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Jutte 19, 1946. Thé House, ihfs dny, ênfered tfpon the iliscussion of the la riff, in committee of the whóle, in etfrneSt. Mr. Owen, of Indiana, opencd the debale, in atï eh)qiieh'f speech in favor of ihöbiil. He contended that the protective polic'y was a remnaut of anciont nppressïoft - óf speóial legislalion hï favor of the fc-w ogainstthe mrtny. He inaintuined tliat thosystem was detcrioiating, and wou ld ultimately be overïhrown bv the niaroli of ntelligence ; that' howevci il tiiight be reiaided by special legislation, its final destrii'ction was coi tam.I!e vns fonoXtÖÏJ by Mf. Collin, wlio advocated the bilí. Ho niaintnined that thetarifl'of ÍH42 would reduce the revemie, and finally ce'mpef the government lo resort to direct taxatio toobtain frnances for its support. He argued that the lendenc'y of its operntfon wás to rieslroy cotntnerce-for otHcial doriiMiñnts bhowed that lor every person who had beehdVawn by the tarifi'into manufacturing, two liad been thrown out of employment n Comnierce. He nssertcd that the tarifl of 1642 was unnccessary for the support of manufacturera - that it was án oncrous and burdensorne t'aw upon every oiher business of the country, for the support nnd aggrondizement of a few thousands wlio were engaged in manufactures - that tfie doctrine of protection was both inischievous and dangerous in its tendency Mr. Chipman, of Michigan, tiext addressed the committee in favor of the bijl. Lie contended that the present tsfifl' had not performed what its advocates promised for it. It had not farnished a " rro'me market," and kept np the price of agricultufal pruducts. He also showed from reports and speeches, by J. Q. Adama and Daiïiol Webster, that the dutics were paid by the consumer. Mr. Runisay also addressed thè conr mittee, in favor of the tarifl" of 1842, andiigainet the present bilí ; but fiis remarks aró not given. Jjne 20. Th'o House, in comnVittce ofthewhole, resu'med thé consideraron of the tnriiT bilí. Mr. Dnrrah addresaed the Commiftee against the bil1!. Mr. Sawyer, of Ohio, nddrossrd tho ;ommittee, ostensibly in favor of the taritFbill, bu't rcally in dénuncintion of ihe Ireaty supposed to bé' formed tfpon the Dregon quesiion. Mr. Andiew Johnson next addressed ihe' Cornmittee in favor of the bill. He ■)iTereü an anfiendment to levy a tax upon LJanking cnpitaí - Bonds issiied bv the iitalcsand the U. otates - on moncy loan?i and beaiing interest, and money em[loyed in shaving notes, one per cent. on mch ; on capital invested in manufac:ures, of one per cent.; and on gold ind silvcr ware, 10 per cent., ad valorom. His hour was consumed in advo:ating this amendment. Me estimated ho revenue that would be raiscd under his amendment, frotn these sources, at ?1G,OOO,OOO. June 22. Both Housos adjournod to attend the funeral of the Hon. Richard I'. Herrick, x member of the House of Representatives, from New York, (12th d:strict,) Uenselaer coutity, who dicd at his lodgng.s, on the evening of the 20th inst.