War Meeting
A greal war meeting was held n De troit week before last. lts proceedings fully sanctionèd the proclamation of President Polk and the doings of Congres? nnd went for war to the fullest ex tent. We notice that Ilon. .1. M. Howard, late Whig member of Congress, took a prom inent part in the proeecdings. Severa years since, JIr. H. signed a circular stating, in substance, that the annexation of Texas if accomplisheil, would be a siiÃlicieiH cause for dissolving the Union. Noic, a war having originated in this attempt to enlarge the borders of Siaverv, Mr. Howard appears a supporter of a wargrowing outoflhat nelarious transaction. The folloiving resolulions were reported by acommittee of whicli he was a member aod adopted : "Resolved, Thai whether r i glit or wrong, when the constiluted authoritics of the country enact and proclaim the existence of a war, we deern it the duty ofevery good citizen to suspend the censorship of individual opinión vntil Ific restoraiion qfpeace, and unitedly support the government in the o.ercisc of its conititutional functions. Resolved, That we will and do rally around our government and pledge our snpporl in the cxercise of all the ineans and injluencc in our power ; that we hold our country's rrendÃ::, our friend?, and our couutry's encmies our enemies, and we hereby make common cause with our government against any and every nnfion wilh vvhich it may be brought into collision." We do not assent to these doctrines : and u o should think it very strange that Mr. Howard should now be a zealous supporter of a war for the extensión of Slavery, did we not remember the pertinency of the oÃd maxim, that times change, and men change with them.