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North-western Convention

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Mr. J. í. Afexnnder, of Borrien co.,vrites tlini a contract has been made wilh tlic captain of the f teamboat that pues írom St. Joseph to Bufialo, by which dclegates to this Convention will be cirried to Chicago and brought back for one dollar each. A largo delegation ought to go from western Micliigan. So favorable an opportunity may not again occur íor years. O" The most important newa from Congress is, that Col. Bcnton has mado a very great spcccli on the Orcgon question against the Fifty-fourforty men, and in favor of Forty-nine. Gen. Cas has replied to it. The prospoct ia that wl.üe tho public attention is d verted with the Mexicnn afTairs, Mr. Polk will silcntly settlo the Oregon boundary at 49 degrees. UT The New School General Assembly have been disemsing tho question o.' Slavcry forsome dnys. The Editor of the Tennsylvania Frceman who hns attended the sossions, prophesies tliat they ttÚl ;ake no efficiënt aetion on the subject, inasmuch as the most zealous antislavery members concedo thnt slaveholding is justifiable in some circumatanco. F.ach slaveholder con sidera that Lis circumstances justify A5 practico, and thus the wickecíness of every one s excused. The hope of the poor slave would be small intlced ií he could look for aid only to Doctors oí üivinity and the popular preachers of the day. CJ The Buífalo Pilot is a strong war pnpor, but is ashained of the ridiculous and boyiuh exultation manifested at the advuntages gained by Gen. Tnylor in ihe difierent skirmishes. The Pilot fear8 such demonstrations will render Aniericans despisable in the eye? of other nations. - The Pilot is moro than hnlf right in this. DUT In another placo we have ir.sertcd the new License Lnw. It will be scen tliat in those places where the town, villago, or city givesa majority of votes for License, the authorities sii.u.l grant Licenses to kvery appl.canl ofgood moral character. QU" The commuiiication of Wm. Goodell, ofNew York, in reply to S. B. TreadwelPs recent article in the Signa], sha!I appcar next week.