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Miscellany: Louis Philippe, King Of The French: His Personal...

Miscellany: Louis Philippe, King Of The French: His Personal... image
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To understand iho ncw ovent, wc mini fur u moment turn back ilic page of history. When Louis XVI. was behoacled during the French (tevoluiion, his only eon was laken Éiy ihe reVoluiiouists and put out to service loa hoemakcr, where lio soon died ut ten years uf age oí inhuman ircaimcnt. This young_a:id suflering prince while loilin it the shoetuaker'a bencli. was siill regarded, y tlie loynlfstd of Européj as the legiiimatc King of Franee, uhder ihe mie of Louis XVH. The two brotlicra of Louis XVI. iscaped to Enjjand, where they remnined ïncxile during Napolcon's triumphant ca roer. Upon the dcath of ilie uiiforlunalé cliild, Lmiis XVII.. he lfiyalibis proclaimcd ihc cl dus t o( lite two éxled brothers oé K:n of Franco, with the tiile )f Louis XV1IJ. WIk n the allied armies niarclied into Paris, they look with them LouisXVJlï. incJ plnced Kim upon the throncof his ancesiors. The great majoriiy of the notion feit indignant nnd disgraced by liaving a King impósed upon i'inn hy foroign powers. But the arm of Nopoiot was braken. They hal nochiefiatn arotuid whom to rally. The armiea of Europc wc re jnnriereJ in thcir cipital. Nothing remained !'ur them uut submlssion. Yei the loud murmurs discoñrent were c mtiinnllv ascendiug nround tlie t'nione of tbehateÜ Bourbon. Louis XVI 11. remained upon tlio iliione bui a few ycars, when he died. chil-llesd, ruil c..i:.-.iucnllv the crown pnssed lo lus surviving brother Charles. I:i ihc yeoT 1S24, Charles X. wiih grcai p Mnp, bul w'uh law a:id feeble aoclaniulions, was cn'hroncd King of Franco: Dut lii- Bubjécts cbuld nbt foret that ho waa u Bourbon, ihat ihe natrón hud twiee ■ li ven liim trom the throne. Frcnch pnde was. t.jrtured by the consciousneuj ihat after all their brilliont victories; after al! tlicir mtional boasting and glory, hostile armies h id conquercd them. mn'rched triuniphanlly inlo iheir capital, robbec ihom of iXapoltinn the monarch of their ckoice, and by thuir ariillery and their bayoneta conipelled ihein to subinit them toiheevvay of a hated race. France, sviih about twicc ns tnar.y nbobitants as llie United Staics, has bul oue popular assemlly, the Chatnbcr of Deputies; corresponding in ome degrec with our General Congrèss. The-e a e in Francc no provincial bodics, analogous to our State Lcislature: uud ihe aciive ininds of the naiion have no nicans of communicaiiug witl) thepeoplc. but tlnoiiiili the press. The weok'.y neváiapers of France conscquently employed the pens ol her ablest wriicrs, and her leading siatesmec. The peculiar moda of life in Paris greatiy favorsnn extensive acquaintanee wiih the pub li'c joiirnnls. Thousands daily Ircquent he cofl'ee-houscs, where ihc journals nre spread bcfore them. In all p.irts of ihe city, in all the pltices of refreshnicni, in the public walks and qardens, littlc pavilions are tcnanicd, whero-the cilizen or the siranger can, by the payment of a penny, read ony of the journals or pamphletsol the dny. These resorts are creatly multiplicd in timos of political excitetpent, nnd atiract. in immense crowds, the roving and unsettlcd populace of Paris. Charles X. was a gcntícmanly nnd good-natured old man, but obstinate and in his