Mr. Torrey's Funeral

The funeral ritos were cclebrated at the Tremont Temple. Every aisle anu every sent was crowded. The sermón was by Rev. J. C. Lovcjoy. The services werc first announccd to be held in the Park street (Congregational) Church, of which Mrs. Torrey's brolher Ãs an officer: but the trustees refused their consent, on account of the nature of the services, ns pre-announced in the papers. - Wlial it was tlmt so miich oi&nded their orthodoxy. we are not iïiforméd. Mr. Torrey's death calis out feeÃing remarles from the press in all partsof the country. It seems strange that the public are ima131e to justly appreciate the character of a man till hé isdead.
Tremont Temple
Old News
Signal of Liberty
J. C. Lovejoy
Mrs. Torrey