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BOOKS! BOOKSÜ At Pcrry's Book Store. TO THE PUBLIC TlfR uii(1(-rsii;fi'e(I liMviiig tcturned fro'n Ntw' York VÏi a new, large nnd valu'iible atook fSoó'ks, Stalioncry and Paper ' Haiigings, s now ready lo geHTor Cash,' :iny' iliiug in hi ine pi hiá ' n'i' w ii.-md pl Mín sireet, oppo-' He' 11. Jüeckcr'e Brick Store'. ie will snyio' Boók purehasers. thnr.Jiy his i ffVrs last fnll oij' ui rfnrii tiom Nw York. the pricp of n'ènrly :v-ry ifiing in hia line lina bceq suM 4 'c than ' riiTc'ioforc. nud hal it no( beorí' for liim. puichdiors woulil hnve coniinuc'd tO'jtoy 'ïbV 'fricea herei.ifoic charod. , lic fcon ;ny nL-o. i'n,.! lila snii s Jmvc btfen boyiMiil his mit srptgrrrrfí t-.Njí?ctnMor,s. Aówiög L'onclur.'f-lv iiic( n public benefactor, nltboughevrr si sniail, will riót gü uurewardcd n lhis enlijjliipiicri comniun'fy. He ia tliaiikful for tlic fiivora alrcndy bctowed, inil W' iilii respect I ti lly h ■■licil n ctin i iiu;i nec üfiiio luide: mul lic would ytn lhuC wlu nrvcr Iimvo puicliatod 1ooks of li ir, lic will bhow tlieui arlfcjca nud frice wiiii pleisure n' nny time rhey c'iill vrhcilier ihey wiali to' püiciinse Jr TIOl. . . . Ca-ii orders (rom the eonnlry' will bc atlended lo, :ttnl ilio bonks packed ns wcll as if the jer- sous wcre iinem to altend the purcha6es. He will olso st'U to clnld.-i'ii ns cheop d their paren tí. l'uri -Inscrs will d'i wl-1! to cxaiiiino h ir Stock and prices böote purcUa-n g Isewbetë Ihm't forget lieplace; ie sUre ymt cnll af PKRRY'SBOOK STORE, on Main Sí reef, ti few doors South of the Public Square. WM. R PÉRRY, Ann Arbor, Juno '27. 18 IG. 265-tt Paper 13a il gin gs. A 1AttGfeJ l"t nf Paper llani;in.t;9, p.nd Bor'-' j. ilc: iii. loi sile che.T)r iliftn cve'r oflered' in !h::f Yillüge. nl.. i'ERRY'8 BO0KST0RK. .Innc l:. li J'UST óponing. a Íir6l rale lot f Loiv Bnoke, (or s:i!c til úw piblislur pru-.i -s. for cnh aC Ie-uit's Boókstork. .ïuim' ir. I -■UI. '270-tf MEJJ1CA L D O ÖK Jt ANi:w lm ot Mettibïl BooiV.8. ymt' opened and toi tale chcup loi cash al FtiRv's. .limo KV -jrO-tf li i: TTEÍI LATE THAN NEVERf 'pil K Siil'ficnbcr b.iB ih'e pleuora of uinoun-, cjng to iho I'ulilic, tli ut lie has jusi receivM (toni New York, iind oponed u chotee and welf Oi'eotftl nsHoruiicnt of" NEW GOODS, cotsisting of Dry Guods, Groccrics, Crockenj, Hardware, Boots and Siocs, which lie wijl sc!l n Very Low Trices for Rcady l'ny m Cash. or Produce. CïHor GoodswiII bepiiui lor WOOLin ony qOaniiliLS. ROBERT DAV1DSON. [ Añú Ar!or, June 10, IS4U. 66TUK ES5Ï INCÏ MACHINES TUK undersigned would inform the jmbho ili.-ti je maoulactures Hurse Power aad Thresbing lacbiaei at Scio, of u tupcfiuï úind inven tcd ly [lituselfV Tln-s? IW-cis und Machines are panioutaYly adupivd lo the use of Farmers wl.o wish to uso t.'iein tor thrcshiri" tlieir uwn grain. Tfte power, threaher and fivtures tan all be loadcd into a coiumon sized v:rororr b.t and drawu ynih 0110 :nr nf liorsvs. Thef aro. rlcsiucd to be used wnii fotfr liorw. and aro abuiidautly s,nong for (hm iniinbsr, und niay bc safuly usad with six of eight imrses wiih proper care. They work with It-ss sticnglh ut horscs arcording to the amoi nt of huaíucsá done th tu any otfcer power, and will' Kenernüy abt'ut "00 biibtiela