dotago. Therc is not a linie truth in thu antilhe.sis, that during hia exile he remeinbercd every thing hc onght to 1 ave iorgolten, and forgot every iliin; he ought to have remembered. Seeing and fearmg ihe pritgrcss which liberal opinions were making in France, he had ihe folly to apppin) a ininUtry. ench individua! of which was a knowh opponen'. of liberal princ:ples, and esp.'cially obnosious to the Fxench people. The public press immediately opencd upon thi ininistry the most harrassing and meiciless warfare. Charles, au - noyed irrilated by ihe loud and continued demonstra'.ions of the public hatred, with an infatúation of whioh we can hardly tind a parallel even in the iiïsanity of princet, determined to abolish the freedom of the press. and silent these ri-monstran; voices cf the nation. He tbought it safe to follow the coiinsel of the Russian Empress Cathórine, ihat Kings oughi to jjroceed in iheir career, undis!uibcd by ihc cries of the peo.ple, as thé moun pursues her cJtuse ui.impeded by the bowling of dogs." I'. wasa lovcly Momiay mbrning in .Iuly.i830. T. c "Monitcur." the Governmeni paper,apunred with an ordiiiance defclnriilg, .Tinong fiber obn xious -Jirticles. ihnt "at all linies the periódica! press has been, nnJ t is in iis n.iturc to be, ouly on instrument of riisoidcr nml sedition.' It thcreforo declarcd that the freedom of the press wns no longér to be tolciaicd. but that it was placed undcr t'ic censorship of ihe Government. Upon the appea ronce of ibis execrable brdinonce, exciiemetit nnd ihdigriatiön (Idniêd hke a cnnfl.igration ilirouh every Iane and alley ■f tho city. Thqueands begtin to ossetnble in ihe coilce-rooms tiiiii aroiüid llie reading Bbops: The great ihorougliíarcs leading to ihu public squares of.tho city, to the G.m!eu ol' the Tuiüerieian! tj the Palais Royal. was.thronged wiih tlie rousod ninsses cro.wdíílg lo ilirse foei óf intelligence. Iteotlcrs moiinud upon barrels and cbaire, loudly road the Govcrnincnt ordinnnc to the gotbering multitudes. As n pólice oiïiccr enduavorcd to arrest n man who was 'reading the new laws to an excited ciowd, ho indignnfitly replied, "lam oi'ily blowing tlie Irumpot, rf yoü drslíko ihe notes go seitle lbo ipalt?r wilb these who cmiposod ihc mu■iic." Puriüg the dny the nppearnnce of popular 'cuminotion becani') more and more ihreaieniiji. As the eiiades ol night darkened ihe sírcele of tbc tnflumed city, criès of '"Live the Constitntion," "Down with i!ie Bouibons." {Dtfaih to ihe ininistry." íesmuulcd ihrough ihc gloom. As the mounied uoopsof the King. with drawn nabrcSj Würe driving iho pcofilc fiom one of the aireéis, tbc populace seized upon a passing omnibus, ovcrturiiod it, nnd throwinsarotind il sncb anieles as could be gnthcred Ironi ihc nck'hhorin? dwellin28, formed a barricade which cfleciuilly arrested tho progress of ihc troop?. B -bind ibis barricade they valiintly duiondnd themselvts, with paving stonesand every miisüe within leir reaoh. Jnstanianoously every ïnind aaw the e!ncacy of ibis measure. The Iamps Iighiing the city wjre dasheJ; and iho populaco loiled theltvclong night in tho mysiery of darkneis,king arrangement lor ihu conflict ui the nioirow. W hen the üght of Wednesduy mórning dawned upon Paris, the principal viruela werc seen fillcd with these cfftcnv Muckuilce. lustend ol the unarmed m.ibs which Imd fled iiefore the dragoon bifore, thcre now nppenrd thrbngi pi wcll-armcd