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Gerrit Smith's Circular

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This geni!, mnn has publishcd an article addressed 10 the Liheriy j)nrty, in wliich he discusses "the oiher interests." His opinión is ihat ihe lime has riot come for moking ihe pro poscd changes n the policy of the Libert) party. Mr. Sniiih siys thnt hc hns a dccpcnmgimprcssion thai "a poliiical party, in irs organization. sliould solemnly purpose to give its aiicn tion to all the legitímale objects and interesvs o civil government," and1 regrets the Liberty par ty did not do so. and would bo to seeit , forthwiihj giving ihis extent to tie scope of lts regards. Neverthc-Iefs, the party should not note commit itself to numerous specifie courses pro poscd, becau; e ihe members of the par'.y aro very ignornnt of ihe character and uses of Civil Government, and may learn more in future. A gen eral disciission of the proper application uf tlit principie of Equal Rights to other subji-cts hc thinks uould harmonize views in uvo 01 thrce yens. In refcrence to sn increase of nunibers. Mr. Smith thinls the occessions receivcd in conscfjuence of taking grounds un other subject wou'd be loss thah ihe departures from onr rankffor the samo reason; and their adherence to the part would be a damage to it. We are suiprised lo hear Gerrit Smith picar ignorance of justice in all iis relations as an ex cuse for not advneating jusiicc where it is per ce;v?d. TFc would say to the Liberty paity, lei us liirth'.vitli take such ground as we deern to be just, and act upon il; and if wc find wo are in error, vp will alter our coursc accordingly. - A pariy should not tuke an oath that it wil. never become wiser.