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PUR prcceding litjuie is given to represent ihe insensible Perspirníion. tí is ihe gispt n vaeinlion for ihe im,urilies of ihe body. Jt will ■' e noiiced ihni .'i (Mcfc clotidy niit issues t'rom II poinis of ilie surfnet1, which nMitfntés thnt li s perspirntion flowe imiiiiorrupu dly when c rr re ij lienlili. luit censes when we are sick. Li'p innot le sustained wilhout it. Ii is thrown (!' " rom ilie blood hnii othcr jnices af the body. nd d.sposos ly tliis mean:, of nenrly all tho miiriius wiihin us. The blond, by tliis means l n!y. works tsell pure. The hmgunge of Strip " i;cis. "in tho Blood is ilm Life." Ft' it ever " Ccoroè8 impute, it mny he trnccd direcily to the x oppngc of Ilie toseneible l'erspiration. Il fiever .v equires any iniernnl medicines fo eiennse it, as j always nuriiics iifelf by itaown heat nnd ' on. .mi ! liiows ofl' n'l ilie rTt-nding Iinmors. ïrouüh t lic lnoen8ille Perspir.-.tii n. Tlins we ' cc all iliat is necessnry when the blood is N ani, or iniecléd, is to open ilie poros, undil reevis i:t=i'lf froni t:ll imniiriiy insl!iitly. lts own . ent and vilalitv nre stiilicit-nt, without ' iele of mtdicine', rxerpt to open the poic;- upon ' hcsitrfnce wc sr e the lollv of takinr po ' ni;li interna! remedies. All pNNijitioners. ver, direct their rffjrts to restore the Insensible ! ïerspirntion, but il sPérïié to tie not nlwnys the ! iropi r one. 'i'ho Tboinpsonian, for insianrc ' teams, the shiouds us in wot : is, the flniiiopath stdo'alsout íñfih?lM8Ímrf1?yVhe UÍoDntfr.Bt llce(!s nnd d(rscs i!9 wiih mercuiv, nnd ; he blustcring Quack gorges U3 w.'th pills, mÜs. .lis. To L'ive sonie idea of ihcatnmint or ilie Tnscn l'irpp'nation, e wü! statethar tho Icar.iieil Dr. l.cwciilioi k. and tiie aient Uoeihiinve. asecraineil ihat five-eighihsof idi we receive ituo the stómnch. pnssetl olf b'y this imniis. In othor words. if we cal and drink eight pounrls perdjij'. we evr cunte live pounds of it by the Insensible ['c!s;iira!Íon. This is none other thnn the ueed tip parricles .)(" ifié bl'icfil, and ötlierjuicè givi'ngplnco to ihe ncw ani fresh ones. To check ih .. ilierefoie. is t' retaia in ihe Pstein fiv.eithtiis o(" ll the viriilefil that nature demanda shouUlleavu the io(ly. And even when ihis is ilie case. ihe hl. jud is of so active n principie, i tint it deterniinrp t' oe paitieles to ihe ski ï. uhere they forni scabfii pimples, ulf.cis. and oihr spots. By n siiiltlvii iP'iiMton iiom jient to cold. ihe pnrcsaie Ftoppèd. the prrpirnnón c.easé, oitfl ilisonse Uegifis at once lo devchípoitselí'. Jíence. n 8toppnge of this flow ol the ju:eeá, oi;tginQ:e so líiány corppiaints. It is by stopping the poros, 'int overwhelms innnkind wiili cmiglis, rolds, and oonsu nipt ion. NipeVientha of tlie Wiirlo die from'-s mduced by a sloppage ot tlie Insensible Perspira non. It is cnsily seen. therefore. Iiow nccorsary is the flow i f iliis suhtle hmnur to the surlhce. to jirosur -e hcalth. it cannot lu' stopped; ii cannot hc even chteked. witliuiit ndticing discase. Let nu: nsk iiow. evpry caniüJ nu nd. what coiüse seeins the most roaéöiiuliie to iiursue. to uridtoo tiic pores. alter tlu-y are eloseJ.' iVöÜIO you give ph) sic to unalQp tt.e pores? Or would you npply eoríietliing that would do this üpori the'. where the clogging ncinally is? Would not ihis b.e cornmon senst? And yet I kn.wof no physieian who riiokcs uny Cïferrjui oppücation 10 eilb:t it. The renson Í ngsin is, that iio medicine u'jthin their knowledge. is en pahlc o( doing it. Under thf-se circumstanecs, I pres nt to physicians, and to ;il! others, a prcpauilion that hm iliis power in iis fullest P5ent. It is:1r.l. fSTEIl'8 AU, HEM.tXG ÖlNTMENT. orihe WUlll.irS SALVE! h has power to estorc pi rspiration on the feet, on the head, around old toros, upon