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Medical iVolicc. llw-anv-.i.i,, n.ipnn .;.;aiiii tauithtm in.ioMI"' ' ; ', [hl. ,u. „, i(„ mee ' , f m(. lu,II(, . .,„,! hnv Sfeeïionsof inclinó." hea.1, ccru. rtiiiiim-l. &c. &c. have no# th.-ir ce.i . 1 il-nwy, nnnfat, piralysi. nfturajtfw, broiichil.s :, I !uig -: ' cht.)e;il bïack mejrsles, nr.tllgmnt src thruit. erysrpelai or bláck t-n?mj cmup. nfl.immf.iona iit I brabi, Biomaoii. feiwols. & o. nrajinly n few of tha minv lis, ilul have been siripi "i M;.! lerrors by (he ti.nely application ol homooopatliu inedicKménis. . VVith int fürthor os-iy, the nnirweneil wowli Icivoh t.i the .i'il t--ilv s-'v. on trial ai ih cdio.3, wheihst lló:iiowpatjby is wl.ut ;t .i . bg or nM. He xt.viW ñU y tne li i he hna ja' n frokÑew V.rk nn.l l''.-!!.i:. w..!, n rom pteteS3rt.nenroiMKt)ICAMeiN i , jn: in prc-i Gcbni léApÏG, t 0J4iw. lic wi! Mieod 10 C1U. anj rumish hcw bo.!ïs, v"v: :. ;it the LiWisst prlwè Prom cr anti exclusive ntffTjUon lm i-"v na Ui the sturi] nnl pweiice eí HomcB-ipautf t heflUie tp e v. aaosfacijöii d the w' ' liinv fi:vor hl"" wtt] their patrume. C.virnnnic hí.hi. p st pjid froni pv.iu:i:s at ;i distance, ivrll reecive prti]i ottenubfi; Til is: wjh i üiv. ws!i in pi ice l.hcmc átiihis ircit.aor.t f.r hiv Qr,mc i obtoin lotling.eit!ter at his luue. o: ui Dthe ülacès, at low priees. ' TJIOS. BLACKWO-O0. M D. lloiUCC in-iljiist. Ypsihníi, 20A I - - 2 ''- ' ' WardtYclI & Bixoca, IMPORTCltS AND WFÍOLÜS'ALE DEALrus in II A R l ) Vv a R E AND C U T L E RY. ÜJNo 4. CctTnr sirrftt; 9 ! . ira abv i - Hew York. J. M. W.ii:r,vai. P. O W. fe D are rieivin a fúfi pnd génoral as ï-ïrimènt pf 'Cnglrali '! AiAoricin liaidwiri tonSistmg n part of Tahle nnd Piickei Cu?lwy. Uatchers' Rnz-jTs, Files. Clitsols, PJnni lriw om Sawa; Anierioii ButUaofl Screvs. A nies' Sho veis Vni Boiflesl Wtn. R-iwInüifs Mïll nml XÖiit'SnwV, 'Háfns'. BUu!='. OennV-and Tylor's Scythifs- schich nro oiü-re-J an tbe "k-'ï favorable teems for, osi; r tx luomh's credit. New York, V.oii. I-S-:G í2'y-(m 'jfo Wooi Ctrowcrs. WE bcg Veavo io ïnTörtn oVtr W '! Gfowin Vifnd5, tliat wc thi'.l bo prepared lor tl; puichase üf 100,000 Ibs. of a gcod clean mérclioritnbfé nriicle. :is son jie the íeason fó se!ü:ig c-JtiiniiMices, ns we ar connccied whli Eastern woul rs. we sha be al)le t pay iho Ifiighest p'rico ihe Ensterp mar ket will afford. Grcii comphiht was ni ulo la ceason omongsi tbé Ehstern Dealsrg nnd Manu facturera, in rcfcrcnce 10 ilc pubr condüioii o Michigan WoüI - mie!) of t being in !a] unie and a cóusiderable portiun bjing uincu.h d. Wo would here take occisión o request iha the utmost p.iius sliould le taken l have ilu ehecp we'.l wasbed bofure shcarinz. iliat the Tá Locks be cm oiï. and each Fleece he icd up with proper wool twine, (coat IS; io"25c:sper Ib.) hemp twine is the htsi: it wil 6e fuund greatly to tbi ndvnntngêof Wool Grow ersto put up their wool in ihis rnanner, l'n washed wool iá hot merctiantublc, r.nd will br rejected Uy mos: i! notall of the Wool buyers. i J. HOLMES Ïe Co. Liremb Diock Detroi., Ma'rch-26. I?4G. 207-tf CLOTH! ÜLOTH! THE undersigncd wjald inTorm the publi that ihey continué lo nnnttfnciure FULLED CLOTH AND FLANNELS, at their manu faciory, tw end a htalfiniléa wcs of Ann Arbor, on ihc Huron Rivcr, near l'ie Railroad. TRR.MS. The price of mánuiacturing White Fiannrl wil be 21) cents, Fuüed Cloth 57A centa and Cassi mere 44 conts per yard. or iialf the cluth iln Wool will make. We wil! also exchange Clotl for Wool on reasonable tem .: Tne culors will bc sray, blaek or lirowtl,. The Wool belongin? to cach individual will b worked by itsclt wheti ihcrc is enough I n quality to makc H) yard of cloth; wht-n ihu i not ihe case. stiveral parjels of die samo q'nnITi will bc workcil togulher, nnd ihe cloifa divi Ie asuong the Beveral owners. Wool set t by liii road, marked S. W. Foster èc Co.. Ann Aibor with direclions, will be attemle 1 to in the s.v.:i manneras if the osvner wcre lp come with it.- The Wool will be manulaoturod in turn ns comes in, ns near as m iy bc consista. t with tl) different qu.,1 lies of Wool. Webave bacn engnged in this business sevc jyears, and ironi .the veiy general sitisfnctii we have gi'en to nur nurncrous cüstóincrs fi the last two years, we are in-inced to aak large share of patronage with confiiience thñt w eha'lluieut the j-jst cxpociatiuns ol customom. Letters should be ad ire,scd 10 S. W. Fos'c & Co., öcio. S. W. FOS'J'ER CO. Scio, April 6. ïa-IG. ÜGH-Iy "Sieaiia Fozmdry" THE unJürstític-'l havírig lioulit the entir interest of H. & t. Pdrtridge ;nd G ■. I Kent in the 'Öteam Fuundry." Ann Ariior will nianulacturc all kin Is of Castinus to order aud willbe happy t iu'iiili any lind ofCusting to the old customers ol Marris. I'artridije &. Co. Ut & R. P.irmdgn. i& Co., and Partridge? Ken & Co., and tj all othcr3 who hlay favor then Mitli a cali. H. B. MARRIS. 6 I!. '1'. WILLI MS. Ann Arbor, Dec. 20, 184G. 211-tf cpvxrióit diü rs. rriíIÍJ highestprice paid in caiily d F. Lew JL i'-1, Exchange Bnker, oppositc ihc Jusurnnce JJmk, Detroit, for orders' on nny of llu fountios in the State Ol IVfïcii fan; aLsoforS n tcuritics of all kièdsutid u.'icurieut funda Culi atidscc. Duc 1, 1345. Cl!