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Ft? W Hen A Man Puts Bis Thoughts In Print, He Can Form No E...

Ft? W Hen A Man Puts Bis Thoughts In Print, He Can Form No E... image
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ft? W hen a man puts bis thoughts in print, he can form no estímate of the nutnber of minds they will re ach, and the influence they will exert, for good or evil. An instance in point now occurs. Sometime since, a good brother in Lenawee county sent us a number of the Oberlin Evangelist, nearly worn out, requesting us to copy a sermón it contained, by Rev. S. W. Streeter. This single number, we were told, had done much good. Not being able to publish it at length, we cut out an extract, entitled it "Marriage among Slaves," and set it a going. Quite a number of anti-slavery papers copied it; and it has now just come back to us in the April number of the London Anti-Slavery Reporter, through which it will visit every part of the British empire, conveying the feelings of the writer to multitudes of whose existence even he was entirely unconscious. ftÜMr. Lew is, Liberty candidate for Governor of Ohio, has addressed letters to his political opponents, Mr. Bebb, whig, and Mr. Tod, Democrat, proposing to make arrangements for meetings of the people through the State, to be addressed by the three candidates. No answer has been received. (tOur neighbor, Geo. Corselius, Editor of the State Journal, has favored us with n copy of a pamphlet of '22 pages, published by him, entitled, "Hints towards the developments of a Unitary Science, or Science of Universal Analogy." We have not had time to read it. (tA friend writes from Lyons, Ionia County, May 8: "In this town, last fall, the vote stood, Whig 44, Dem. 40, Liberty, 36: and at the town election last month, the Whigsand Locos uniied most harmoniously in order to beat the Liberty's, nnd would not have succeeded them, had they not had the basenessto briig in two boats' crew who arrived here on Saturday evening previous, not one of whom was a resident of this town. By so doing, they carried the election, except treasurer. We hope to fare better next lime." (L? Mr. Niles, of the Senate Postage Commiitee, has announced that no alterations in the rates will be made this year. (C-r'While Mr. Torrey was in prison awaiting his trial, he wrote to ÍJ. B. Stanton: "If I am a guilty man, I ama veryguilty one; for, I have aidcd nearly four hundred slaves to escape to freedom, the grealcr part of whom wmild probably, bui for my cxerlions, have died in slavcry." ft? A life of Gen. Scott has just been published. The BufTalo Pilot considera it a step towards bringing him forward as a Presidential candidate.ff?" The Editorof the Cinginnati Herald, an eight column Liberty paper, duns his subscribers regularly every week. - Alas for us! We have uot the faculty of writing sitch duns as wil) bring in the needful! But therc is ene resource which we can use in case ofnecessity: toe can copy Dr. Baileys duns every weck! So look out: for this is a word to the wise! fcf The Presbyterian General Assembly, Old School, in session at Philadelphin, voted to take no action on the subject of Slavery - ayes 133, naya 34. - This is about as we expected.