me eftractá 'of this oeek the vbple ofit, and the preamblc and resóluttQn?, have come .tp hand - The rosoluüons of Mr. Ciilycr, of New YVk, concëfnihg the overthrow of slavefy ín the District of Columbia, and this move m the Mrusaehusett's egislature, in addmon to many Qthec evidences too nuincrous to mention, prove w:iat ffieiave tor years foreseen and most ardenllv in 1 O, will sx.n rally on the greal Hncipjes of rLwtene? 0 iyraiüj óiirf c nghts of man. If not in 1818, in 1852 partfes wil] be, fairly made up uj,on llüs sole issue The icsult we venture to predict. The majority of the present W hjg party, a large majority of Democrats, and no inconsiderablo "number of the Liberty Party and Garrisonian Aboliüonists, will ultimately unite on some man and étect kim. SÍavery will be abolishcd in the district. The èflbrt to introduce Cuba, or California, or Mexico, as slave states, will prove abortive. Thoy may come in, but they will have to come in f ree. The coast-wise slave trade will be abolished. The supreme court be filled, as vacancies occur, with true free bom men, rightly interpreting theconstitution, ia its true spirit of liberty. The south will bluste r, but not dar e to sever íhe unión. All the grain-growing States will enter on schèmes of gradual or immediste emancipation. The ïntemal slave trade will be abolished; the cocstitution changed, taking away slave rcprescntation. The clausc requiring the return of fugitive slavcs will be repealed. Slavery will retire inlo the cotton and siigar región and there die. The republic will be redeemcd, and universal liberty" be spread over this north continent. If this does not happen, then will the slave power increase; Cuba, Mexico and California come in as slave states. The south will return with an iron hand, joined with the commercial and manufacturng interest of the North; the great mass of Americans, north and south, will be educed to real slavery. The south will ecome more and more worn-out, more orrupt, and seek more and more the 1 ansion of the government patronage an 1 fiices of profit, fpjr her broken down arisocracy. Foreign invasión, insurrection, and anrchy will come upon us, singly, or in ïass, and despotism will swallow up Ihin ong-h'ced HeWel], then, we say with Mr. Wilson. et the Whigs raise their colors, "constituonal resistance to the sïave power - and he . utter overthrow ofslavery." Ycs, it s our "inevitable destiny;" let it come - ie sooner the bettcr!" The party has o chance fbrbut four Southern States; in xying to gain them, which hereafter will e very doubtful, it will lose New York nd Pennsylvania, and thus lose the battle! Ve say the Wlijg party will never rise xcept upon the battle cry of "cons'tuonal liberfy," if it seeks any other it Jcerves defeat, just as certainly as it will eet it! üp, then, and to the battle field -"On, Stanley- on!''