-if C LOVER MACHÍNES. rflHRASHlNG MACHÍN KS nn.l S3epern( .r JL'madü and s.)li y ilié'suttBCrihèrtf.'il ilü'ir Mnchinc Shop, noar the Paper Mili, Lower Tuwiij Ann Arbor, KNAPP cV II VILA.D. Jan. 19, 1S4G. 17 if To SportsiBicii. AGKNrJftALnsjrtment of Casiecl aud I dn Barrel Rilïes, doublé md bíii1o barro! Shot Guna, l'istole, Gun liocks, Gaine Bug. Bhot I'ouches. P. wder Flasks. forsnle by W.M. It. NOYES, E48-ly 70, Woodward Avenue, Detroit TEMPERANCE HOUSE. PB. RH'LF.Y would s.iy to liis frionda nnl the triends of Tempen nee, tbat lie bas taken the Tcmperanco House, lately kcp by AV'm. G. Whe.Vlon. wlicre he would be piad lo wait upon th'.-m. Hny and Oats and Stabbling to accommödnté teatug. Detroit, Janunry I. IÖ16 2Tf ! printe I aud fji' sulc o' tiiis of}it iii-onj l'iiiüiiy. Maich'Jl, lölG.■ ■ --' ■Y E LD RED ;lül SÜ 8" ; . ,; : LEATBEK! LEATHERt'.LEATHER! ■ T:„nPJ-:i) & DO., N". 123. IeÖbrso Avcríoc, !il':ilrcn's lllock," Detroit, tnko j B-i tliis oppoituniiy lö inform their c-Listo:ners, and ihe pubüc go.Deraüy, liinl thoy Mil! continue to kecj) Oñ líft'Od á UiH aorlniout of S[anisli Soie Ltnilicr, Alo, i.-..-- ;:n. ' ■!. fun-ic;' Tools, &.c. Sbniiii r, 11. ,-■ ru'tü C6:tar LVailiér', lfc:i:uick tsnned Uppor Le.'i!:cr. Cb:duvn Om!; ' " t; ins, Í' 1 nctfujjincil Cilf ins. ilo O;u; :iiiti Ufinloclí w.ñnéd'do ( B:aüng, K.-inKck iimi'iod Uaniüssund 13 1 i cl I o Lcnihcr, Dwr ;iii1 Lq ui) c[o :ik ♦ -; Whhó and Cólored tlnings', Bagnnd To"p Xeniher, Prinlod (Í.) SI i .;■■:. I liil i ■! '■ -i i' ;ir!'.i Oliio; Shoe TrimRussèt do Uii ._''■ !ií.i I of :i'l viidü. Astlie Subscribefs nrc npw mnnu'facfUrirt'g thcïr own Lcathcr, they aro pro pared to soll as low as can he purchaséd in tliis market. Merchante nnii roanufactorers vi!l ihul il to their advantage lo cali and examino ', dut stock leSnrQ br6tVnsing elsewhere. ! (Fr Cash and uedÜièj exchanèed för Ilidcs and Skins. ELDRED & CO. Detroit, Jan. 1S16. 248-lyTfcirty Thoizssnd Persons ANÑlíALLY lall victims 10 ConèumfH'.uii in Ihe Unüed Sia:i?3. . Tii-ï cuise of" ïlic ovil is generally overlooketl. A t-liort dry co ,gh. or ncglected cold, is the precursor. These art .lix-med unimyort.mi. Puin in the 6tdc. hecljc lever, and ninh' sweats lollovv. and deata eud ihe secac. Woull mu lind .1 iu.m :iY for "ii vn. ? Hcre it is. The ej;pericnce of more than SO ycars in priyate practico proved iïs eflicacy, pnd !!cc its nïrodüciïön to public notioe. nhhough itlusncw been tifii-rcii l.ui o few months, its si'.e hos !ccn unprcccdenteii. and iis success be vond qiit'Stiúii. gtcat - so ir.uch so, it is declared to be die graitest renu-dy in ihe world. AST1IMA, ;oo. that foarful and dis!ro?sing mnlady, which rendéis liíc burther.90.mfi tfiiríñg is eun,tltiuni a . issiibdued wiihciui diiTkuUy by ihis great remedy, ind the süfiercr s tiriUcd iy ns use ío ulitaiti ijtiiet ic:utc ; thc sliórtness' of breath i overeóme, the ooti"h is hllhyed, ;md Iicalth ond vigor r.ike thc place uf dcEpóndehcy and suflering. Di. Folger's OLOSAO2ÍJAN, jr. Ai.l IIkam: g Bai.sam, ís t!ie remedy whicli h.ns been so ennne'n'tTjy sufeccEsTól ín nltovmtirig and curiní tlíc above cbmplajntg ; and it hns been uscil by thc iirst physicians in ihe c'nv. who declare it t) be unrivalleil, innsroucli as t duesnot distuib tlic Uowélá in the least by prodüci'ng c-nslivencss. wfliile aij olhcr romedics reeoüuncuded for thc aboye dise;:3ü invniiably sliui vtp tl' I u!s. iTius rond.riiiíí'it ncccssjry lo rosort 10 purgativo inedk'ine. lléad tlie follirwing cases, which havebeenrelieved :;nd c'ureti wüliin' m féw weeka : DAVID HENERSOfí. (U) Lnight Btrèèt, look o-sevre coH on ihi 4h-clay ül Jul; was biought vry by a disircésing cough which rcsnlted ín ft-íquetít nttRck'a o( !■'■ frutn t!e Aithoagh he iried-every thin in tlic tliipc h "I!!"! vet lie was iot béítffiited. aod Oo'objr ñas b-) :i.m:h rcchircd by k.iíllV E ijiat dcipnircd of íilo. Ont biittlú o) Pülgcr' Olosamnn restijred lnin ro hünitli' GÉORGE V. I3TRX ::'"]'. oí Nwark, N J.. has fuflereJ ufltter tlifi effíctrof'ffst-vere-eóli Kr more t!).-ii a ;. ir. He wné reducad ti üu bríhk of the grae aliiHisú by htscoush ind nih swents. I'.e comiiWncèd raisillg blood ín 1k nioriih of Cctobtr Añ. He commèrfned qsïiv tlie Olosnonian. nriá hy tl e muidle of Noycth'je he was so ! ir resorod.baíe left for Piitsburgl witK overy prospect of recovcrin his henlih. Mrá. BELti, the muco! íloberf P. Helf.o Morrisio-.vii, i. J., was drondfully nSictéd wiii sihma (or inóny yeirs. licr pliysiciunt lia. {cs))3Írcd oT Felieyitig Iscr. One b.iiiic oí i.;i Olésnónian so fir res! o red her thai slie was abl to gol oui ol her led and dres-j hcrself. vhicl shc had not dótío be foro in nonlhs, andsbcii now 11 n Int r w;iv to bo rolfevéd. Mr. F. LÁBAN. 51 l'üie stroef, wtis so bar .viih oítlima ihat ficjiad not elop ñt his bed foi ter. weeks, w hen lic cfiinncnced (hc on -f ihi: rétfl rèmedf. One bottle cured hiin. and u iris nol h :1 o remrn ol his compláiíit now inon tjion i: v iMiiihs. iVirs. McGAiSw,--20 AValkcr s reet, was nlaf: ;iirctl ol" severo nsïhina hy ihe Olosaoiian, int ïia'ed th:u s!ie liever Icnew medicine givc sucIj imniediatc and pcrinaneiH relief. GEORÖE W'. IÍAYS, o! ihis L-iiy. vvasgiveii up by his pjiy..i;i a incurable. 1 fis dieeast consupm.tion a:id when hc cornineK'cd using ihe OI(M : ■ :-r ÈOU'Id nul widk iviliioui liöing :issit d by a frien'd. íly strict aiimiiiin 1:0 yea bo iar n-1 rwi íií a Jeu- ns tii Ie ble iu pursuo lirt Bus 111 -; J. J..P.iiÊ( l!.. II Teiii'h Btrct C.S tleneon, 21'.) Blceckr ireei ; jatnea Davis. 58 Grcisrie itreet : noij Mrs. Merí, í).Wrini-sirect j Iwye i)l eipcrioncd ilie ,'joi! eüecib of ihe Oli'saoninn in otiugfi of long mnudiiig a id iiffjciípisa i ihe lunuCj and pronöri'nce h. vvich ott uécWid. fd Ke lic nM'is: remedy. ftiid ilic unsl pecdy nfid Uñí, lliol llic-y have . vor known. R.