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D&­ioift. 'pHE partnership heretnfore exiatirig uuder tlic íirm of Lund & McCollüní, s ihis diy dissolvod by mutual consent- all notes and accounts due said firtn poid to D. 'I'. MeCullum who is du!y authorizud ti; spiiIc ihe saínJ. H. J.UNI). D. T. McCOLLUM. Date-J, Ana Arbor. May 20, Ie4G. T he buotneKB will hereafter be c mducted by I. M. LiúiQ .V Co , who are now lecoivtrig i lnrtf and extensivo assortnieht of Goorts. conBjdting o! Dry Gooda, Gioceries. Crorkery nnd . Glassware,-" Bools and Honnci?, l'aint and OHs, Drn :! rnd .Medicine.. Se. The pu')!ic are in iicd lu cali and examiné qaaíhy oñj prieta. .T H: LU.VD & CO. Ddted. Aun Atbor, May 20 H ;ü. 4 Hats and Caps, J Ii nll tlieir vnriélics, nlao Cares, Pilk nnd Ginglibm Untlij-elüis. Suspenderá, rich Silk Carfsaiid Grava tu Silk, Linón a::i K: J Gloves, with evéry article in tlini linc can be had at fair pnces and warranted tn suii by scnduis yonr wislics by etier or ly calling at No f3. W'ood ward Avoptie, 3 doors norüi cf Doty's Auction r jom. Detroit. N. 13. Ministers and Lib {.y nien aupjilicd at a Bmatl advance from cost. JG6-Ü:n JAIMES G. CRANE. Strayctt, FROM ihe Sabscriber about tlie 20ih ol Ajiril, a siuall bröwnsiutl Pony, abont tlirciypars oíd tliis ppríñg", nnd about tbe size of o comjnpii Raí. He lina licen rode undt:r the sad Jle and has some white hüirs iu his foreheod. .nul on bis back. When he wem awiy. hia för uanl lega were Fnstened (ogetber wiüi a ttrap. VVhoevtT will return said Rat or yive infbrmation whcrè he inny be fotnrl will bo snitnblv ie war.Ied. W.M. R. PÖWELls Anii A.'br. Miy C2 1346. 241 POR SALE, rpHE Mnint flo'ljínwk farm. .si.n.-t d (ivmilco norih ol the v II ige of A tu Albor bit tlic S h.tniori' Jyikfi lond. il comer i'onimcncing i iñied aoly ee ofthe Rórann Ca h lc ('burc i NoilhfurJdj j unuiíi: Uiinoe one tiuiíd el nd i.tty mds norih nlung tíie nfor&aid road niid n.inany rola lne wusí il.riU' I..vü Lañe; it boinp ihe S. VV. of éo-„ 'a ín Towii I S. of fange 6 K'-t. nnd containing onc hütidrcd and í-i.xt) acres moré ör lew. lis linces. buiJd.nYs mid vaiiety offrUit and fniicy tries are ijót iufeiior t iny in tliis towii. Tho aboye di-ecribed farrii Has lonp been owr.cil nnd occnpityj by tho weíi known Norfliñeld tloUliavk, wlumi it demvh,1 iis prepunt name, and tu wbqsc induslrí u Lahda its Iwantiful má weil calculnted fwkJs Imvo been cultivoXeJ, nnd nvlamied from b iml. , Kirren wilde nrss to a complete Icrtile farm. - Kot particular .-nid terms, inqiine of ibe subscribjr on thc premisos. MODNT fiOLLTHAWK. Noithfi' !!, Wasbtenaw co., Micb., May 2í, 1S4G. DENJS CLANCT, Oiberwise Oíd IfoilybauA. For íSale at Low fricas ahí) Easy Ténhs. íg' nrí' t' subscriber off-r? fr 'mI a fe X P'ann, iti tiie town ! De.iT, ígx of JOG acres, abnut 60 actv.s iniTí Prov'cd. Also a Farm at ibe ntonth Jj of Honey Creck in Scio, 3 miles e m0- from tiiis vülage, of 1-16 aeres. 00 arres improveJ. Also á. Farm orie iñ'if {f&rti (hiB village of itíO acres, 100 acres improved. Kach ' of these Farms are dcsirably lo ated for !' o-'s; have jrood buildings and are well wate'rêd. i A.-o two íiuusós and lots n thid ' village. i 200 village lots; 24 out lots of ahom one acre each, in the vTciníly of ihis villijge. Í0 arres timbeted íaod, and 30 .ares improved 3 of a milé tumi tliis village. Aiso íi slips in the Presbyterian meeting house. Aiiy of tlic above me.Dtioned property will besold I .it fair prices and on n credit for . of tho pú reliase money - TüiePerfect. , Wanted-a span of good Ilorses in papucnl. MI MAM S" MAYNAHD. ' Ann Arbor, May lí), lJtí. onil7 I Válnable Water Fowir lov Sate. rpilF. subscribir will b4I or ten; ln, initicjt in C JL the V nor Power in ihe vilge ..i De'hi, miles wui ..i Aun Arbor, on ibe Muñn Hv-l ' :onsiaiing oi n shop sutlAbie tór blafkanmning. 