Classified Ad
ÃÃSà Tliis èxcelièiit eoiiipoand id fur salo by ilic roprietor's Agehls. MAYNARDS. 2G3-ly WÃÃlson's Corn rtïiïf, (Mc'Kniglit's Patent.) The subscuber would hereby sny 10 the pul Lc hai Be'is huw prepared to furnish n lioil noiee, tlue wlio wish. a portable niill. cnpnulc ol c trindmg :!) hnnjipld of eais of com p-r hour. ot b liiul lmiiisü L'rüin lor .-helled corn, :' with ;i rut-li ) ri.t out dover s. ed. iV;. iSf'C ' ,-illeii J. L. .McKniylitd pntent com crushurand .lover rubber Are. Tho siili-LTilicr is n!s p'óspnroil (o sell town md coumy ricino lo s'iid pn(eiu un liberal tumis. The machine Woiks lili e a chanrÃ, npplicablo !à norse, water, or stenni power: one horse, U uiTicient tn iHïloim ilio neeessnry, grindinjj; lm ny farm or oiher establishment lor Kom e onumpiion. bul more power s ncCCïsary to do iuátbni work !o p proiit. Tlie s'ihtcriber has ixiw in operntion in his hop ai his Teinpcrnnc! Ilouso. in Jackson, a vo hou e póvvcr, by which. wTlti tbc Ion-o of önötiotse (only at p-.ftem) lie dávea öDid machinc. T!ip Dclvnnjagés of foedins corn nnrl in his :y is loo wi-ll imilcitioo(l to nor.d ro)onrsn. SiilHceit ir say, ihnt lo ilie soiilh. where ihcy rJ5o corn easy. nnd worili ryrliAps lOcenisper bushcl. ifiy think it in Dbjötl 10 cinniiiitu hy ilms feeding corn nnd pobb nioil. ind tlni too whcic iliey givo (mm to J to) "or rrind n either för fecd rft distillaiion. One. iwo or ihr e competent salespieu wnnt;d to scll riL'hts to said machine in ihis Sinlc tikI Ohi', nnd löseHrFghts lo Thomkin's morticing mac'iine in this State: the lest now in use. J.T. WILI.SON. Jackson, MarcJi 2. ÃIG. 2J0-6m Wotice. GP. IIILF. w.mld ri'spccifi l'y nrorm the cii'zctis f' A nu Aibor .'Mul viciniiy ilim ihe liim nl G D Ilill & ('o., h iviiiL' dissolved hc will coniinuc tl. e Iis;iipss W tlio cld staüd iü Unwkins' Hloek. on ihe oÃd and eátnlOjshed prin eiplrs oC-rfie house 'fsMAtf! p'.oFns anu prompt i'w." lo vyill le nlilc toojVnr io bis cuatoiners on or nlionltMP 'JDili d.iv rif Muy. A 8PLEÃCID ASSORTMENTOF SPRIf G GCODS al (he Iuwcst pOÃsibÃo rntcs lor Cat-h, VVhcat. VVool. and all othor kinds ol produce. A'l pcrFon.H waniiii to buy goods wlll find i: to ilu-ir hdvantego to huid on their Oltl Glotitis) until ihe :ttmvo nainqd nssorunciii is repcived, a thev ui'I he so!d at vrrv low rn'es. Tlic Pubscniifr will niso pav iho KifihfSl rnar ket price lor 100,000 POUNDS OF WOO1, G. D. I1ILL. Ann Arbor. Ma II, IH-16. 2!l-tf EXCHANGE HOTEL TEITIPERACE HOUSE. (Dircctly opposite the Calaract Hotel.) BY CYRUSF. SMITIJ, NIÃGARA FALLS, N. Y. This House is not of the largeel clñÃg, I.iit if wel! kept. upon ihe ónmeplnn ihat it hnsiem lui bevernl years pasf, umi aUbrds tiiii1ü mul veiy comfortab'e ncconiniodaiioiis for iliose stoniiintr at ihe Fal!s. This Hotel is sitmtcd in the p!encantest pan of the Villaje, on Main Strert, nnd but n few minutes walk from the Cataract. Goat Island or the Ferry. Ningnrn Vah, 18-10. 