-ndri. ui c yoii tufKiiibg fttüti t!: nbbve diaase.' 'l'iy tliis temëay. Vm ui;! ni{, pormps. regfci it. Ji !'■!' arrosi all iliosod,!8iii'ri'ebíe syrnpwmn which siriJcfl such terror [ liie iiiml, ond prolonc yoút dayá, For s'ileat lut! Nnaa iu at, on: dor ub ve Ano, in! ai Rlra II -iys. Híí) Fulion el;, Boúklyn Agunía (VVr Aun rVrlior, V,'. S. A. J. W. Mnyrrrdí E Smiipson. Vpxilnnii: I). C'. Vhf.vo... )exier; Pickfofd & Craijr. Saline: Smiih i&Ty.l. Clinton : II. Bowor. M niclns'.r; 1. Fnrlick í'Có?, Plyíiiouih; O. Grcgory and A. Gran', Voriliviüe. '2 I l-6'ino IIÍATMKRS nnd PAPER IIANGINOR fíinv bo l'otind ni a!l times QJ the Mnimi Stork. Doihit. V. A. UAYMONI). )on. -. Mil. 244- fim D'SSKCTKO MAI'S .-Au instrac.tívé nnd aTÜrusing nrtir'e íói n, nnntf. l"i .- ■ 1 1 1(i PÉÍIRY'S BÖOKS'i'ORE Dcc. 2J. LÍLtiJ. MOLM CS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RËTAIL DEALEUS IN STAl'Lt: AKD FAiCCY DRY GOODS, j&ry Gt'occyics, Etypeieng-, ind peper Ilaugiitgs, Yo. G3 Wuodward Avenue, jLamecVs Block, Detroit. j li .v.i.. A' ir York'. } 5 U. Hul. Ml.. Drtlu'll. j "ï STE (che this nirihm! o) ir.fu: n itíg om friendi V V :int! eiusioincis ihri'Ugliuiit the Slüie, ihai . we are still parsuing thé even tei.or of our u..js. ërdcrivoring 10 do uur bueincss ifpoh , nul lumorulilc principias, We wouid alaótenj Jer our acknowledjgniente for the pnironpe c. j tended to us ly our enstórhers, ntul would btg " lenve 10 cal] dit' alicntion oftlic public lo n vciy wcll teiceted nssorunent ot siusonablu Goeds, r whidi are ofJVred at wholesale or letnil ot very 1 lu ff. priecs. Otir laciliiies foi pt'iclinsing Gooils c . are unsurpasscd by any concern in c State - j One ui the lirn. .Mr. J. Holmes resides in the ci:y of New York, and froni bis lony experience ■ in ilie Jobliing irado in Ihni ciiy. and froin hics ■ iliorougli knowlcdpfi of tlic inniket. lic is ennJ bied tu nvüil himsclf of the cnciions cnJ onj i ■decline in prices. 'e also purchnse f.-oni tlic s [iii])orters. Mruiufarturer's Aents. niul ironi tluriuciionw, by il:c .akügo, ihe srui'c ;L N. Y. ■ l.jlil.cis pqrchSpe. ilius avlng tl:iir jirolits. - With tiictc faciüiios we cr.n snfciy íiy'tKnt our Goads are soid.cHKAP for the evirlence of whicf) t we invito tl; aitention of the iublic toon: stock. Wc ln;M to the gieat eardinai principie) of t'.i greatest gool to Lhc vh:l. nuwber." so il you ii wantto buy Goods nftcap. nnd buya largo qii'añ. t'tii for. a Hule móv'ey givo us a triiil. Our stöci ■ e.vuisivc ns nny in tlic city. and we nrc ■.- cons!nnt!y iccciviüg itew and ficbh GoodáJrüni New York. 5O,0#0 5fo. Wool. i Waüii '■!.. il.c ;:i óve q'unn.lity oligood nierclinntí :i!)!o Wó'at !or which t!ie bighcsi tnnrkct pficè i vvill bc paid. - j J. HOLMES & CO. l Detro.t, Mny 2Q, 14(1. -2.1-tl Canter ojf Juffer sou Accftue uud Bqtcs strxe'. 1 cl Oit. Buru ütnl viSii llic Mnnbaitíiíi Store ;iro tnoking purcboBBii. The .;; !s wlifclj yuu v.ill liml ïlu.w: are cscell(i ut ui quatuy and ,j i reneonnlijc in priup. X''c have j Got! IJciivy ÍSliLeiiüs, Álajncfl9, 5 Drill . MériuSw, r Tickings, Muslin Dcbines, X I ,in...} s. (' '■ '■■■■■■■ ■ ': and vvaito Flaniiels, C'ulicos, ■ . I.-.(,u i!s. .;egc, !'„:■, G j Vea Jí.'.-iery, ij Broa Icluilr?. üiins, , Shawls, llibbun?, Liner. Cainbric Udkis. Laces, [, &ë.-&ó. c {0 SattingJ Cotion Ytnii. WicLim, White Car!-„ pel Wiirp. Coiored do. uo.. ri';i;!un. fl Dlfaclicd of nll qunliiisl Fine unblcnoh 'i' ed Cmton.e. lüirred Wjiélins, te. A-c. Also, FKATHEKS ai.d' l'Al'KR IIA.XGij l.Nf.rS. Horileiing, Window paper, Fire board papéis. Trnvqlíog Baskets. ]■;. ra'te TKA -,uul COFFER, &c. &c. ■g And'o:lier anieles iuo numeroas to men i Ton. .hts c-'innoi fail óf findirïg the IVIanhattnn ,l St iré a !oHÍrab!e place tu do their trading. No pnins wil! be pnred in wjtilipg cu cuí-toineis iintf ■ilJ nro iuvited to all hnd examine our goods bej foro níoking ilicir pinchases. Vhile c are n ■ciiií'iicni that f.ll who examine our stock will buy, yci we wíl! iake no oflence, il' a showni" our gpod. jicoplu chonse lo irpde elsewhereW. A. RÁYMOJS'D, ]). roit. Dcc. 25. 18-Í5 244- fim d "I846T J W II O L E S A L È & R E T A 1 L. . A. M: F ABREN, ; BOÖKSELLEB Ar4D ST ATIOMER, i .S.MART'S ULüCK, y 167 j k r y K R s Q W a y l u B-, DR'troi r. v' i T7"ÍOF.rS (Diistaiüly for Süle'fl com lele as-sorti JJ3l. moni of .VI,:;. t iiaiii'oii.?. Schooi and OJassi' r.i! IJooks, Letter ond Cop l'apcr. ploiq and ruj 1 el, Qn(f{éj !■■' Öe'aling Wax, Cuttery. Wrappíng l'oper, Prinlíng Papfr, of all and !í) ili, .% M'Band f 'a 1 1 mi -!( r lnk. of varions kinds. ' IUiAiSK !; J')i:s. !ul nnd half bo'ind. of'ev■ ■ '. .i ríe t y ni KuIiiil'. Meinornndum Booke, fcc. '10 NJorchOnl! Teíeíictí, and oihers, boyíng ín qianüres, n hu; discouui made. Sabbaih School and Biblc Society Dcpositor. '247-tf WIIOIOV'EÍI wishta to hiiy iheir goods lo gpod o'dynniñge; musí nol ihink ol ínnkíng ilieir purchnecfl íill ilioy hnys Jookec' over the ubú'úi and jiiu(B at tKn ÍNJanhativn Stokk, O.-roit. W. A. K VYMON1). I)..-. 25. 1845. 244- fim wii;r;i AM ; k, jíuy ípsf. k, DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DCMESTIC Hardware and Cutlery, iViüs. Gl.iss. Carpent'eFf, Cooper 8 ajid JJIackiniíli'fs Tools AIho. Mnnufneinreí ofCopper. Tín Ware. No. 7ü, JVoodward Avcni'e, PeidÍ l. Si-Ir?- I y WILL1AM R. NÓVBS, Jr. 7 1. VVüodward Avcuuc, Dctpii Dec. lis, 1844. 