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Miscellany: Louis Philippe, King Of The French: His Personal...

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(Concludcd.) ' Wliilo tlicse scènes wcrc trar.spiring in Paris, the Duke of Orleans was at liis lesidence in Neuilly, so weaiy of being the sport of revolutions ' Q8to lake no part in the conflict. He seemed to feel ihat he liad borne his full sharc in the perils of politieel pánica, and could hardly with justice bo cnllcd upon to exposé liinisell' to new dangers. I3ut La Fnyetie and the oiher leaders of the rev olution. mmediately direcied their eyes to him, as the most suitable candidate to ascend the throne of tlie fallen monarch. Tliey feit nsr sured that Franco was not prepared for a republican forni of government, and they wisliod to susüiin the thrune, but to surround i'. with free insiilutiond. Louis Philippe was a branch of the royal family, and iliat would couciliutc the royalists. He was tlie richest man in Frnnce. and expended hi immense resources with great liburality and wisdom, und thnt gave him great power, for, tho world over, weahh is infUicnce. I hnve scen his private properiy estimatcd by a French wriierut one Iiundred millions of dollars. At ony rate, it is so immense that a few mitüons more or leas are of no account. - Me owns some very valua'ilo blocl-s of building in New Yoik, so thnt in thecvent of anoiherrcvolu'.ion, bis children will not find thcmbelvespendiless in this city. He was n known and Iongiried advocate of liberal poliiical opiniona. and Uiat would reconcile tho republicana. The ministers of Charles also foresaw. thu !br these very rensons he was the iudiv'.dual fróm w hom they had the most to fear. As the retreating troops of Chnr!e3 passed the park of Louis Plnlippe, they discharged a few voüies o( artillury into his country-seat, as the emphatic expreszon of their consideration. On the same day, and nlinostat the same hour, iwo detaehmen'8 arrivcd at his residence at Neuilly; - one l'ioin the victaiious pcople of Paris, to conduct liim in triumph to the capital: tlie other, a detaclimcnt frotn the royal guard to draghim, with hasty violéncp, to imprisonment. But Louis Philippe, long sehoolod in the wisdom of troubIcd limes, was nowhere to bc found. He had i Qgiti security in concealment. The royal gtiard, however, soon abandoned the search and consulted their owir safety n precipítate flight. It wa3 ten o'clock at night, when Louis veiitureu from his rctreat to meet the diputation from Paris. Ho received thern nt the gata of his park. - By the paleand flickering torcli-lielit, ho.rend ihe comrr.ission nviüng liim (p the metropolis to take the office of Liento nant General of Franco, which mennt. in realiiy, to ascend the now vacant throno of the Lkmruons. Il is reponed, and undouhtedly with trulli. that Louis Pliilippc was exceedm'ly reluctant to leave tlie peaceful pcenee of domestic enjoyment and again launch forth upon the turbulent ocean of politicul life, where ho had already encountercd po niany storms and perils. By such a chnnge lic hnznrded evei y'.hhig, and c-uild gain notliing. He is reponed lo have si.d '.hut duiingall his days ho liad bfpn the victiin of ihe terrjp&Bla of stnte, in perseeution, in poverty, in exi!c, nijd '.liat he onglil to be pcrmirte(J to pass tlie cvening of his days in tho retirement .iml pnacc of his hnppy home. His wife nlso vc;it in unieignsd anguish. in view of tbc dnngeis and the sorroivs of regal slatc. She was famiünr wMf the melahchoiy hisiory of kings and courts, of popularity fJrned iuio hatred, o! npplause succee.Jed by execrations: r.'onarchs'and qut'ens huilod frotn tlie throne, pelied by the people. drivcn in'o exile, or bleedins headlesa under the execuiiontr's axe. She had lieard the snry of Maria Aiüoiríc-íte. driven Trom the very chambers of ihe palace at Veisaiücs, into which t-er hüsband was now invitcd to enter: flêeing, in her nigln dress, even from tlie sanctity of her bd, belbre the infuriated rabble who swni m forth Oom the densof infamy in Paris. She had not forgotten t'riot from thosu rcgnl rhansíons, iuto wliich tho Frencli nation wonld now introduce her, the idolized dauthter of Austria, the onco ailore1 Queen oi France, had been draygid by the most insulent mul violt-ncc nnd pluns id iuto adeepand dismal !ingeon, ti!! ler fair fbrm was wiihcred and her eyc6 blinded, and he once dlmost aiiolic countenance hecame ghastly nnd liideous throngh the iniensitv of her wocs Amelia could not