v hout per day wiih toin WarVeí. In ob6 ?iï#laoce 153 buslielá whent frér ifircshcd iri threc hoöi3 m uil font lioreèa 'l'liis ï'ov. er ;iiid Miichiuc cortnin 11 the :ul - vnr.tagcs nccessnry to maho iliem profitblo th tlio purcü:tser. 1'hcy are strong .imJ durable. - Tht) are cnöily móvfd Íioiti oi:4 piace to niio'.h' er. The work of ihè loises is eay ft fldse ; 'ioiv."s ui coiffpariaoii to O'ïiièrs, and the firice ia' LOV.'Jlv iii.iii ;uiv tiiin:i niwei niil i.'iKl'irid. li ivcovi-r l.ii'ti cold m tlic Sime. BecorJiñg to tlio1 ipiil vi.lnc. 'I'iic tej ins of ?i_i mout vi!l lui út nutes iliui aru knöWn lo bi aLt-ulutcrV i;ood. I havo a i)utuler pf I'owcra and M.ieMiie now amly füff sale and jiersons wisliing to bu ire invhöd ( Éüll eototi; CL KAN KKS. l expoet to lc pfepnrod wnlin a' ft-'A da}(? lb' maUo Clenners fr ihcse who tn'ay wnrit thom. The uttlity ;.nd advantapes oí this F-wer onu Machine ivill appoa'r evident tu all on c.aniintng 'he rrcomtnendatioftï bdlow'. All persons nr raiíiiu'ned" ugnïrtat mïiJtirit: !hc.e lWeid and MacKihts: thu undersigácd! havin-r ndoplC! 'hc neecssary nif neures for sfecunnir Ictrir8 (Mient for the satuc within' thé time leouircd ly liw. ,,j S. W. FORT Kil üao, Wuslitcnuw Co , Sfich.. Jan? lö, 1J4G. UIA O.MME.XDAIlONá. OafirtS the ycar Ir45( oach of ;ho undcrsiiicd purebosed find sd eiihcr . individüally or joinily wiih uihers. oire' of S. W. Fostör'a ncwly mvc:iled Hdise Povvors and thresliing vnnchmètf, ■ind htlieve they !rc htttfr atl.iplod t tho upe of I'.ir:iici Wio wunl Power jud Machinus for iheii twii ilian any iiü'.vcr and ihfeshet wiiliin our knovvk'dpi. They are cuicnlated robo used wïül four li nJ are ol mitpls strcngifi itir ihnt nrnnber. Thuy tfföaai fo w eonaintctrd in f-irh a mnimri as to reuder thcm vury dtnublt wuh liule liuhility of genius; out of oidr. Thov.iro cMsily u;ol froni ono plnCö lo aiioihor. Tlity can be wmkcd wtib nny nunrbcr of bands fropi four to tíght, and wtll ibrcsfr abui't 2Ö0 hasheb Whcj per cíav. J. A. roi.HKMl'S, Scio, Wasliraw c-j. (}. llLOOl), T. Rf"flAUD?ON, ;' SÁMl'r.l, UKALY, - ?. V. KOSTKK, 4l N. A. PfÍELPS, " ADAM . " j m o:s. ;.u,.. VM. WALKER, Wcbíior, THOS WAFíRKN. 1) SMAÍXET, íai, T ihrt'flinl List! nd uinior w?ih ono of P.VV. Foswr li"ifc powétft moro tÜnri lih'éen. thous.ind 1'UHÍiíls grairt Tise rrpairn bestowed upon ;l'" [ov-r .-iiiioiiniOií lo inly Gf cents, and n ,:s iu;;'iodí oidVr when I haí iTone fliréshin. J inVaimbly use i si fio.. AARON YOINGLOVE M.inon. June fi, 1316. 1 pnTrhised orto o( tí. W. Tosíer'a horee puu.ij tast tall and h.ivc tfead it f'r j"bbffr. Ï have used mnny difiWen) kinIs of power and bel eve ibis s thc btsi inmune power I have evrr.Ecen. D. S. BKNNBT. líimWrg! June, 18 tó Wc puuii.iM-d one of S. VV. foélor's. IIor l'..vers Iflli lnll, and buvo ustd il and llnnl; ít u a ttrát iat6 }'ovei. . JKSSF. HALL,DANIEL S. IÍAÍíL, ItEÜBluN tí. HALL. II .mburg. .Iwno. 1S4G. '-'i: U STKAYED OR STÜLKN. F ROM te nèacribtr rn ihe 18 h inst.. f lnige st.-ii dnrk biind)è cow, w'ith Mine lmc titjois o íbe fV.t é íboülilere arxí run'p. nnd ii üimltt bolo boicd into tbe feít boin. W'hocver wilt return sid cow orjgivo mfrniation who rhe t.i'i ! . intuid, wtíl be liberuíly rowardtd by the eubscMbc, z püLCIFHrR Aiwi Albor Jun J7. ldW.' tí