212Oi HAND AGAIN! f&$-& rpME Subscriher Ims jüsi 0 "% S - IC( (nul is con y % "2wí,V siüiiily recciyiiïgj j'roni p ■" New foikon èlcgnritat d ff uMá& w-" Bttlcctod assortinom i Jcwclry, Clocks, Watchcs, Are iVc. wluch he iiiionds tóie'll us(iaas at nhy t -sinMisiüiieiit ihis sido i Bufiulu lor rcaüij i dij anmng which may be foiïnd thoollow 1 .■■ .1 t f G.ild Finger Rings, (luid Brons' pins. i inrd Clinins and Keys. Silvur SpmmsJ G ui SiUer Tea nul TnbleSpóbns (firsl ('iali:y.) Silver and Germán do Sugiir Toi;6. S '■,' Siil'..Muini(i and Crcarti BpootiK. Ji'iiicT Knivití. Silver Pencil Cases, Silver ond Comuion Thinibles. Si! ver 'pi (üclcs. Gerinnn .nul Slecl do. Giiulc?, Clothos. 1 l.iir and Tntli Binsbes. .■i liet 'iiiriiii's. Raz irs nnd rockei Knivcs, Fine Plu-ars nnftScissïut, fcñiyrt n'M Fó'rks. Briitannia '!'.■ Potsqnd Ciisiors.'jFïne jlitcd d Brttiiinin anJ Brasa Condlesucks, ShnVlnfi ImxcsrinU Soips, ! (rh :p-"!t"''J BcSt Ï5;r..)! Slr; . Colfft.hd 7!orocc Silk and Collón i'Ursés, Violíns nn BifWB, Vi.ilin and Híihs Vi" Siritics, Flute? Filts. Clarionis. Acfordrans Jiuiio Stn1 : l'i'iis umi Twei-zcrs, ïèn Afliges. Sn'ufTfíi t vi.ry Dressing Conibsj Side ant . ,i ! pOCjlt I (,'i)llil.--r NcRtlIccflséae Slclc'.tocAV íttíí L'aiinf, Toy Wnicfites; n grenj vaincty (. D.r's. in short the greatasj v;irieiy of loys evr brüiiglit to iliis niiii'.uM, Füiic-y wenk b;.t's. c!ii' dren'a íóñ seiis. CTrne M.'iir Oilí. Pmellin Siirs. Cmiri PJnsierj Ten l!(!ls. 'l'lii'rnionicicrs fie ;!.::!) Pipos, Cblliitèn'ö Work Biskcts. Slntr nnd P.iiciU. W,,,(! Pemiüs. BRAÍ5S ANM WOO1) CLOCKS. c ii fact nüit c-vtM ibipg iq ulensp ihj9 fancy. Lndics and GciiiIl iiit-ii. ft1] nriH c.xnniinc for yourselvcs. Cipcks. '::t■.s ;niii .Icwclry repniréd aiu vviirrnijtcd on short noticr. Shop ai bis oK tand"; oppösrVe IJ. Beckér? bi-ick Ptoro. CALVIN I1LISS. N; n - Casl paid fot oíd Gold & Silver. Anti A.hnr. KoV. 6ih. 18451 2:17-1 SeJcci ScIiooB. MÍPS J. B, SmithÜ BwiSi'cd by ]üfs S !'i; r.-', niinouncea 10 ilio ])iiblic tljat f-lie i rtrepared to h ccivc yuun:: latücs into In r se!:.), in iiuh .Simmt :oot:i i ihe EpiaVopal (.'ImiioIi. . .. Tíyui - I'"''i ■ qiruter of I "J '.vcoi.s. fqr Euglis braiiclles froni s'-'.'i ■■"; l'nricli and Lntin enc .■$:xtr;i if'i.u liter witli fhe IChaiii :uüês:, or seprwatch', :" bcIiüi 'W'Pl be rurnished wnh a Philösóphica! ñpjnrn rus: i.ii'i oc("iLio:i,l Iccrurc'a giVen on tbc IsTn uriil Scici c a. JYTis. HuchsCwiil zlv'ó psf'-rijctinti io alt WTi !i;irc it, in Miibic. Drawing. Pniiiiing and :cc . dii vyork. Miss Smiili relers ló the (öllowinggciïllenioi Pioffs-irs Witíifinie. Ten F-rortk, nnd Wbeo 'loaj-f ;lie Uifivt'fsiu : li.iv. . S Cm tis. lte ivir Siniorio, Rc'vi C. (-. 'J';iyur. Iíoü. E. Mui dy, W tu. ÍS. M.tvnnr.! Iq, 1 Ann ArbftT, April 'JJ. jtijQ. fL2l'JL CXN'T BE BEAT 'f' TI] K subscribers would nforni tho Public, tha t hey continue to supply ihc Slatc ui filiclii '1. B, WALKER'S PATENT . Jfl U T mJTI JLC1ÏÏ1 VE . T!;c laro numócis ol these Machines tliat hav been 80 ld, and the stcadily increasing deniand fo thcin. s the best evidence of (Iicir real valué and of their esiimntion with those who have be cmiie familiar with their merim. VValkkr's Smut Machine is superior to otber in (hsTallowing partieulais: 1. A.s it conibine6 the Btalivg, S.:ouring. aiu Jltoiring: Principies, it eleans the sinnuiesi jrairi in the best ïiianner. retoining all the l'ric lion af tho wheat, ond discharging thestuutant dustns fast as tcpnrnied i'rom the wheat. 2. It is shn-jilc in conslrtictiuv, and is t'.icre forti less Hable to breóme dcraitgid.and costsles lor repairs. 3. ]t runs very Hglti, and is pciTeciIy sceur (rom ftre. 4. h isas durable as any olhcr Machine i use. 5. It cosis considerably i.kss tb in other kinds These iinpoitaiH points o' diiieronce ÜhVo giv en ibis Machine the prelVrence with those wh have fairly tned it. Ainoiifr a furge numbero Genilcnien in the Mrllihg liusiness who ir.igb be nanicd. Uie fpllowjng have ued the Machines an I cerï.'fied to their excellency and supcriority: 11. N. HowAiui. Pontiac. Mich. K. F. Cook, Itochcstcr, do E. 15. Danfobt.h. Mnson. do M. F. Ft:tM, Brnrichj do II. II. Comstock. Comstock. do llefercnces niay nlso be had to Juiin Bacov, Auburn, Mich. W. R'yon'i do do I). C. Vkki.and, Rock, do Johv Pairs, Monroe, do 11. Dots.Mv.v, do do A. Bkacii, Waierloo. do Gy.o. KktcüvM, Marshall, do N.'IJlmknway, Ookland, do All orders for Machines will be prompily ai tended lo. Addrcss E. O. & A. CR1TTENT0N. Ann Arbor. (I.owcr Tosvn) VVèaK. Co. Mich Au?. 2 , 1845 220-1 y "Srockery at Wholesale." FIíF.IK;PJCK WETMORE. has cnstantl on band, the largest stock in the West of Crocktr y , China, Glusswarc, Look ing Gasses and Piales, Britannia Ware Trcjs, Lamps and Wiclcing-, Plaïed Ware, China Toys, $c $c. IJis fiock inchides all the varieties of Crockery and China, (rom the íinet-t China Dinncr and Tea Setls to the most common and lów priccd ware - fröta the richest cut glass to the iluinest glass W.Q re. ISritannia Custors'of cvery kind; Brnannia Tea Setts, (Joii'ec Pots, Tea Pois. Lai:i)s, Cnndlesücke, &.c. Laüd Lamts of every description frörii tho mosi costly cut Purlor Lamp to the cheapest Store lamp. All the above anieles ne imjiorted b'y himsoli 'lirectly froni the mantifacturcrs and will be gold at Whotésiire, as low ns ai any Wliolcsale House, expenses íroni senboard adiíed on)y. A liborul dibcount given ior caoh. , Merchants and otliers are nvited to cali and exnminc tlio obuve anieles nt tlie oíd stand, Nq. 125, Jcilerson Avenue (Eldied's Block.) Detroit. 