From Cape De Verd Islands
We have received, by the arrivai of the Pauline, at Boston, the following distrcssing ntelligence from Bona Vista. It can bo relied upon as being strictlv nuthentic. It is nof, perhnps, generaüy knownthai one of the Cape de Verd islands (Bona Visla) hns 'ately been visited by a dread ful scourge under the for:n of yellow Ie ver, said to have been introduced by the Brilibh war sieamer Eclair, which vessel was admitted to prat 'i 'que at Bona Visla in August last, and afterwards lost a large portion of her ofKcers and men while ly ing there. Since thut period, t is supposed that up wards of one-eighth of the entire population of the ill-faied island has been swept off by ihis feaiful mulady, the ravages oà which are siill devastating that unhappy place. Aboul one hundred quarters of corn have been given by the inhabilants of the Gambia Tor the relief of the starving poor of Bona Vista; and it rt-flects honor on the characler of the citizens of the Unilcd Siates, hal it is lo one of their uumber that these unforttinate persons are indebted for the immediate means of uvailing ihemtielves of the assistunce ailbrded by he Gambia. The brigantine Paulino, of Boston, under the command of CapÃ. Richard H. Yarrington, irnmedialely proceeded with the supplie3 so generously given by the Gambm nlmbitauts io the Cape de Vord islands, and there delivered them to the British commissioner (VV. H. Macnuey, esq.) for distribution among ihe most destitute of the sufTerer. In addition to ihis, wc learn that the Pauline touched at Bravista on tae jgth of March; and the yellow lever was then still as bad as ever, Kaving been on the island five months. From accounts from shore, there had been nearly five hundred deaths, and all the principal merchants, or people lhat could, had left the - Three vessels have been sent from Gam. bia with $upplies for the poor. The Pauline left Gosca on the 25th April. The small pox was then making dreadful havoc among the negroos. A bout two hundred had died in about twenty daya, and the hospital was nearly full. -The sland is about one mile long, and nearly 7,000 nbitanls. An nppeal is, therefore, now made to ihe citizen8 of the United States on the part of the starving inhabitants of Bona Vista. Jt is earnestly hoped it wU be quickly and benevolently responded to.
Yellow Fever
Small Pox
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Richard H. Yarrington
W. H. Macauley