Proceedings: Of The Second Annual Meeting Of The Young Men's...
George L. Crane, Adrian J. Carpenter, J. M. Barrows, David M. Bagley, Lemuet Long, William D. Moore, Henry Montague, Asa C. Eastland, F. W. Hatch, William Case, Albert H. Strong, B. F. Eggleston, E. W. Shaw, D. M. Graham, Horatio N. Blackman, Amasa Waters, John Orr, J. I. Alexander, George Ingersoll, J. M. Goodhue, Charles T. Torrey,
Aan Akdor, Wednesdny, June 3, 181(5. Association niet at the Baptis: Church: called to order by S. J. M. Hammond the President. Messrs. Collins. Foster, nnd Treadwell were appointcd a Business Committce. The (ollowing persons werc appointcd a Committee to makc nominaiiou of ofÃ'icers, nnd to select the place of holding the next annual meeting. Mesars. Dr. Cowlcs, S. Felch. II. C. Fairbwks, S. Jennings, J. M. Tualwel!. Guy Beckley, S. Fcich, Dr. Cowlou wore appointud n Committee to provide a place of nwing for the cvening. The Salem Choir wem inviicd to attend the mcetin-s of :ho Association, and to favor the Convention wilh Liberiy music Adjourncd to meet at 2 o'clock P. M. AFTERNOOX 8ESSION'. The Business Conimmcc repurted a series o. resihuiuns wliich report was nccepted. Messrs. Chandler and Collms were nppoinled acon:mittee to make up a roll of incmbers T. T. Lyon, was appointed Assistaut Sccretary. A Song by the S.ilem Choir. The Asáociation tlicn npuointcd the fo'lowing persons as delegntcs to attcud the Convention ni Chicago on the 2-lih inst. viz: lÃenry Bibb, S. B. Troadivel!, S. Felch, A. A. Coupland, Dr Thayer, A. C. Ensi.'and, J. J. Aloxander, Cha's. H. Stewa:t. Dr. J. V. Kinjr, Francia llnymnnd. Silas M. Holmes, Guy Beckley, L. P. Perkins. J. D. Zimmerraar, Kev. Mr. Kellogg, J. S. Twiss, Dr. Franklin Wickar, Dr. J. V. G;iilup. James G. Birney, N. M. Thomas, H. Montague, 'iVm. Dcnr.ison, S. S. Nichols. E. W. Shaw, F. Dennison. The delegares to the Chicago Convention weie a;:;l:or'z: 1 to appoinl substitutes. The rcsolutions reponed by the business Cotnmittee were tr.ken up for discussion and remarks were made by Dr. Cowles. Mr. Collin, S. B. Treadwell, Henry Bibb, T. Foster, J. Tread well, Mr. ChancMer, S. J. M. Hammond, Mr. Spence, T. T. Lyon, Guy Becklcy [Mr. Paync of New York, nn.l otl eis. t:tcr a song by the Choir, adjourncd. EVENING SEESION. The Committee on nomination of ofiicers. and to select the p'ace of holding the next meeting, reported to hold ihe next annual meeting on the 3J Wednesdr.y of June I847, at Adtian, and the uame3 of the following persons as ofiicers: For President - Wm. Kissi ev. of Ann Arbor. For Vice Presidents - S. M. Holmes, of Wnynr co.: W. C. Donnis,nof Kalamnzoo co.; Dr. S B. Thayer, of Calhoun ro. ; Leland Green, o( Oakland co.; Lyman P. Perkins, of LenawetCountr. Recording and Corresponding Sccretary - .1. M. Treadwell. JacUson. Treasurer- Guy Footo, Jackaon. Central Committee - Edmund Hall, Detroit. Dr. J. C. Gallup. Genesee: Jerome M. Treadwell, Francis F. Young and Guy Fooie, Jaiknon. EXKCUTIVE COMJIITTKK. Wuyie Co - Alfred B. Cornell. Hezekiah B Clark, Northville; Gen. W. SwiTt, Nankin. Francis Raymond, Betroit. Oakland Co. - Joseph A. Peck, Pontinc; Dr. R. Gilfillon, Wh' te Lake; E. H. Fairchild. Genesee Co. - D. W. C. Leach, J. G. Southerland, Henry C. Fairbanks. Fentonii Ie. Shiaicasstc Co. - Dr. J. B. Barnes, Owosso; C. P. Parkill, J. M. Goodhue. Ml n oe Co.- Mr. Holk-y, Monroe; S. P. Munger, Duudee. 1V s'itcnaio Co. - George Mülerd. Dextor: Frederick W. ColJins, Pittsfield; C. J. Gurland Ann Aibor. Lciaicce Co. - Gcorge L. Crane, Adrián: J. Carpintcr, Blissñeld: J. M. Birrows.Frun! lin HillsdaU Co.- David M. Bagky. Uillsdale Lemuel Long, Litchfield; William D. Moore, A Jams. Kalamczio Co. - IJenry Montague, Asa C. Eastlniid, Kalamazoo; F. W. Hatch. Schoc.lcraft. St. Joseph Ca.