2-H-ly In UïanccA'y- First Circuit. Botv.'ccn Daniel Qákl?y Coinplainiint. and'EdWnrd Fverest,. MabV Evofóstt Mnrin Everest, Helen Everest, Edtvard It: Evertsr. Jacob Kemp hiaiy Ann Everest and Muunis Kenny Administrnior. nd Eliztibctb Everest Adniiuiatrotrx o'f IvIsv.iüJ Everest deccased. IN and by viituc of a deerce of tliis Cmirt rrrnde in ibif cause I hall sell at public alienan at the Court House, in the vilhjge o! Aun diluir in the cotinty of Washtenaw. jji tin: sixteehtb doy ol .huif nefci al ónc o'clbck ín ilil ifternoon l .a;i d.iy ihe following drscribcd preiíiiács, all that certuín piece or parci;! of land sitúate in ihó ill.i;c)f Ann Ardor in iheCoun ty oi VVnshi'enaiv and State of Michigan, buunduaañd describe daá lollows. io wil: being part of lot niiniber ihrèd in Block number onc south of Buron strect, in.rpnge number four: bjgiuning it n poini on ïluron streel sevehiy-nlrie feet five and ii ha!f inches froni the corner of Mainsircct and f f itron streel, and running tlu-nce southerly parallel wi:li Mniri streel eiylit roí!;;, thoneeeastcrlv paralle! wiih Htm) il street (ifty-lwo feet si. uid a half inehep, ihence noriberly para!l';l wiih Main street èighl rods 'o fhiron streot and (henee wesicrly on II mon süeet lifty-two Teet six and a bal! inches to the place ol bëginning - also lots lifteen and sixiéen in block numb'e'r four south if Ïluron sireet in rañffif! four according to the reeordcd plutof the sald Vil lage. GEO. DANFORTH, Master i.i C'h.incery. toy & PoKTi'.n, pol. for ("ompl't. Ann Arbor. Apri! 3)! IS-Ki. 262-7 W BnOAD CUOTliSj Cnssimeres, Vesiings. S.iiui(.ii;f. penis. Crnvpla. &XÍ. Ae.cheip ïi ihc M imi 1 1 S: ■ f . DefiróH. W. A. fCA-V.MO.l). Dtc 25, ie 13. a 14- GmWillson's Coi'ai Mili (Mc'Knight's Patent.) The pnbscnher would heiehy say lo the puM.c lint lic is now preparcd to fuiiiali on slioit ntii-f, th'osè who wiah. n portable tuill. capnblc oí grfndïng 81) buslióls óf en ra oí oorn pèt hour; or .,']iii(l oilicr coprso grain lor Icodr shelled êorrij (v.illi o rush.) riil) out glover si cd, &c. Sec (willed J. L. McKnights patent corn crueberand clüvet rubber, tS:c. The subscribí.' r is a!sr preparcd to II fowii and couniy rights to amd patent on lib'ornl terins. The innchine works liko a eharm, applicable 10 horee, water, or sieam pii'wër: one horsc, is sufiicient t.i 'perfrirm r lic necrssnry grindiug fr any farm út oiher éatnblisliiiierit lor home oonsumption. bul inoro power is ncceissary lo do cufltorh work to a profil. TilO siib'sc'rib'er lins now in operntion in liis sWop n liis Temporalice Ffrujeo. in J.ickson, n wohone ptnver, by which. Wilh Ihe torce o! oné hprsc (only at :csein) ho ü:ivos suid nxicliine. The advant.iaes of fcédinc emn and cobb in this wny now too well undêtstdod to necri iehearsin;.'. Sufiiic it to say. (lint to llie Bouthj where they ini-e corn easy. and worth pj-rhaps 10 cents per bushel. ihcy dunk it On object to tjcoiinmieö by ihiis feeding oom and eAbh mcal, nnd that loo where they i;iv Ironi i to ior for grinduiK ciiher for leed or distillation. One. two or three competent áalesnicn wanted to sel! r.'b's to said rnnohine in ibis Siale .iid Oliiii, and tö sell righis to Thomkin's morlicing niac'iine in this Siute; the best nuw in use. 3. T. WÍLLSON. Jackson, March 2. 18 IG. 2JO-(5m Strayeil, T7ROM the Puhscrihero on Th-.irsrlay, the23d Ij of A pi il, 18 ii. two Oiico ycar3 o'd Colts. viz: óné black n an horfc Colt. and önê 1 ï 4. 1 t grey mare. wuli a pitee ot ro'pe ti(.'d around lit-r neek. VVhen che Ipfi liad n scaron (he richt foie siioii!;!er. VVh'ifever II tjive Irtfó'rrni'rtiön where ihcy tnay be i'ound shall be rcisonnbly rewaidcci. K. O. i A. CRiTTErri'oN1. Ar.nArbor, April 2, ld4"0. 63tf Woiicc. GD. HILL would respecifrlly inrorm the % ciiizeiid ol'Ann Aibor at;d viciniiy thai the iirinot G. D. Hill & Co., havinjr disaolved. lio ivilJ coniinue tbc bus'iiess at the oldfttattd ir. IJnwkins' Block. on tbc öld :nl cstbiished principles of the house "malí, profits amb i pa y." he ivill be nblè tó 'offer to his cuèfóiïiura on or altó the 2üth day of May. A SPLENDID ASSOPJMEriT OF SFRIKG GOODS ál the loweflt po.-sible ratcs lor Cash, Vheat Wool. and all othor kinds of produoe. All persons wbñtfng to buy goods wil! fii'l i to hcir advantnge to hold on tr.eir Old ' untjl il e above named nssortrhent is receivecJ, u thpv wül be sold at vcry luw kt.o?. The Subscribcr will nlso pny the hiVhft mar kc. price ibr I C0,000 POUJS'DS OF WOOL. G. D. 1I1LL. Ann Arbor, Moj; II, I84G. 2&rif EXCHANGE HOTEL TKMPEKAXCE HOUSE. (pirectly oppositc the Calaract Hotel.) BY CYRUS F. SMITM, NIÁGARA FALLS, N. Y. T?r8 House is not of tho largest class, bul i wel! kept. upon the same plan that it hos been fo severnl years pnst, nnd nilèrda smplo ond ver comfortable accommcdations for those stöppio at the Falla. This Hotel is situnted in the plen$antest par of the Villnge, on Main Street, and bui a ft minutes walk from the Cataract, Goat I.slaiul o the Ferry. Niágara Falls, 184C. 2(52-fi:n IHK3. WatLïllS & BiSSCJl, 846 FORWARDING AND COMMISSION BSEECIÏAKTS, DETROIT. Ageíitsfqr the Troy and Er ie Line. For Frcight and Passage, appJy lo Asa C. Tf.fft, 7 N. Chamuculin, 5 ASents. 