'i uruace or scvtlic laotry, with iuh nrgrs .-tin' lino inp li.iminoi.;. Tao U'ater l'.iv.n i I i{ non. s iiinltr ncart) níuioKéi Iténli. Ai .. u _ er l'n'M-r in s'iid villaje sulíinciii u propel fayi un ot etonc. A tiwelli :i_; houxa ivül also be ''bl witli iic...!ü 1 1 . U-.ii mi. l'"(Jr fo'llhél tur ionlars éiiquirc on thepienrp a ol JACuB DO 11 L' AI rs. f Miv 18. 1846. yill-il UOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE OR EXCHANGi:. HOUSIO nnd three lots united. íitunted :id róáa S. ti. of tho Acadeiny. Sold ír i) down, or exchangëd fora Farih wUb uod 2 uilulnys, ftbori a mile frdm a illngc, between _ it. !0and :i dog. in New Englajjd, New Voik, i ,;;! wiiure a High School i).a'y be obk lined 3 or C moatha, yearly. Enquíré ul tUe wn.r II. H. Gfíffia, Craíiaburv, Vt.. nr Ln iio MiUa. ixiiá'R. Mooié, Ann Ar'jr. 63-3:lilrayed, F ROM the Snbscnbers on T.lnire'day, the 23d of April, 18 16. two . tfiree ycnrp ,oid ColtB, viz: oneblück r an liorsc CoM.biid o:ic lightgrey niari. wnh q piece ol rope lied aröiind.her neck. When phelcft hada scaron the riilit.lore.uouldcr. VV.hoever uill give Information, wliere they tmy be fuund shall be resonably rowardèd. i:. O. iV, A. CftlTTtiNTOiV. Ann Arbor, April 23, I84G. üGS-tf IVoticc. GP. ÏIILT, would rrspvctfiiliy nrorm the. siiizéna of Anii Arbor and viciniiy Uiat the iinn ol Gr. D. Hitl Sc Co.. Invine dissolvcd,, he will continuo the business nt the old siand in HnWkins' Bldpk, pn thêofJaftd estnhlished priniiplcs of' the house "smai.l ?koki is and i-kompt, ut." he will !o alilo looflfer. lo bis custoincrs on r alioiit ihe SOfh diiy of May. . A SPLENDID ASSORTMENTOF SPRING GO0ÜS nt ihc loweftt possible rntrs for Cnth, AVbent YVool. and all othor kinds o( produce. , , AM pcrpons wan.fins to uuy KQods. vilt fiad i', to ihfir ndvrintayc to liold on tlieir Old Clothes, uniil ihe .ïbove named ;i99irtTnein is icceived, ad thcv wi'l bc .,i,i ar verv lo.v raies. The Siihscrihcr wiil n!so pny the hebrat mnrket price lor 100,000 POUNDS-OK WOOL' G. D, HILL. Ann Arhor. Ma II, I84G. 234-tf. . NOTICE. WhrrcïiF Milo Waif. nn im'.ented nppr.cnt;, ; biuu IC yt-nis il 1. hns loft nj srrvico and.cmr1. ploy, all persons ure nottfled rot to t;ust or hnrbèr hiin pn tny account, ns I slinll pay no charge or dcbts by hm. HORACE EO0TIÍ. Lodi May 15. 1.940. 804-Sw. FlCHANGE HOTEL." TEJTIPEFUrcCE HOUSE. (Direcfly opposite the Cataract Hotel) BY CYRUS F. SMITII, NIÁGARA FALLSj N. Y. Thrs IIoiirp is not of thr largcst class, but ia wel', kopt. upon the6arneplnn that it has been for sevor.-il yo;ir8 pnst. and nfiprds. imple and very, comCortabte accumniodaiions or ihose etoDDinc' nt the F.-.üs. ■ . . . This Hoiel is situíite I in the pleaMintest part of the Villiire. on Main Street, and but a d w inioutea walk iruin tha Cntaroct, Goat Islund or ihe Ferry, , , . Niágara Falls. 184fi. 2r)2-fr 18-ir,.. Watkins & Bisscll, jp4G FORWARniNCJ AD COMMISSION mERCHANTS, , ÖETR'OIT." A gent s for Ihc Troy and Er ie Line. For Frcighl and Passage, avplu lo Asa C. Tr.FFT, } . . . N. Chambermv, Agents-, 29Coeiïties Slip. N. Y. Idr, Coit & Co., Troy. KiMBEni.Y, Pjbasb & Co., ") D ,,:.' S. Drullard, Buffalo.Mnrk Parkjes 'Troy and Eric Line." Ship Dfli'y, (Fiintlays exceplcd.) from .Coenüe?' Slip, N. Y.; by Tiiöy and Erie iron Tow 6m Willson's Corn Miïiü (Mc'Knighfs Patent.) . , . . The subscriber would hereby say tatje puKlio !hat lic i? now prepared to furnish" on' short notice, those who wish. aporta,bic mijl, cnpable of erinding :50 bnsh.cls.of cars of