ïho chrst, in shoii. upon anypartol the body, whclhur ditcascd ;l:g!illy or f-evt'iely. It bus power ( Cailèe all rxior.vil s res, scrofulpua hujtiprs, ikin d. acabes. pois-nous woundt!, fo discharge ihcir pmr.d inaucr. and ihcn lualy h'iii. It :s n renudy thnt swcrs ofl' the wUc qnfl logue of (iit.'ii( ou.s disirííci. .mu reátures tilt eniirc cutk-le fo iishcahhy f u ncr iois=. Ii is n renicfly ;fi:t ft)rbid 'lie iipcessily of so mniiy and deleterious drligs laktn inlo the sto.naeh. Ii is n retnèdy thnt nciihor sickon3. gives inconven.ence. or is diingeroís to the iiues i nes. h preserves nnd delentls the uri'ace from all .dernnyenii nt óf i 18 lunCtioiis. whi'e it kee[is opin tl e eliminéis for the blood to void dl its iniiirities and diftpose of afl iis uscless particles The snrlare is liie outlet oí íive eijhlhs of the bile and uscd lip tnntter within. It is pie'rccd vvhh milüoiis ol openings to relieve tl. e intesiins. Stop uji ' iIkso poros, and dVatJ knoCks -:t yoiir door. ít is rightly termèd All-He ilmz. tor there is scarcely a disenso, or iniornal. that it wiíl nöt beur fi'. I have used it Lr the last fiiiirteeti yenrs, lor II disensos of tlx cIipsi, consumption. liver, inyoiving ihe utmos' danger and respon'-ibility, and I declare befóte Hearen and mini. ihat not in one single ense lintit failed to hemfi', when the patiënt was wiihii. the rench of mortal means'. I have had physicinns. learncd in tho profession; I had niinisters of tlic Gospel, Judgeson the Mcneh. Alderinen and Lowyers.'gen tlerreii of the highesteriidition and multitudes o' the poor, use il in every varicty af way, and there hr.sbeen hut one voice, one 'tnited. universal voice, sayin, "McAlister, your üinttr.em is goodl" cor.'suMPttoN. It can hardly be credited thnt a salve can have any eíTcct upon the lunes. ealcd a? ihey are within the sysiem. Bat wesny once tbr óll, thal this üin tinent will reaeh the lungi quicker tlian nny medicine that can be given internally. Thus. if placed upon the chest, if penetrates directly to the lungp, sepnraios tho poisonous pnriicles thüt are coneuijiing (hem, and expela tljem from the systsmI need not eay tint it is curing persons of Consun piion conu'nüaüy, althougli wo are told it is loolishnees. I cnre not whnt is said, so long as I can cute seveml thuusand persons yearly. 1IKA1) ACHK. This Salve has cured persons of the Hcad A che of 12 years standing, and who had it regnlarly evcry week, so [fiat vomiiing of.on took place. Deafntss nnd Ear Ache are helped witli the like success. as also Ague in the Face. cor.u keet. Consumption. Livcr couiplaint, patas in the ehest or sidc, falüns[ of the hair. oneor the other alwnysnecomnanies cold feet. It is a sure sign of disease in the sysiem to have cold feef. The Salve will restore the Insensible Ferspiration and thus cure every cate. In Scrofula, Erysipela3 and Salt Rhoum, and other diseases of this nature, no internal remedy has yet been discovered that is so good. The same may bc said of Bronchitis, Quincy, Sore Throat, Piles, Spinal Diseases, Broken or Sore Breast, Ac And as for the Chest Discases, snch as Aeth ma, Pain, Oppression and the likc, it is the most wonderfnl antidote in the World. For Liver Ccmplaint it is equally eflieneious: for Burns it lias noi has its equal in tho World; iso, Excreoences of every kind, siu-hns Warts, Tumors, Pimples, &c, it inakes clean work of thuni all. SOKK KVKS. Tho inflammalion and discase always lieshack of the ball of the ove in tlie socket. Ilcnce tlio virtue of any medicine must reach the seatof the infla. uaimn or it will do littlo good. The Salvo, if rubbcd on tho temples, will penétrate dircclly into the socket. The pores will be open cd, a proper perspiration will bccrented and the liscasc will soon pn?s offto ihe si.T.'acc. PIMl'I.ES O.N TUK