29Coenties Slip, N. Y. Ide, Coit 6 Co., 'Troy. Kim bek ly, Pkase & Co., )„ ff, S. Dklllahd, Bufialo. Mark Packajrcs "Troy nnd Erio Line." Sl)i Dni'y, (ÍMirj'Javs exceplod,) fróm Coenlies Slip, N. Y., by Troy and Erie Iron Tow SLlii 6m Strayed, FROM the Suhscriber about the 20th o( April, n! brown stud Pony. about ihree years old this epring, and about tbc size oí a eoniinon Rat. liu has been rode under the sad die and has eonie white haira in his furchead, and on his back. Wlien he wunt awiy. his for ward legs were fastened toeiher wiih a strap Whoever will return eaid Rat or ive inforraation wherc he inoy be fonnd will b.e suitatly re wnrdbd. WMi R. TOVVELL. Ann Arbor, May 22. ]6-lü. ïlj Valtiablc Vatcï Power for Sale. TUK pubseribejwill ell or rent his interejt In the Walcr Power iq ihe villaíjc oí Delhi. 5 miles weet 0 Ann Aibor. on ihe Hu ron Rivcr. consistiilg of a sho suiiable ior blacksmithing. furnece or scyihc jactory, with two forges on three trip haintners. The Water Power is loO inches under nearly nine icet heah. Alo, a VVoter Power in siid village surlicient to prope! fout run of stone. A welling house will also be sold with the p.bove. if desired. For further par ticnlarsenquire on the preinisrs ot JACOÍ3 DORE.MUS. May 18, IS-íG. 2Ül-if IBIssöStition. TTUE copartneréhip heretolure existing uuder the firin of Lund &. McCollum, is this d.iy disaojyod by mutual consent - all notee nnd acc'unts dut sqid firm must be paid to D. T. Mc Collum who is duly authorized b) setile the faine. J. 11. 1.UND, D. T. McCÖLLÜM. Dated, Ann Albor. Muy 20, Iö4G. The business will hereafier be conductcd by J. li. Ltuid .V. Co., who are now receiving a largc and extensive assortment of Goods, consisting of Dry Gooda,. Grocerie?, Crockery and Gla6sware, Uoots und Shoea, Uonncts, Pointeand Oils, Dniiis nd Medicines, &c. The public aro invtvod to cnll n:id examine qáaüiy and priecs. .T II. LUJÍD & CO. Dated, Ann Arbor, May 2ü 1 5-16. 2CÜ 3m TO THE.PUBIiïC. f H 1 il E subscribcr wishes to inlorm tiic public. J_ that he bas coinpleted his ncw Brick liiuld ing in the Villucoof llowdl. and hns fiucd i' tip. together ivïjb IJirns and otiier out Huildings. for .1 permanent Tavern stand. IJe has now opèn'ed the same ior the aeconimodation of the public, nnd will endeavor to makc his house 0 qttii t KsiiiiL' place ior the truveüer. The [Ï0U8C will be kept upon strictly Teniperunce principli;?. at chargep w.hich will compare with the moai rca8onaile, i;thoug!i it shoulcl deniand eonie pc cuninry snerifice to Éasiain it." To the Iriends r liberty equal right, the "BifiNKY Housk" is now oflired vou with the motto: ''Li'jcrty $ Tcmperancc." E. F. GAY. HowelJ, Liv. Co. April f9, 1846. LG)-tf JE. G. BURGER, Denlist, KUIST ROOM OVER C. M. & T. W. ROOT's STOKK, CRAiNE & JEWETT's 1JLOCK, Í9I-1Í ANN ARBOR. a.BBATIJ SCHOOI, BOÓKS f"r ule at 5 PJfciltRY'S iJÜÜKSTORE. Ovt 23. í 1 1 - uUeady Madi: Clotiiing ! ! IIALLOCK & 11 AY MOND, WOULU respect fully cali the ol tention of tlieir triendd and ilio citizeïiti ofilie Stnie gei oiilly 10 theirfreeh & oxterisivé nssorimoni ol ' IScady Made Clotliing? just tnonufiiotured in th'o las siyles, mul bes) i.).-.-il)!! niqpncr, ConsUling m po "f supertine ( clotli Drcss mul Kroek CóatB, Fine Tweed. Cnshmurcttc, Crotón Ciiá3mcrc Slimmer Clotli f and Merino,, Chally, Woorsted anti ( Maroó'illea Ves. Blucj Black and Ebh'cy Cassi L ñríerc, Tweed, Drap-do-taj Merino, Wöóisied and Drillin l'nnialoons, togeilier wilh a very Ijirgo sio k f LiiR'ii. Drilling, Colton Sack and l 'I wied ('uatb. Sutnmér Pu'nlaloohs nnd Vests. ' Shins, Socki. llundkcrchicfs. Stock, &c $c. I Also a vt'iy iarue1 SUppty ol fre'sh Hiorulclothí, I Cassimorcs and Vcstinjis, whic-h ly ibfl nid ül : f.ii:ri-nce] cultera and firet rato workn:en they aic pffpnred. to manufacture iri iho Intcst sty Ie ar)d I best pot-sible marmer. Tliry arn' prèpurod (ti s-ll eiihcr at WJioIeealo or Rciail at pricea wliich Ciinnnl fail to give süisfiiciion, nnd would rosI ucifully solicit a cali trom ilintc v.isiting city j iri v.'. mt of Ileady MudcClolfiingorgenteel gari men: mndo to órijéi. ai their 'ƒ'. 'imahtc Clolli'.n; Kmpnium." corner ui Ji-üerson and Woodvvard Ayenups, Detroit. May 0. ]8W. 265-310 . ' ■ - - t Hsits and Caps, J IN all tlicir vario ties, nlso Cam9, Silk and , Gíñglram UmhrrHns, Suspendas. rich Silk Searfsand CravaU, Silk, Linon nnd Kul Gfovca witii every Brticfe in tliat line con be liad ot fair ; rici'e nnd warru'nitíd to snit by sen ding yuur u -.k -s by klier oi liy callin at No ï.8. wurd Ayopuè, S doorá north tf Uoty's Auc ion ' room. Detroit. N. ]J. Ministers nnd Liberty men supIcd at a 8inall udvancc fruni C08t, JH'--') -i JA.Mr.S G CttAKK. ] liÖR-SALfTAT'J.OW )'Rlí.'i:s AND EASY TEltr.IS, npiJF, Sii'i-o.if.ur öi&ra foTBnli a Farm, in the i X iiwn of pvxiefi of ïE6 acre?, ui b:i aeiovimpríiVeiT, A-Ièu a ï'arm ui liife rnbutli ól ünncy Cicol; in lícfOj ;5 mi&s ' r t ; ; i ihi. l'ilUrge, of'rcs, 9Q ncrs .imrpvjsd. Al.-a Pain;' iioin tlns vitlugo oflCfl acrw, I)) acres Hi prqved. Jlacli ol' liii'fiü F.innt pro i(YÍ:r:b'y lycattdoi i' . id. i, i ..; Kovo gpod _buidiiigs nnl nrenll w,e1l iirÜïerod, Al. -o tv. liwuüiny böuscs and lote in lh 2fiÖ village loUj 24. out ÍoÍboI abotit onjj nere e.Tch. iri 'tb e imo etliarc vicinity ufihis vi!l:gc - 10 acrös liiiii. .id! hnid..antJ ".iiaerts imiJioved :; ol i mile frbrn Hiis i I A!;0 Ti --1 !s iïi t'ie IV iierian rii' - Any il'il.u ;;!.A(j in. n;..inci uo;orty vviilbe fuir i nd on ú nwni ol jj ofthe p(ur■ ■v.N OF C00D lioil. . [J :■ ', IJ JA AM S. MAYNAJ1 1 Ann Albor. May íí); ít}46. -0. HOUSE AND LO'FS FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. HOTJSE and lince loia üiiitcJ, titnntcl 30 rods S. C. of tlic Acudemy. Suid fpr baif pny di.Wii. or c.chan:;cd fora form willi gbod builidn-ss, ohoiM mnüo from a villaje. lj(slyvteti la. 4(J and 43 (ie,;, in New Kpglan I. Npw Voik, or iMicliig; n. whcre b Iliyh Sclnjol rj ny bc olitain-d or G inónihs, yenrly. Knqniie üf iin uw iict il. II. Griilln, (.r.iitsburv. Vt.. or Lo ruin Milis, and IL .Mooe, Ann Arb ir. 263-3ni Trañkliñ CO LD IV A T E R II O V S E ! ïlT.:s Stiu.kt, onc door liórOt of Ji.vitv-sor. Avínuk, DETUÜIT. 