forcet ihai ihe streets of Pari onco usotindcd with the acclamaiions of Maria ;is.s!ie eütéred them a yomhíul bride, charlotee in splend ir: and that but a few yoars clapsed he foro sh; wns drnggc through thosc same streel? on the cxecuiloner's liurdlo. blindcd. de.'ormed revoltirig in aspect through licr miSerieá, c.xpos eil t ) ihe jeers nd execrations of tho mob, till th tilidfi of the gullolino terminated her wocs. She kiuv that thc qilcenly diado m could b inly one of thorus; thut as 0110 rovolution placee them upon thé ilirone, anothur might remov them to bleed upon thc scniTuld. Thus, whei the peoplc took Louis Philippe hy violcnce, nn would make him thtir King, Amelia in her re lired chambers wept bitterly over the wreok of he (jomestic penco. 13tu there seemeld :o boa mor al necessiiy that íouis Plulippo sliould even ascend the throne. The ruleraof the peoplo sav that probnbly he nlone could stay the (fTusion r blood, conciliating in his regal linoago, and hi democratie princ:ples both monarchists nnd rcpublicans. He was, therefore, told that he mu either scend the throne or leavo France. Th only dioico before him wns the crown or exile. At twelve o'clock the next day. Louis Phil ippe, clambering over the barricades of the street of Paris, on fooi. entered the Hotel do Ville. - The excited millions of Paris and its onviron thronged all its avenues. They, however, ro ceived him in silnnce. Louis Philippe wns no very remotely a Bourbon. The blood of thn tamily was in his veins. They feared that afte all their conflict and bloodshed they might be be trnyed, and merely have one Bourbon for n King neleadof another. Thescaloof popular enthusi asm was in that state of perfect equihbrium, ii which it wns uncertain whether the next monien tho air would resound with applause, or execra tions. At this critical moment, vbcu a hreab wj npparcnily to decide the dastinies of Frnnce, the venerable form of the people's i dol, La Fayottc,appearcd in the balcony of the Hotel de ïlle, wnving in one hand the tri colored flag of the Id republic, and wiih the other presenting Louis Philippc ns tlio candiilate for the new monnrehy. The endorsement of La Fayette was nt once accepted. Instantaneously every mind responded 10 the appeal. Ono loud, long, hearty, hcavenrending shout rose from tho multilude, and Louis Philippe was the elected monarch ol Franco. Ab La Fnyette stood upon the balcony of the f Intel do Ville, holding the ha;id of Louis Philippe. who wns now receiving the ucdnmaiions of a couniless nu in her oí exuhing voices, he re marked wilh emphusis to the newly eleclcd m onarch, "You know that I am a rcpublican, and iliot I regard t!ie Constitu on of the United States as tho most perfect which has ever exiáted." 'I think as you do," replied Louis Philippe; !it is inipossible to have passed two yenrs in the United Statca as I have done, and not bc of that opjnion; but," he continued, "do you think that n Uw present state of Frunce a. república govurnincnt van bc adopted." "Nr," answered La Fayette, that which ís nccessary for Franco now ia a ihronc, surrounded by n publican institutiona: all must be republican." 4iThat is preciscly rny opinión," replied the newly elected King. When we conaider tbc occasion on which these sentiments were uttered, and the character of the men who uttered them, we must regard this as tho highcsl compliment that could 'ell be paid to the Constttution of the United Staies. Louis Philippe has now retained his thronc bi-nt fifteen years, and iriend and foe must admit that. cmstdering the difficulties of his posiion, he has proved himself a statesman of the most consnnimate nbility. decisión and address. Ac is doing what man con d. by n strong governmciitat home, and by friendly alüance with lm othcr courts of Europe, to confirm and consolídate bid power. By co-operating wilh lCngnnd, in her all-cngrossing c'esire to resisl the encroachmenta of Russia, he has secured the 'riendsbip of the Court and Cabinet of St. James He hns married his oldest daughter, Louisa Mí ria, to Leopold, the widower of the lamentec Charlotte of England, now the illustrious King of Belgium, and by this nuance he has placed one of ihe wisest nnd. most efficiënt monarchs ii Europe to gir rd with filial watchfulness his northern irontier. His cldest son. who wnskill ed o lew ycars ogo by lenping from his carriage the (athcr of tho present heir to the ihrone, de married to the daughter of Feidinand, Empero of Austria, nnd he has tlius created the deepes interest in that power f ui but despotic court t Mistnin nnd '3t:iblish his thronc. One daiiiiiiic amarricd into the rc-yul faniily of Denmark.