- William Case, S. J. M. Hammond, Centreville; Albert H. Strong, Conslantino. Jaclisun Co. - U. F. Eggletton.E. W Shaw. Jackson; D. M. Grahani, Spring Arbor. Eutun Co. - John D. Zinimerman, Horatif N. Blackman. Amasa Waters. Union City. Berrien Co - John Orr, J. Ã. Alexander. Nücj. Calhoun Co.- Dr. Thnyer, S. S. Nichols. Battlc Creek; George Ingersoll, Marshall. The Conventioa then listened to an address from the President. On motion, it was Resolved. Tliat the Addrcss of the Preuideni uu requested for publication, nnd that mensures }C taken for publishing the same. On motion, the Aesociation odjourned. During the meeling8 of the Asaociation the fol owing ro8olutions were odopted. Rrtclred. That in the principies adop'ed by the Liberty party of the United States, are to be found tbo onlj truo basis of Republican Government, wuhouta practicil adoption of which, no truc Detiiocracy can exist. Resolved, That the Whig and Dcmcratic purties of the Unimd States, in the inaintenance tliey ïave given to the tyv.ein oà Slavery, and in the a ipport of 6liveholderö ,to office, have viiiuied the -fundaÃncntal principies upon wbÃch our gove nment was founded.Rasolrti. Tliat tho mprisonment and death of Charlt T. Torrcy in the Stato Penitcntiary of Maryland. exhibà a striking proof of die inhuuianiiy of Slavery, ond that we sympathize with the friondsof the deceosed in their bereaveiiicnt. and belicve ihut the time is not disinnt â hen the acts for which heeuflered. wI beconsulered by the Ainciican people not only justifiible hut meritorious. It-s-lcul, That we rocommend to the mcinhers of tliis Assciation as far as possiblc, to correspond with thcir frienJs nnd others in the slavoholding Stutes, wiih the view of becoming better acquaintcd with the real condición of their aociciy. ond of promoting a full and friendly intorchange of sentiment, upon the questton cf Slavery. Rc.o'v:d, That inasmudi as slaveliolders live ctown the principies of Chrispaniiy and llepublicanism. thererore no Irecmon can consis(entl support ilavcho'iders or their poiitical allies fur oiHco. Rcso1tel. That we recommcnd to the nietnbor8 nnd offieers of this Asaociation in tho different Counties, to ;se thcir eflor3 in increaeing the nuinber of our niciiTbcrs, and to raise funds in aid of the action of the Cent al Committee. Resolved, Tint we Ui lieve the presa to be one of the main insirumentaliiiea in promoting liberty principien, and that wc recommend to every ineniber of this Association to use his efToris in procuring aubscribers to the Signal of Liberty, and other Aniislavery newspnpers. Resolved, That we rejoice to learn that the Udies in thia State are becoming so extensivol} in'erested in the Liberty cause, and we most cordially wo'come them to share in our eflbrts and sympathies, and hail their co-operation as a briglit omen of the Siave's more speedy deliverance lrom hia bondage. Rcoletd, That we cordially approve the proposed establishment of an Antislavery newgpaper nt the 6eat of Government oà the United States. Resjlved, That wc tender the thanks of this Convemion to the Ladies and Gentlemen of tht Salem Liberty Choir, for the aid of thcir heartstirring music, and that we also tender our thanks to the citizen8 of Ann Arbor lor thcir hospitalities extended to us on the present occasion.
J. M. Treadwell
Young Mens State Liberty Association
Old News
Signal of Liberty
S. J. M. Hammond
S. B. Treadwell
S. Felch
H. C. Fairbanks
S. Jennings
Guy Beckley
T. T. Lyon
Henry Bibb
A. A. Coupland
S. B. Thayer
A. C. Eastland
J. J. Alexander
Charles H. Stewart
J. W. King
Francis Raymond
Silas M. Holmes
Lyman P. Perkins
J. D. Zimmerman
J. S. Twiss
Franklin Wickar
J. W. Gallup
James G. Birney
N. M. Thomas
H. Montague
William Dennison
S. S. Nichols
E. W. Shaw
F. Dennison
William Kissley
Leland Green
Guy Foote
Edmund Hall
Francis F. Young
Alfred B. Cornell
Hezekiah B. Clark
W. Swift
Joseph A. Peck
R. Gilfillon
E. H. Fairchild
D. W. C. Leach
Henry C. Fairbanks
J. B. Barnes
C. P. Parkhill
S. P. Munger
George Millerd
Frederick W. Collins
W. Collins
C. J. Garland