2ü:t-iy á. flm:v. Try - ïry A&aÈEa. Ab'TiüK yoiiliuvc tried one j,li(Hisnd uud 0no kinds óf Pille: ilien ny Di. Ualsicad's Erisk Pilfs nnd ybu WÜ5 bc lully satitficd tliat ihry'rire ut mach preieiable tu cvtiy other kin.' as tho n.nV light and liuat is ucferable. lo biing foiwa:: ;,'' prouióte a iicaltliy growjh in vegetublcs lo il,;'hiclv etuanaics Irom i!ie rnoon. The)) aiejusiwhat ís wénted'in tliis roumn - a pül ibat opérales quick. thorooJ) nul easy. carrying all impuriiies willi ikem.; leaving ili stomach and bowclscleth and clenr. Av.ay wili v..iuSI.OVr 'LLS. iliat act BLOW- cconLi Sl.üW. at.d leave tlie systeni in a HOU' Btnli JJ i ) K u s i. a t' i and oihcr nipcdin; (- ry inpid in tlie $yf tern vvhtii iliey l :in te Rccuniulate - and ül incicnèé tis l;tt as 8ow P1II3SV1II r niuve tlictn. Ji ie i:ct et-fin y ihcrcforc. vo haven bribk opcraiiiui - ifani wil) akquèk a 1.1 tuk OBGA]S Aoni ticir lorpid stalc; ive a u inipet08 to tho blood and secretiens. Thin fcpd will diyesi - thestotiiach gain Strengt!. - il e í ya tem strong - ihe tkin cKar - lie íi elite good, ind you are we!l - when your slow dutts vvbiiïc keep yon língeripg along for n:ontli6- end ilieii j perhaps ou will eend ior a Doctor, nnd v.hai will lic do? I Ie will givc you n p'o'w'eiful cailiartic - one ïhat wil! c!o yun ftpine ,:ao. Now be yonr own di.ctors1, uid li.l.c Hfllsled's Vegetable Uiisk Tille, and {rnduoié ihtm 10 snit the. patiënt. Tó.wcak paiio'nts gtVo email doses- aleo lp childicn. Ti. y , ie bnrmltfs end can begiven to the n ost delicate - Lut tlimtlicy 'ivo lile and moiicn to the syslcin. DIS h '.ASE is a blow morbid nction, cloggiaf up all the sniall veéselfl - and calis aloud Inr n remedy that will prouse ;hem inio aciion befórf they become too iveak 10 be kept ui mbiion. - Eéople die for the wnn't of iCiion - nnd fchxing ihcy shiill ol'tain a hoahhy, nniural nctior - thcy prefer laking n elo.w medirme - thnt thfy nin} doctor slowly for ycars - and ut lust die whli a !üw, lingering diééuge- the haiurnlcflletoi iaking Iow Pilis. Awny then willi ihis tfièory.- lf nature wibhes 10 ptirify the nii, calis np a hurry 11 tininder showcr, nnd wilh it hor li'jihi iiiiif:s (air physie1) to puiify, cleanfO. nnd t:ivc t ncw motion to the atmopphere: and all is wcll She does not lichten cmly the ycar round te ihis motion. 'J Jicn fpllow nature, when you are om of lieollli - hoVfl a bad taste in yom móuih - indigestión - cpeiiyeneís - fever - colk riiills - fcver nnd niu' - dypprpsm - puin in bacd or linibs - lákén coïd - or in tact om of order in any wav - relieve. yojurfqll imjuediaely bytakinp the Bpfsk Try them once nnd you wil uso no othcr. 28 Pilis for ?5 ccniii. So!d wholcsnle nnd refnil by .T. Owen & Co., Detroit; C'. Eb'crbneb, S. I'. Jcwctt. Lud Si McCollunV; Ann Arbor. 237-6m NEW COOKIÜVG STOVE, m And Stoves of all kinds. The subocriber would cali the attcniion of the Hiblic to Woolson's Hot Air Oooking STOVE Which he eau confidcntly recommrnd as being ccfdedly superior to any Cooking Stcve 111 use. '"ut simplicity n operntion - economy m ud, nd for upcqualled Baklno and Roastiüo qunlity. u is unnvalled, Tho now nnd important improvcmein inroduccd in its c6nátriction boíiig such ns 10 inme grent ndviiiiUias over all other kinds ol Cooktng Sluves. WH..LIÁM It. KOYES, .ir. 7C Woodward Avcnuu, De roit. Dcc. 12; Ítí-1G. lBOOKS! BOOKSü At Ferry's Kook Store. ?Yexï door Easl of the A York Clieap Store. Tl I E subscribor lias juut oponed and is now ready lo sell ihc most extenaire nssortment o HOÜK8, BLANK BOOKS and STATION. ER V, n"Mni %r&"sA """-" ' if ncarly evcry vnriety in use in this State- Uisiories, Bjiographigs, Travela, Mcmoi:. Miscelianeoua, Réligious and Claesical Books. JIJ BLES and TESTAMENTS BVfly vnriety of sizc, sivle and binding ' Sn,.,„ sileiididiy finished. " PRAYKR BÓÖks', POEMS & ANNUAI S beouiituHy bourtd for IJulydny gifts. Purent i-.nd oiheis wishing ro inakc eplondid holyday presenis ai smnll coat, will do we II to cali at Pony's nnd ( mnke their selcetions froin a fuif SU cA. Don't iluhiy. Alao, on hnnd tlie Inrgcst nsEprtmont of PAPJ5R evoroflered westttf Detroit; ëuch ns Cup Cnj). l.iiicr. Fionoh Ltinr. Bnnkers Post' Cdpymgr, issiie, Card Jim k, Envelopo. nnd J(f kin.lsol note paper, wiih n full nsnortnicnt of Sird ons, Qtiills, Wafeis: Black. Biqe, Red :ind Cópying Ink; Sand, Inkstunds, Folders' '.n lloHer. Slninpf.. Mniio Senls. Gold nnd Silv.r Walois. India Riil.hcr, Pencils and Poim Eiivèlöpie: iiid ninnv vaiietics ol Visiting Cante Alsov COLI) PE.s, du orfidlë eoñibmíñg elcgnnce witli cennomy. JJe ba? on hnnd a líiiod pclociion of Rooka Mntnblc for FoniitV ScLoul Districr nnd Townsbip Ti wil] nat pot siilo to name uil the niele in IÜ3Üne: Suflieeit tï eny. t!im lirs nortniott is gcii,eral and plieaper tlian wus ever before offered in this vilhige. lic li;is made aTnngemcnts in New York wliich will enablc him ai all linies to olunin anj. ttíing iu hiiiliuc direct froni New York al yíior :iiioe. by Exprew. ]i will Le teen ilint nis t ciltties for accorpodating lii.s cusioiiters with nrti- olos ni on hñnd is b'éyónd precedent, ml heis rcidy and willffig to tio every thing rersonnble lo .. liinrnt stieli nn ne nb in enli.:!iU'iied and drecerniñg roinniuniiy rnquire. and hc'iippca u iiM'iii a shaic ofpatrynripe. Pcm n wisliinji nriy ::rticle in hi.s lino will do wel tf ■Ii bclöró-purvhbsinfrelficwliefe: Tl you forget dn. pire.', cnquípíi for Prrru's Bochator:, Anir Aibor, Upper Y;Jlai_c - 2Ú door E.