ÏACK, KRECKI.KS, Tt.V, MASCULINK SKIW, CROSS SURKACK. It6 first action jtto esoel all humor. It will)t cense drawing till ilie face ;b free from any atior ihat mny be lodged under iho skin and cqucntly brcaking out 10 the surlnce. lt then mis. Wlien therc is nothing bui grossness or i!l repulsivo 8urfacc, it begins lo íolicn ártd fien until the skin becomes nssmocth and c'eli ite as a child's. It throwa a freshness and ushing color upon the now white, tronsparent iri. tlint is pcrt'tctly enchnnting. Sonie time ense of FVecklcs it wiil fir6t start out thoao at have lain hiddonnnd seen butseldom. Pur. ia tlie Salve and all will soon disappear.' Woums. If'pnrcnts Uhcw luiw fntal most medicines wera i chüdren taken inwardly, thcy would be slow i resort to them. Espccinlly "mercurial lozenrs," called "medicated loienges," pilfs, &c' 'hetruth is. no one enn teil, nvarinbly,vhen onns me present. New let me scy to porenta uit this Salve will a!wys teil if n c}t[ 10 orn'nf. It will drive eveiy vcstige of thetn aay. 'J'his is a simple and sníe cure. Thereis probably no medicino on the face of ie eanh at om-o so sure and eo safe ín the eiulsion of wornis. lt would be cruel, nny wicked, to pivc interal, douhtliil medicines, so long as a harmlces xicmal one could bc luwl." TOII.KT. Aldiough I have said little abont it as n hnir 3storaiive, yet I will sialie itagainst ihe Worldl 'he? m.iy bring iheir Oils far and near, and lino will restoro the hairtwo enses to their one. OI.D SOKF.S, OKTIFICAÏIONS. Lt.CKRS ÉTC. That some Sores aio an outlet to ihe'impu'rie- of tlic system. is because they ennnot pnsa fl' thrÖugb i!ie naiu al clmnnels of the Insensilo Poo-pirntion. IC such sores are healed up, lic inipuritios must hnve some other outlet. or it ihII endunger iife. This is the reason why it irf inpolitic to use the connnon Salve of the day n such ceses. For they Iwive no power to opert ther avenues, to let olT thii muibid matter, and he consnquoncos are alwnys fatal. This Salva OU uhvays provide for such cmergenciee. DÍSKASES OV CHII.nftW. How many ihousands are swept off by givinrf ntcrnul mediejnes, whon thdr young bodieá ind tender frames are unuble to bear up ugninst hem? Whole amies are thus sent to their raves merely frm pouring nto their vcuk tomachs powerful driigs ond physicsf It is to iuel tlmt iho All-IIealing Ointnient leridèrs sö jale, picasant, and harmless a cuie Puch cai es as Croup. Choliu. Cholera Infantuni, vVorms, and all Í5uninicr f'omplaints, by whicli io many children die, the Oinimont will rcinove su speedily and surcly, ihat a physiciau grill never be needed. Mothers! throughout n this land. we ftow poleninly and sacrtdly declaro to you that iho AIMJealing Om;inent will sive your children (toni nn corly grivc if you will use t. We ure not now actuated by tho leas' de8Íie to èafn'; bul Knowing as we do that vust bodies oí ininnis and children die early; wliich is suppoeed to bc inevitable and impossible to prevent, we hold up our wnrning voicc, .ind declaro in iht? fnce oi the whole world, C111LDRKN NEED AOT DIE MORF. THAN OTHKRSÜ Hut t is from the want ef proper nourisl-ment lid (he constant drupging ihey undergo which tnows v'iein duwn as ilie rank grass falls beforo ihc scylhe. ilóthérè! we repeat again. and if they trere t lic Inst wjuls wc weio ever io utler, Mid of euinsc past ilie reach uf all interest, wc would a"iy, 'Miiíetlic All-lluaüng Ouuiueni for sicknee unong chüdien." RlfKUMATISH. It remove nlmost ininicdiatcly tbc inilania-' lion and swolling, when thu uain of courso coases. rv.t-(s. ín cn3es of fever, the Hificulty lies ilï fk# pnres being lucked tip, so that the heat and pcrpp;ialion cal. not pass oil'. Il ihe letist moisturo could bc starud, the crisis, ia pflFBed and the danger over. The Oiniment will in all casfs óf fevcra alniost instantly uulock tho