corn per hour, of grind ulier coarsc grain for fced,-r sheüed corm (wilh n ,rush.).rub out dover wed, &q, lc. callcd J. L. McKnights patent corn crusherand dover rubber, &.c. The subscribir is also preparctjio fcII town and county righta to snirl patent on iihèral t'srnïe. The machine works hke a charin, njiplieablo 10 iori. wmer,, or. íicani power: one ifotfe, is Bufiicientta per&rra the necessary grinding for nny fnrm ir jaiher for home conRumptión'. bat more power is ncceesary to do cu3oni worl; to a profit. Thesnhscriber bas now in operationin ne -liopa', his Tempernnee House, in Japkson, two hope power, by wbich. with the. forcq.c? 'inehorec (only at piesern) he diives' aid niachine. u , The. advanraecg of. feeding cnrn nnd coub in ibis y.y is now too.ueil nndrrsiood to need rehonrsing. Siifl]ceit to aay. ihat to the south. whcre t.'icy ïaise rorn en?y. and worth perhiips lOcentsper busliel. ijjéy think it an object to Kcon.omisc by ihns fi-cding eorn and cobb meal, nd tlm too whern tby pivp írom i to $ for lor íírind mít eilher for fecd er ilisfiljation. Onr. two or tjiroe competent sau-gnieri wanted t eell riphis to aid machine in this Stafa and Ohio, aiut Mi'llrihis to Thomkin's mortiring machine in tlus State: the' best now irt' use. ■ ■ J.T. WfLLFON1. Jiicksnn, Marcïl 2, Í.SIÓ. 270-6m R E A D Y M D È C LOT! I ING ! ! IIALLOCK & RAYMOND, WOl'1,1) propoetfully cali the otteniion of T f thcir frtenda and iha ciliznns of ihe Staie, geJ e nlly to thcii frreh & extrnsive asortniént elf Komly jTfniíc CJothiiiL, USI inriniifiiciiired iu the latest siylcs, and brsi' i ■-;: !■ ui nm.r. qonwtipg in nart of" superfino ciotii Dmss ahd f'r'óck C,'ia:s. Tme Tweed. Cashniarcite, Crotón Cnslniérfl Slimmer Cloth ind ferino. Bainbaznic, Ciálíy', "Vy.ioisted and' M.irMi!J(.s ',.sis. í;iii. BJackflpj [JTapcy Cassi n i re, Tuet-d. Drap de ta, Vlerinn, Woorated ind Drilliñg Panlatóbns. toceiher wjih a very liirgo No 'i 'I hmcti. Drilhng, Cotton Sack and" I weed . oais, Slimmer f'anialoDns and Veets,' Shirts, SodeL Mandkerchiefs, Stock, &c. &c. Also n vcry larea suppjy of frch liroadcloths, CttMiinorc and Vestiugn, wbich by tho aid of experienccd cntr.-rb nnd iiist rare wotktren they. are prep:iri'(l to rnnnufacturc in tiie latest style and bfst possiblenianijtr. Thry prepared to s 11 eitherat Wbolêiaic or Hctfiil nt prices which cannol fail ti g.vo and would' respcnlully solicit a i-r.ll froui thogc visïiing thp city in want of Réady MsdbClpthingo'r genterf garmentg made to rder. nl ,],eir "FaUtmaÜji Cl„t',ifT Evipnrium" corner of Jefferson ond Woodward Axenu-fs, Detroit. M.iy 20; 1H1G. 2C5-3(n toThe public. ''Illli: subscribir wi-lics to inKuiii ihè p'iilir. X ilini hhs comñ pew Soes niiiUIitiíí in the ' ül.iaofJíinvfiU. npd has fiued t up. togeiher tvilh Birns and oilier out Huildings, lora jH-rmam-iit Tayern .tand. Ic has now Oponed lito Mme tor the accóihmoaalión of lbo public, and will öndcnvnr to mako bis housen' (juici rrstinii Rlnce I"t tb.; travcllor. The IIouso w; hckipt tipou sirioilv prjneip]ei4 ..i u.w-.s ludí will compare wnh the most rws tnablp. "though it Bfio'uld dcmaiid sume J.oeoninr'y sicrifice to sústain it." To the Iriiü .' hberty nnd equal Hcht. tbc (♦BrtcUKT Prtösfe" istiow ofTcrnl voii wiih lbo motto: -'{'itrtij 4' fimpcrance." E. F. CAY. Howell, LrV Co. Apnl ?9, J81G. TGi-tf V O f. D W A TE R HOUSE 7 Ba TM Stkukt. onc door Narth of Jeífkrso Av(m;, DETROIT. 1y s. FZF,Y. :. G. URGEÈTPeMsT, riR&T ROOM OVER C. Jt. ?C T. W. RÓOÏ'8 STORE, CRANE & JEW KTT's BLOrit, ;0lit' ANN ARBOR. UAWiiA. lr.}.s bt,i.i ui all Kniu i.actr vü eiln. Ciavits. Kii'l.on-, &c. &c. At th UvMiiïrAN Strb:f Detroit. W'. A. RAYMOND, rc. 25, T 244- 6i