-ist ol Rlai atreet, on II u ron ettc t. IVM. R. PERRY. T)ec(Miii)t-r, 1845. SU l. CMILD1ÍKÑ! AND the Ujfíerii wjücb ihcj undi-rgo fiora 'vok : " i Cii ti rend lo a laiol ttrniinationP whllé-tfiü cAuss iá liever eufpretedi OTens-ivc l);t;ili. iiiiLn,': ::: ►benose, giinding tl.o tcoth (luri)ig öïeep, .--iniuii in t!iinvii JVitrht imd scieuniing, troublesuniccougli, ui:d fuyriehtücsy, ■ i the Vromiiicnt Sijvij tjms of ihu pri-sènee of wornis. A ihnely üte oï SHERAIAK'S WORM LüZENGES " Will iriimediately remove all ihvbe unpleaüant symptoms, nnd itstorr to perfect hculih. Sisto; Ln.-itiüii, Snjuimrol tlic Cuihuüc Hall' Oiplin Aeyiini' has odded lier tealimbny in ihcir iavor, Co ,he ihou6)in 't, which have gone befpre. Sh siiü's ili.'H ilirre nre over IÜO cliüdren in Mie Asylum, nnd 'bnt iliry fiavo fteen in the tiahii of Slïci man's Lóeng( r, nnd she Ims nUvay tbu.'id tliem to e a '■■ v :'u úñ: most beneiji i! elFect. They ust boe proved to Ie lufuilible in over400.Ü00 ca COX.-, 'ON, Iiiflncnzi. Coughe, Colds, VVhooj ing Cough, Tijiiu's ol tire l.ungsor Cliest miy be curcd. iiv. ]3arius Aniliony wna low !jomi Con-uir.p'i. n. Jonathan Howard, ihe eëlcbislrd icinperancu lcciurur, vsi reduced io the verpeai ihc raising bloot!. Rev. IVlr. Diiiibnr, ol New Yoik, the Rev. Mr I);; Forftt. Krangis Irst i:i i!:e Wc.-ii n pait oí lliis state. Roy. fcjeI m íí i . : 1 1 Streeter; ol BöhoiV, ihe wirofOr,atmjia Dibble, Ksq. in Moijraviri, nnd liumfieds ol oilt. ia, have been rdievec! and ciired by a proytr óf SUÉRMAN'S COÜGti LO2EKGES. And no medicine has ever been inore tlitcimli nihe lelief öi ihope discrises, nr wliich iraii ba iceouinienried witb moie co fi'entp. Tliey lay atl ic-Uïrjg or irriiaiion, rtnder thecougli t-ney, prorcoe e.pcc:orü remove the causé, and p educe the ïr.oFt bappy and lnsiing tffects. ÍIEADACHE. Psipitation of the Jleart, Lowness of Sfiiriia, Scp bickness, Despondeiiev, Faininess Cholie rfpasina, Cia.rp.s ol" the Stpniacb. Snmnicr e BowlComplain'S, ilno all ihe distressinp sj mpton;a iirisiiij; Ir.nn (ree livini,'. r a nigbi of dinñfoiion :nc cjuitkly ni.d eniirdy reTicfi-'d by nsing SUERMAíT1S CAMPI1OR LOZFXCFF. 'Ilicy .-et speedily nnd reüeve ru o rry short si ace of time, giving tone and vigor to the ayslein. and enublü a person nsKg ihem to undergo great mental or bodüy fatigue. RHEÜMATISM, Wtak Rack, pain nnd wenkneds in the Breast. Back. Lihiba and other, paris of the body are speedily n)d éflictually relievcd by SIJER.MA.N'S POOR MANS PLASTEU, wl.Hfc cosisonly 12j cents, pad is wirfiin tñe reach of all. Öo great haa becomó leput.uion of tfira arliclc llial one niüJion will not tiegin to fupply tlio aiinunl demnnd. Jtis acknowledged to Le the boBlstrengthening Piaster in theworld. BEWARE OF IMP0S1T10N. Dr. Shérmpri's Poor Man e PLitcr his hts nnme uiiL: direciinns printed oh ihe Drick of the Pliister. and a fUsfuc simïtej n oí Ihe Docior's written name under the diteeiions. None oihers aru genuino, or ti be relied on. J)r Shermau's Wnicnouse is No. lOti Nrssnu st. New Yorli W. S..,;& J. W. MAYNAhP, Agent fo Afin Arbor. 24(5. Cheap Hardware Store. nnilE Subdcriber iakea tlns method o inform jL hi.s oíd custoiñére i n 1 the public genernNy th;it be still continúes lo keep u largeand general ' nasofttrient of Foreigh aml Doineatfc HARDWARE, CÜTLERY, &c. Al-o. Spike. Vi. iilii, Cut and iJors,e Sho -Vinl.s. Glais, Sheet írorr, Iloop Iron, Sheet and Bar Load, Zync, Briglit and Arieoiöd Wirc. RioI.iKses Gates and Fasseite, Mili Saws. Cross Cut Sn'w8, Hand nnd VVood Saws, Back and Kcy il"ie SaVva, Anvils, Viers, Rellows. Adzcs,Coop. er'a 'Jool., Drawing Knives, Spokc Shaves, Tap Boreri', Oost Steel Atigurs, Coninion Auv'iirs. Augur J?ius. llollow Aiiguie. Steel and Iron Squares, Grouud Plasiei, Viter Lime, Grind Slones, Potash jGaldrou nod SugürXetites, . 1 ,';;. Trace and Halter Chains, Broad, FJand ond Nunow A.cs, Spirit and Plumb Lev. éfs, lo'gethér wiih a peñera! asíortmeni of Hollew Ware. whioii will hc sold low for Cash or approyed credit ut J3, Jcílerson Avenue. Eldréd's Blöck. R. MARVIN. üetroii, Jan. lGih; 1810. 248-Iy ""iïOOTS AWï SÏÏÖÈS AT WHOLESALE. A. O: M'GRaTw & CO., WUOLRSvVLR AM RRTA1L Di.ALKKS ÍN BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER AND FINOINGS, Corn.r of JrJJ'erson and Woudivcnd Avaiues, Detroit. AC. M'GRAW & CO. would rcspect.'uHy inform the Merchnnts of Michigan, ihat ihéy hnve oponed a WHOLESALE BOOT AND SHOE STORE, iu the rooms over their lieiail Store, Smari's Corner. Their long no quainianco will) the Shoe business, nnd the kind that aro necded in this Sinle, will cnalile them to furnih merchnnts wifh such shocs is they iieed. on leun uin. hun ihey can buy n tij New Yiiil. tntgkrt. r ■ i' tlirir goods are. jought fiou: Ci ■' ultcntio 's paúl lo the sel i li in i Detroit, Jd4Ö. 218-iv DissolntioA. TIIE Partnership under the name and fi-m of G. D. Hill & Co. haviiifí dissolved by limi-nion. all persons indchled to the concern by ïote or account, aic no.'ified that unlcss ihey cali ind pay or settle tho same with G. D. Uil! previous to ihc lOth day of June next. :hry will find hc aaid nntes nul accounta in the hands ofa Instice of the Pcnce for collcenon. G. D. IJJLL &■ Co. Aon Arbor: May JJ 18-16. 261-tf