skin and bïing jfftrth the perppiration. FKltfALE COMIM AIMS. Indimaiion oí the kuhieys, of the womb. ond iiálalling down, wciikness. i?iá irrrgularity; iu short, uil thosc diRlculiics vvhicif ,e fiecviicil u nh Il-inales, iind n-ady and purn.'ynéfit rfVef. We have hád aged adies leli us they coulcl not live six myiuhs wiiliout it. Bm to femalcs nbovt to bccomc mothers, if used for some weeks ente, cedent to their confinemunt, very few ofilioso painèl and convuisions whifh atiend il em at tnaf period will be feit. Tbrafoct ooghf to 6e knowft ihe or!J otCf. SCAI.I) UFAD. We have onrccl cases ihat aclually dcfi(?cve rything wtll as the abili'iy of fifu-pn or twiü.iy donrors. One man tóld us he hnil .--pont .iióOO on his cluliirtn wiihout any beruiii, when a few of iLe Ointnient turcd them. roKNs. Peo)!o nceJ never bc troublcd with ihcm if ihey wilt ii. Aa a FA.M1LY .MEDICINE, no mnn can mensure ie vmIuc i long as .the star mll ;ilong over tho Ileavcns - so long ns mnn irtaila he ennh. EObject io all the infirmiiies uf the llesh - so long a !isea.=e nnd sickness is known - just so long will iIiíb Ointnient be used nnd estcemed. When rnnn ccases irom off the earlli, ilu'ii the (Iemand wiHeeae, and not lili ihen. 'J'o allay all apprehcnsions 'on nrcount of iis ingredients. in possessinssuch powerftijpropeiïiee, wi! willstaie ihat ir is composed of some uf ihe most common nnd harn-Iess herls in cxisience There is no mercury in it, asean !e icen from the fact that itcioes not injure the skinon partiële, whilo il will pass lliroogh and physic the bowels. JAMF.S McALlSTER &. CO. 1C8 South streef. N. York. Solo proprieior of tho obore Medicine, to whom all oominunicarions mast be nddrcaaed (post paid). Price25cenisand .00 cents. CTCAUTIO.rij As the All llealing Oiniment has been grrotly counterfeiied, we have g-.ven ihis caution to the publie, that "no Ointment will bc genuino unlcs8 the names of James McAlister, or Jamoa McAlisier & C.. are wrinen wiih a prn upon èvery laltl." The labeí is a sieel rngraving, v.iih ihu iigiiio of "Insensible Perspiratiön'' on the fncc. Now we hereby offer a rewarclof $.'00, to ba paid on conviction, in any of the constiiutcd court8 of tho United States, of any individual coutotéríeitlng K':r nnne and Ointment. MAYNARD'S. Ann Arbor, Wholesale Agents; Smiih & Tyrell, Clinton: Ketchuni & Smith, Tëcumsëh: D. C. Whitwood, Dexter; H. Bower, Mauchesier; John Owcn & Co., Detroit; Harman &. Cook, Brooklyn. Dec. 18, Ití-15. ' 244- ly AÏTACHMENT NOTICE. GuyBecklcy& ") Lulto Beek ley, ! r r t' rm Iiefore L. I homson, escj. Sylvanus H. HiM. j Á WKIT of Attachmcnt having been issurd fjL by Edwin Thomson, esq., ajusiice ofiho peace in and for Washtenaw County, at the eui of Guy Bccklcy and Luke Bcckley against Syl vanus IJ. Hill, rEturnablo at the office of saia justice in. the village ol Ann Arbor, in said county, on the !6ihdayof May, 18-1G. at one o'clock P. M., and the said defendant having failed to appeor, noiice is hereby is given ihat aaid causa is continued for trial uniil tho 17th day of August 18 lt!, at ono o'clck, P. M., at tho oflico of said Justice. Datcd, June 1, 1846. 26'J. BE TTER LA TE THAN NEVER! rT1HlC Subscriber h:is ihe pleasure of announcing to tho Public, that he has just reccived from New York, und opened a dioico and well Cilected assortment of NEW GOODS, consisting of Dry Goods, Grocerics, Crockery, Hard toare, Boots and Shocs, which he will soll at Very Low Pricca for Roady Pay in Cash, or Produce. Caíh or Gooüs will bc paid for WOOL in nny quaniitics. ROBERT DAVIDSON. Ann Arbor, June JO, I84G. 268 TO LAWYERS. JUST opening, a first rale lot of Law Bookf, for sale at tho publishers pricee, for cash at Tekky's Bookstokk. Juno 15, HUI 270-tf Chattcl Mortgnges, JUST printclandijr sale al this ofljcc in anf quunliiy. Maren 24, 181(5.