-ÍÍN eruleavors to marry nnother son to tho youtri ful Queeti of Spain, it is now said, will probabl; prove futile; n Isabelln is reported to Imvc foun. fisucccis'ul sniior in the snme fnmous famüy which g;jve Victoria a spouse. The long yenr Louis Philippe has spent in adversity and exüe his intímate personal acqnaintanco with nll th uovernments of Europe and America; hisfaiml iar knowledge ot mankind in all the voriou ranks of society, from the loftieet clevations o regnl splcmlor, to the Iove6t sintione of penury render hiin one öf the most elficient monarch upon nn Muropeun throne. Tho possession d power is, howevxT, ülwnys dangcrous and nlfnos nluviyscorrupiing. It ra qui:c evident that Kin_ Louis is less democratie in his tendoncies than was citizen Louis. And wc eee no indications of any very an.irusd''sire to surround the throne wilh rcpublican iiiáiitutioiis. And vet we shoulc be very slow in censuring tlio acls of a inan's government, who is monilly compelled to nsccru. tlio ihrotic. and who must either retatn his position orbe plunged, with his fatnily, into ruin. - If Louis Pliilippo abdicntcs the throne, France inétantaneously dtluged in blood. The Variöti lactions ino vc the empire is divided. unie strnined by his strong arm, wouM at once rio ihrough tho realm fo 1! the horrors of civil wal ff bc is flriveii from the throne, by the ndvocute of legitimacy on the one hand, whj nre anxiou to rtpiore the exilcd roynl family. or by the re publicans on the othcr, who will besuislied wit nothtng l'js-9 (ban thnt Frnnce bc modeled ulie tlie Aiucricin repubjicj a strife must en?no i which shnll be runuwcd alt the scen?s" of horro ,)f theold French Uevo!ution,nnd Louis Philippe with iiis wife Amelia, nuist eülier Ibliow Lou XVI. nnd Maria Antoinctte to the gullotint, o fblfow Charles and thecxiled Bourbons into hopr Iets hanishinent. Thussituatcd, it is hnrdly possible that Lou Pbilippe phould know any repuse. Iiis counte naneo, t is said, is deeply furrowcd with tlic tra ces of apxieiy anu care. Franco is filleJ wil diverse porties. There is no unity of opinión i tho natioh. Conspiracies thicken tbrQughot bis realms. Assassins dog his path. He is sho at in lbo streets, and tho surges of popular clam or are dashing around his thronc So many at tempte havo been made to take hts life, t'unt he bas been fnmiliarly called in Europe the Target King. It has longbeeii neccssary for him. when ho appears in public, to ridc n n musket prooi r.iriinfjc, turrounded wilh guards, nnd to drive with lbo utmost speed. It is said that ivheiicvei he etivcs the Pnlacc, the Q leen is in ihc dcepost nnxieiy lest be should bc brottght home i corpse. France is n; ever living, brentbfng. henng. The rumbling of its smotlicred internal firea never censos. Louis Pbilippo cannol re clino his hond upon his pillow at night. wiih the assurnnce that ns lavn flood will not ovcrw luim him before morninj'. Uut witli hid strong mind. wcll discipline ih tho school of adversity, and knowing thnl the repose of Frnnce nnd his eartli ly carcer depend upon the stability of his precarious and lotterinj; throne, he may probably retnin his posiiion during the short romnant of his enrtlily carcer. Tho individual, from whoin it hns generally been eupposed that Louis Philippe had tho most to opprehend, is Charles Louis Napoleon Bonapart. When Napoleon, married the widow Josephine. sho had a dnughter Hortense Tbis daughter Nnpoleen soon mnrried to his brolher Louis. Their 8n, Charlea Louis, thus botb ne;hew nnd grandchild 10 tho grent Emperor, h now tho nenrest lineal descendant-of Napoleon, and the heirto whniever rights he could uansmii te his posterity. Charles Louis ia now abuut forty ye.irs of age. He hoa many partizans among tho peoplè ond in tha ormy, and has longeen ready to embrace the firsi opporiuniiy to icad the vctcrnn armies of rcvolutiona.y France, nd niarch wiih bloody strides to the ihrone om which foreign foeg expclleJ his illustrious ncesior. In the ycar 183f h e made a vcry vïgQTOua efn, at Sirnsburg, to rrganize his friends, and nrch with a corjquering army to the capital. - e was, however, baffled by the vigilance of oui9 Phiüppc, and afier a short conflict utterly efeated. A short time after this lic madeanoihr vcry desperate attempt to rouse the army of 1 'ranee in favor of the rclative of their idoüzed General. The eflbrt wus, boweVfer, utterly ' isnstrous. Louis Napoleon was taken prisoner, ' icd, and condemned to perpetual imprisonment. s lic was led u nder the frowning battlcmcnls of ' ie impregnable fortress or vat her chateau in ! am, assigned tohitn by the govornment as his ome and his grave, u is reportcd ihat he looked p nt ihe gloomy portal and smilingsaid, "the ! ord ]c-]il:tal has long ago lost lts meaning in ie French hnguage." The princc was correct, ' r rntlier he should have eaid. "the word ' al raeans, ín French, until the ncxtrevoluiion." ' e is now, and has been for eeveral years, imisoned in this fortress. lis has the use of ' andsomely furnished apariments.nnd the freedom ( quite a spacious garden. He is, however, '■ nder the constant watch ol a military gunrd. ' nd gates of ron and walls of stone prcclude the jssibiliiy of his escape irom his prison. He is ver hopiiiir llint his friends will soou organize a uccessful insurrection, that his prison door will e open, and that Louis Phtüppc will gnin be flecing, beforo the name ol Napoleon, nto txile. Louis Philippo hos offered Louis apoleon his liberty if he will give his word of lonorthat he will never mnkeanotner attempt to xci'c insurrection, and will lenve the territory f France with the pledgo never to return. He, ïowevcr, has ihus far refuscd to accept htslibery upon these conditions. It is, however, said hat he begins to be wcary of his many years of mprisonment; thoughhe is probably sustained by the hope, that when the strong arm of Louis Philippe ehall bo broken by death, he niay be translated by a ncw revolution from his ensilo prison at Ham, to regin in the palace at Versailles. Louis Philippe has made the most vigorous ar rangnients in reference to the anticipnted political convu'sionsat the period of hiadeath. The calamitous death of his eldeet eon, the Duke o Orlen.113, who was to have succcedcd his fnther on ihc throne, wos an overwhelming aflliction to the family. This young man possessed gren energy of chnracier, and washighly popular will the French nation. And Louis Philippe hat been grndually placing the rein.i of empire in h'.s hands, thni he might be prepared for the emerjjen cics which would probably aecontpany his aseen to the throne. The son of the late Duke o Orieans, who is now a lad seven or eight year of age, having the tiile of the Count de Paris is the heir to the throne. Of him, of cmirse littleisknown, and he can have, persomilly, n friends or pawer. Iut his claims will be sastain ed by nll the inlluence, moral and physical, of th friends of the present government. The secont son of Louis Philippe, the Ducde Nemours, ha been appointed Regent during the minority o the Count de Paris. The Duc de Nemours is however, very unpopular. boih wiih the peopl and the army. Iïe is and to poasnss all tli aristocratie hauglninesi of the old Bourbons. Louis Pliilippe is now in üfe. - ffe hnsnlready posscd his threcscore years am ten. Sonn hc must die. And Ihe great r;us tion in France nnd in Furopc is, who will suc cord him? Will FrnnCo, after anothcr blood sirife, become a rcpulilic undor nn eleclcd pres ident. according to the prcvniüng wishes of the populace? Or will the son of the Duchess di Berri, the nearest lineal descendant, an d con seqnently ihe Icgil'mizte monarch, now an exile from the country where his ancestora have fo encrations reigned, regain tliè crown, supportet ns he will be by all the old nobility o France, and by most of the c:ovned hands o Rurope. Or will Louis Napoleon, upoit whoi would fall by hereditary desceñí the crown of ih greal Bop.apnrte. succccd in (nfiirling viih meio( lare the dol banner of hm imperial grandsiro. and thus rally the enthusiasm of that discontètllcd army whHican never forgctiis leader nt frlareh20, and Ausierlitz, and Lodi ? Or will ihe nindson o( Louis Philippe, the Count de Pnris, reccive by inheiitancc the crown wh:ch his ïratiilinthor received by election ? Or will France. renl by the confliclfl of these diverse parties. hecome the blood-deluged iheaire of civil w;ir. till anarchy and the reign of tenor asaiu give place lo trie military dcspoüsm ofanother Napoleon? In view of nll theec probabililies. thefe is a cloud of terrible menacc suspended over ihi future destiny of the nnticn. Franca is nov enjoying for a fienson comparative repose. As the denih of Louis Philippc will probably be the digital for the pealing thuiidcr to break, nnd tin elemental tempest to rage, even we ripuhdicaht may be pardonud for cxclaidiióg íor ihis once. líGod wvè the King."