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Under this head, we propose to continue the name, business, and place, of all who adveriise in. the Signal, free of charge, ciuring the unie their advertisenonts continue in the paper. OUT Manufacturera, Bouksellers. Mnchinists, Wholesale Merchnnts, ond all others doing an iitensicc business, who vribb to advertiee, will (ind theSignal thebest possible medium ofcommunicauon in the State. W. S. & J. W. Maysard, Druggieta, "Ana Arhor. Haixock &. RAYMONU.Cloihiug Store, Deircii. S. W. Fijstlk, &Co., Wooiun Munulaciur ers, Scio. V. A. Ratmond, Dry Goois, Deiroif. E. O. &. A. Ck iitkmus, Smut MecJnno. A dm Arbor. .'; D. Httt, Morchant. Ann Arbor. T. H. Patón, Grocertes, Detroit. J. Dokimu.s, Water Power. Pcio. J. G. Chnk. Haliór, Detroit. .' II. 1,1'nu & (.'o., Merchants. r.i il);r. f!. H. firttrfiN. Real Estnte. Ann Atbóh IV Dvvus"N. Mnrcliant, Ann ( ' . F. IjKwis. Exchñnco Broker. Detroit. T. Blacsvtoud. Homcepatliist, Vpsilanti. Calvik Bi.iss. Jcwoller, Ajin Arbor. V K. Fkuhv, Book Store. Ann Ail'T P. B. Rivliy. Tompernnee Hiuae, Osroit. Haki-.ií, A. WlULlÁtU, tíieiiui Founüiy, Aun Arbor. IC. O. Dcntist. Ann Arbor. J.; & Co;, Dry Goorta, Deiruit.' & C . Tannery. DeUoil. T N t.iMoia;. ('ntm'u, D.-irnu. R. Mabvut, Hardware. Detroit. ]. &.R. PartlWgfe. Mnchinists, Ann Ai'y,-,). Kn.m'p &. Havilakd, MachiniWB, Ami, Atbor. A. C. McGkaw & Co.. Leher lptr,,,,. Wahdwh.i. A Üi.ox, Harclwar,N. Y. Cuy. ITK1NS & BisstLt', Forardm'j;. DeuOJt. C. K. Smitbt, Hotol, N&jptra Falü. J. 'I'. Wh.uson. C'orn Mn!s, .inckcon. S. Fisskv. Tompcrniioe Hot), Detroit, B. F. (iw. Tenipeinnoc flotef, Howell. tí, W. Fosier, Sao, TÜretlüDg .Matiiuiua.