citizens. lierc and thero lin'arsb Kcd in military array. under activo leaders, uitlul veteran generala of thcold revoluHoriary a 'm i es, or ernhusiasiic student from the militnry school. The sound of war agninst opprussion had arouscd La Fayenco from his mreat. and his silver loekswere sei'n fliating in the brepze, as he headcd mul guided the struggling people. A dcputalióri of PI uden ie frorti the Po'yiechnic school callod upon Lu Fayette for counsel. - Witli tlic most solenin emphasis he tmered the single word, "Ilesist." From ihe venerable towers of the Notre Dame tri-colorod flagof the reroluiión was secn floalinrg in the brerzê; the tri-olorcd corkado. the pledge óf resista nce unto deuth, was upjn every nar. Tho nu hneholy peal of the ularin It'l!s. and ihe mama! dium. colltcted the populacu ín innumerable rendezvousforwar. Aimeiy ar.d stern defiiince sit on evcry coun'ennnce. Paris was a camp - a baïttéfifiid. Tlio KinVj hadin Paris and its nnmcdiatc vicinity eighteen ihons.iiid tfoops, veterans in war. Tú meet thetn in deadly co;illic' waa nó clnld's p!;iy. As S3on astlie mórning light was spread over ilie chy tlio soumi of tho irnmpct and nwrtial drum was hearu. as the regimenté of the King, in solid phnlinx, marched from the'ir lic ul-qunr'r i : ilie Tuüleriea. witli infunlry and artilleiy and cavalry. to sweep the sireets óf tlie insurgent city. Tho populacè were prepared foc the dcadliesi ïesisiance. Tlie troops of Charles yero marshaüed ior the n.ost doierinined, hii.I desperite onset. Thori ensuod secnes of cirnago und ol n.urdoroi s strifu, fiuch is have scldom been oxcceiled in any confliet. Tiiu deinon f war rioied n cvery Btrcet of the iiy. II.; ivy cunnon mowed down tiio oppos,ng mu"tuudc. whh Ijall.-i :inJ grape shot. Domb shells (iemulishcd the whích i ffudcd a C'ivert lo the ossailing people. Well mounted tioops, nrned to the te'.tli. pursued and cut down the living fugitivos. And sharp shüotura drovo iheif bulletti into overy t'yn that peeped frorn a window, and cvery hand ihat appearcd from the turret. ' , II is not easy to imagine the liavoc thai must txj produced hy tlie baila from heavy artiüery. ricoclieiingovor tlio lavcincnis of n erowded cUy. ind tcaring th'eir desuriictive way ibrough j;u lor indcharnborsjwhore ÍT. ighted moihers and bubes were ctusured tocethor, One húy Ind retired in terror to her chamber and her bed, when a can non ba'.l pierced the house, passed through her bed and her body, and scattering her mnni;led reinaiiió over the room, continucd unimpeded n its way of destruction nnd carnage. A resolute woman, observing wiih horror the avful siaughier which One of the King's ennnon producod, as it tnuwed down the crowds in the streeis, rushed to the cannon, [rcssed her bosoin to its inouth, and clasping it with her arm, entreated the cfficer in command to desist. The soldier endeavored to pull her a way. Uut with t'ranticstrength c-he cluns to the gun, dcclurülg thai :f they would continue their claughter, they sliould fire through her body. The ollicer commanded the torch to be applied. The gunner sh rank Trom the horrible deed. 'JFirel"; shoutred the ofiicer, "or I will thrust my 6word thro' your body." The torch wns apj)lied, und instantly the rernamsufthia her.'ic woman were ecattcr ed in fragments ihrough tho air. It is iKt.ljasuit to relate biich painful ncidents. Jim we inow not how else :o conviy an adequate iden ol tho eiuhusia.