Classified Ad
michÃgw land and tax agency. II. D. POST, Mm-on, Ingtam County, Michigan. WILI nilrn.l I01I19 pnymcnt of Taxes, er oininariou ol Tules, purchase and ale of Land, &c. &01 : 1 Anv hinit?? cnir-itci t.rhini wil! be transnpu ed wilh p'ramnines8 und acuuriicy - Address by muil. J, "1 rrs. (Jiij permistión ) C. ll.'irlfjur. DttiSlf, 3 C. Flennt, riftther & Co. ) â. WiJ.fcrA Snow, } .TroWoodbüry. &. Co. } ' â , R G. V,].inis. $ A' YjTkW7 ii o I cÃà c G roe eries . TUI: SUiisGlUBBR offere 10 CnmtryMcrL ifiintti Ule following sol.jcieH siock, on tho. â 111x1 iiivuriibfo tcrius, aiiJ ai the OjicjsI murtct ri m â IQfl chrsta teaa - .ssorted p.ick.igeá, 4H liltdsi subáis, IBfl !)il's oiiflr. liluls nolussejij v'i' b iga pi'ppur, 15 cl.) ppicp, p ((t lioxps igbucccs 15!) du niisins. â ' dü I.jüI sny ii, 1 no Jo pipes. I '20 du hnr sonp, j W) do lierrmj;, 3-" bune'.á sperm mij i'5 mncken-r 50 quintnia éoi'fijh, tiercea nee. 4(1 k;i;s "'"uur, {ó b,ib iiuis - ;is3orird. - -- ALSO- 300 li.irrcis iyé woud, S.'cajéi indigo. 2 turrólo cantpbor. â . Il' l'iirrilsofisom s;i(s, VO d.. Nit,il.lrr. :' krf. whïït J M-l. Jd barrels linseèJ oil, ló do piriis 'jiiponürifK TH EO'. IÃ. KATON, WholesriFe DrtigKWi ond Groccr. Swrea. ISJanJ l'JQ JcUeraon Avenue. Mny 25, 181b. 267 V Dïotntioii. 'Tii IK Pttrinership hiidur ilie nnme nd fi m 0 G. 1). llütSt Co. l.nvÃnÃ:(!iSÃI,ived l,y jm-, 'HMti. i, prrious itidc!ud to the concern ly i"io or necnunt, nre no:ifl ?Sai 'Ãnl rsey cali â lid i.iy nr =oiite ihe wn witli G. D. HU! proiuiua i !â -. l.,il! f:,v .il June nrxt. :,, y wil) find, hé sii.i u'.ks iid acenunts in ilie linnd? of j'dmicc of tlie Pence foi coUertion. G. D. I111.L Co. Ann Arinr. M),v ] ji.j(i. 'Gl:f SlWL. i)lt;ü stuif. of -âu" Kiâc; UncTl' Vlf. Cr;,v..U. Tul.!..., , &c. &c. At thft VIa.vhat an Si-Rit, Detroit. _ â . W. A. RAÃMOND. Dec 2.'). 1 " U_fi,.i Aif 'Kejia f Kisierr Nuils, j?st received ,)" and t%.r Füln by WILLIAM R. NOVES, Jr. 70, Wondward Avenue, Detioit. Ãec. (ff. 1344. MS
Michigan Land & Tax Agency
Woodbury Avery & Co.
J. C. Heartt Brother & Co.
Wholesale Groceries
G. D. Hill & Co
Wilder & SNow
Old News
Signal of Liberty
C. Harlbut
R. G. Williams
Theodore H. Eaton
G. D. Hill
W. A. Raymond
William R. Noyes
180 Jefferson Avenue
190 Jefferson Avenue
76 Woodward Avenue Detroit