2()'2-Gm me. Watkïns ék BïclI, me FORWARDING AND CÃÃMMISSIOà UHMtOIT. Agens for the Troy nnd Eric Line. Fo Frcight and Passage, appfy to Asa C. Tkkkt, } . xr n e A cents. ÃN. Cii..Mi',i:iu.i, b 29CoentiesSlijs N. Y. Idf, Coit & Co,, Troy. Kl.UISEKt.Y, PeASE ds CO., ? u v l q n Builiilo. b. IJUULLARD, Maik Packatfes "Troy nnd Erio Lino." Sbij Dni'v, (iftindays cAceplfd.) t'roiii Coeniirs Slip, N. Y., by Troy and Eñe Irot 'W 2Ã1 Gin Valuablc Water Fo%ver Iba Sale. TUY. suhscriber will solà or rrnt hia interest ii the Water 1-Wer in the vilnjjo if Di-Iln 5 iiiilcs rt'et oà Aun Albor, ;n the iiuron K;ver. consisiing of n eho] simible Idacksniithitijr furnacè or ecythc Ibcory, with iwo Ipitgea ai(' threo Iftp hninniers. Tho Water Power is IÃ0 inclus tiuo'er nearly ninc ftet lieah. Alio, n Water Power in siid vilfngo sufficieht to propei foui run of Btonp. A awelling house will also b( s.dd wnh ilic i'bove, Idtsirod. For further par ticnlarsenquitc on ihe prehiisea of JACOB DOREMUS. May IS, 184G. 2.(J4-tf TTII lï coparinersliij) here'.oiore existing tiudci the firin of Lund & McCoHum, is this day dissolved by mutual consent - all notos and ncCounls due iuid firin timst be paiel lo D. T. Mc Colluni wlio iá duly authorized to scttlc the eaute J. H. LUiNü. D. T. AIcCOLLUM. Da:ec?, Ann Arbor. May 20, I4li. Tho buajiYefS vvill hereafter be conducted hy J. H. Lund t Co., wliti are now receiving c largo and extensivo assortment of Goods, consisiing of Dry Goods, Groceries, Croekery and Glagswaie, Boots and Shocs, Honnets, Pañi f b and Oils, Drugs nd A}edicines, &c. The public are in ited to calà and examino qaniity and priecs. J H. LUND & CO. Dated. Aun Ai hor, May 20 181G. 2C0 3n. ï O THPUBliÃcT" TME subsciiber witilics to inform the public, that he has completed liis now Brick Huild ing n the Villaje of Ilowcll, and has fiucd it up. together with Hirns nnd othcr out (Juildings, fora permanent Tavern stand. He has now opened the same for the acconnnodation of the pul.üc, and will endoavor to mrdco his lioupc a quief rtsting place for tho travellcr. The Honse will bc keptupon strictlv Temperance principies, at charges whicli will compare wiili tlie most rcasona'.le, "thougli it should deniand sonic pecuniary sacrifico to su&tain it." To the iriends of liberty and equal riplit. the "Birkky House" is now oilercd you with the motto: ''Libcrttf fy Temperance." E. F. GAY. Iiowell, Liv. Co. April ?9, 18-16. i.GJ-tf fffff Kega of Ãastcrn Ãaili--, jt.'st reccived )"" and for sale by WILLIAM R. NOYES, J% 76, VVootlward Avenue, Detroit. Dec. 12, 1314. 242 TEMPERANCE HOUSE. PB. RIPLEY would say to his friends and the Irienda of Tempertnce, that he has aken the Temperance House, lately krpt by Nm. G. Whcaton, where he would bc glml to vait upon thetn. Hay and Oats nnd Stabbling o accomtnodate teams. Detroit, January 1, 1846. 2-Ã5Ãf
Dr. Osgood's India Cholagogue
Willson's Corn Mill
G. D. Hill & Co
Temperance House
Watkins & Bissell
Ide Coit & Co
Kimberly Pease & Co
Water Power
J. H. Lund & Co.
Old News
Signal of Liberty
J. L. McKnight
J. T. Willson
G. D. Hill
Cyrus F. Smith
Asa C. Tefft
N. Chamberlin
S. Drullard
Jacob Doremus
J. H. Lund
D. T. McCollum
E. F. Gay
William R. Noyes
P. B. Ripley
No 76 Woodward Avenue Detroit
29 Coenties Slip New York