-m and the terror ol' the scène. - V party of oight gentlemen were sittipg nt n ablc, weary wiih the fatigue of hours of conflict, ïr.sttly partaking of rcfieshmcnts. A cunnon ïnll pierced the dwelling, passed over the ia')le. jus: sweeping it clean of its content-, and buried :tself in the side of iho home. injuring no one. - That ball is now gilded, and suspended in from ol the dwelling, with ihis inscription, ".1 o - unge from C'uirles X ; the l(.s'. !o';cn of his pa rental luce." As the King's troops oncounicred the barricades wiih which the streets were evorywherc inipedud, ihe citizéiis, from the yards añil ihi chambersand roofs of the houses. and dom every protecting poiut, poured in upuij them the most destructivo firo. As these vcteran soldier, murcd to all the horrors of war, longhi their way along tho narrow sttects, in compact tnasses, they were criii.lied by loga o! woed nnd heavy anieles of furniiuro, nnd paving stoncs, tiirown b' thousnnd uiÍBeetj bands, Trom the windows of the houses. and rninet] down from roofs likc hnil opon ihefr heads. For three daysthis terr.ble conflict continucd with unabated fury. The strecis of Paris fiowed red with blood. The quick rattling fiool rogimens of infaniry,the ihundoring explosión of cannons nnd rnortars: ihe sh uis of the com lnants and the cries ol' the dyi g rcsoundmjr through the til faied mpirojiolis. New tro0pa were cuntinually sent in hy the King to lake the place of the wonn led and the dcad; more than onc thousnnd of tlie Iloyal GuarJ ha ving been killed the lirst three dnys. J5ut all the süIimiIis were coniinu.illy pooring in their cotiutlcss tftnltituiit's of' enraged cxj.uniry.mcn, (o swcl! tho mnsses of t!ie King's cnoniics, swarmiiig in :hc strei'is. The King soon tlioroughly alarmnl. - dffeated troops. driyen jn froni all poinVs.tti iheir head quariers nt ijie (í.irden of the Tnillerics a:id-the PaI.VS Iloyal, fio.-n ibc nssnlanls Lecariie the nss'iilcd. Charles', iorrífied ai tho rejieilcssncss of the f 1 1 : v wHitii hè had Wfeitèj, re willed ihq irXêcnrbte ordin-mce and dismiísed ihe obnoxious minitstors. Cut it wis too late fgi compromise. Tho victorious poojili' rushed liki in uumdation inlo the Louvrc nnd the TuHIepc#, nnd the eihanStdd troops wcro swct beloic ilium like tho rubbish n the flóóil. W'ln.'o tho conflict wns raging in Paiis. bo:woen the trrop? of Ch irli1 X. and the msurgein ;oople, il is sntcl thnt tho kina. wiih liis son, ítood upon ihe towers ofhis'palnce at St. Cloud. iböut 6x mili's from the ei y. with hts spy glM n his hand, an.xlously xvntching tho national i lag, thcemlilum of tho Iioiitbin junver, ns i floated trom tho baulomonts of tho Tiiillerii'-. - Suildenly he saw t fnll, and ihe tfi-eolortd i! n; of viutorious rsbbllion rose and was unfurled triimphantly in itsstead. Il re vea led to htm at a glanee that all wac loët-tliai lili honor and lis crown luid fallen forever. The next moment he euw the dust raibed by liis rc'.reating troops,ing Trom tlW city. Charles mJ lus iuimly, ac comp.iniud uy ustiril! rcimue. Rei, in ilie uimosi consteni.ition," to HainUutiiét, aboul ihiny unies from ihe revolted cnpitaj. And now ilie cry ic-aónnrf thróugh the atrVotM of París- -'lo Il;iti:l)iiillel !" (o Iliiinbuillell" Scarcely had Charles nrriveiJ, with lii fugitive househuld. al his hurílíng Beat, tc ihe alarm couliers rushvJ fróni their pnniingj joaming teodt. uno tlie prest-nco óf the roynl fimily, to tull h n with frtf fijt, Umi iill Paiis was on ihc mdrcli in attack theut. Men, women und di:ldren. oii li)ix'ack, in h.icks nnd uiiiiiibusct?, and cari, und n fooi, a moiley' '.hrorig ol uucountcd ihoü s unís, vvere du iíio wny fo'pn'y ilicir fallen imni ijrch a rnost unwolcomc yísíu Il wjs a viviil rcvivnl of t!ie scenos of icrror in ihc oíd Preuch rov.!uton. Chirles had not forgoticn tlieawlul diy in wliicli his brui lier Louis was iprn from liis thrunc and liis polacc. nnd drn-jged in a cari lo a niosi ignominious deaili. 'I'lie sun al re.uly gone down., ami cíarkrresa ovcraliadoNvcd the land. Il was indocd a nijjlit of terrur and of-teire, whfn Charles and ilic ruval íamily. in niidni:hi gltiom, procipitateíy enterad thüircarriacé8, surrounded liy a fcw fuilliful arJhorenls. and fled froni tlieir foea. As ihe infurtateJ üliouts tí :!iü ppproachiag inuliitudo ewcllcd u;)iii ihe nighl uir, rníngled vrúh tlio crackling fite of mus kerj-y ainl t he distonl lluindert oí jioayy ariüiei y. ilie Bourbons coirtinenced ilieir ruelanchojy j-mrney. froni regal nanificcicc lo ignpininy and exile. WIum) the noxt morning'j buii roc bove ihe Inlls t Fronce, tliis funcrnl nr jeession ( ilt-pnried power wj.-. gean winding its inournful way lliruugli tW cüstant prüvinccs thi enijiirc, to fnid in foreiga Inndan rcfitgc nnd u grave. TÍie alarni-bells pf th rwtion lollwl the I nell of tlrpnríedroyuhy. whi'.c every now nml tferi c.t;ik' penling ihrougli iheair iliedci-p and .lisiant tliundera of the iiirtirrectipn tun. The tri-colurt-d llago! iriuinpliniit reyoU; flo.iiing from overy ensile and sirouniiiiii fron uvery turet, proclninieJ ili:u ilio 1' iu:l')iis liad oiiii down iutu a grave lrim whcnCe Uioro was no resurrcciion. Cliuil a and his son aml lua grandsoa, Urt-t; geucrniions : oí lungs, wiih tho íeiufalvsol lli royul lainily, wilneased ihesé sightB, and he.nd these sounds, wuli ciioiions w-hich no Ijnyuaac cni describe. Tbey daikened ihe wimiows ( cairiages. ilint ihcy inight conceal ["rom tlic pop uiar giize iheír coun:e;iances, wan an;l wuetÈd wiih slccjilesínesá and lerrorand despajr. Ap prchenaive every hour oí' anest. and con 8ganient to the diiñgeon or tho cuillotine, they hurdly venlu;ed lo ulight for relicslinicnt or repose, in their funeral fliglit from the friendo nnJ the honors of the Tuilleries, Versailles and St. Cloud. to t lio tomboí igrioininy and of exile. A )".w huniJred of the defeated body-guard of ihe ki.ig followed m ihe truin of ihe royal carringes, silení nnd dejecied, the pall bearers of the Bourbon hearse, Dt-eply ds we must condemn ihe conditct of ihis fallen monarch, who can refrein fromsiusdding a toar of sympathy over the ruined fortunes oí hinisüf ;ind his race. We forget hid political crinie ín the nranhudi of the ruin with which u overwhelmed him. ven ihe generous peo!e lio. ii he had so deeply DJureüj v:hen they witness'.'d his mier and hopdlésis dise.nitfi'ure, ninnifested no disposiiion by arrest, or insult, or roproaches, to add to tlie bittemess of his anguieh. They nllowed him to depart urínioleaind. When this uiL'lanclioly [rain of Weéping fugiu'ves arrived at the ocean tlioro. they vt-re rect-ived into iu American ships, which happencd to !e ihere, aud were coneycd to Englanrf, there to lingerout tho remnant of iheir d:d in inglorious ond hopo !isí banislimem. (Cünclu de I níx'. iceeh . )