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Miscellany: A Case Of Over Excitement

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The following from the N . Y. "Evening Mirror," was furnished by Mr. Lester, U. S. Consul at Genoa. Having to deal with all sorts of characters, and being confined for many days to my office in the dullest details of business, it isa great relief sonietimes to meet with an old genius who breaks up the monotony of lifo, and has his own story to teil. Not long ago I was favoed with a cali from two persons in one day, of a singular description, and thcy were the last two I ever expected to meet. - The first was a Yankee from Worcester, Mass. He was a long, lean, shabbily dressed fellow - bat 111 stop and give you a more particular description. About three o'clock in the morning, I heard a thundering knocking at the door, by which I knev astiauger wis there, for all Iialians ring a bsll when there is one to ring. The servant openod the door, and ushered in the stranger. Ho secmed to be n young man, not more than eight and twnty - tall, lean, most parlicularü 'y lanteriKkwéd, and what the Yankee.? ca'll bony- Kelwlon a piir ofcow hule slues of ai erormous sie, intö the soles of wUih not less than half a pouad of horse nailhad been driven ; if I could judge by t clattering his feet made on the marb, (loor as he carne in. Between his shoeind the botkmi of his pantuloons, (nostlldistance,) were clearly visible pair Yankee knit, mixed wool socks, ftnd sta little above the socks, which had fai down a little over said shoes, was vile quite a piocc of a lean and somew; hairy leg. Since I have begun at bottom to describe my hcro, I will go j and end whcre coinmon historians tin - at the head. But really the feet ;e sotne of the most conspicious thii'about his person. Ilis pantaloons woof home made boltle green woolen, cutby somobody who was not partirily lavishof cloth, for they set as tigo his skin as they could convenientlyIis vest which did not come down quijo his pantaloons, was a "linsey woolsfabric, with a standing collar, and U brass buttous, which had probably Ij used for a coat. He had on a cotUhirt (unbleached,) and around his k a high black patent leather stock, on his head a hair scalskin Cap. Ifvill inaddition to this deacription, ure to yourself a faceahavenfor a montb, of the most undcs cribable solemnity and sternness, you have the man. Ás he entered, he carne up to me witl his cap still on his head, and pulled down over his ears, he said, 'Bé you the United Statea Counsel?' 'Yes, sir.' 'Well, I'm á prophet of God, and niv worldly name is . I was born in Worcester, in old Massachusetts, twenty eightyears ago, or thercabouts. I lived in sin andiniquity, likc all the rest of the folks in Worcester, till nigli three years ago, when the Almighty revealcd to me his son as hc did to Paul ; I was struck dumb, and, likc Paul, after hia dajjk season, I had revealcd to me wonderful signs, sights and visions, when I was brought out intogreat light. Right oíF I see tliateverybody clse was wrong ; that the priests was leading 'om all to pen'ition. So I lifter! up my full voicc, and like Noah, I warned 'eni of approaching wrath ; but like the Ante-Dcluvians, tliey stopped up their ears and kept on sinning. About six weeks ago it was reveaied. lo me that I was the proj)het of God, spoken of in Malachi, and the rest of the prophets, that wcre to prepare the war for the second coming of Christ ; and that as hc woukl appear at Jerusalem at such a time, I must go there and prepare Ihing3 for lus coming ; sol am here 'in the spirit and power of Elijnh,' and I am boimd for the holycity. If you wish to escape the last vial of wrath that is just a going to bc poured out, help me on mv journey.' 'Well, sir,' I replied, somwehat 'used up,' I confess, by the prophet's communications, 'I am glad to see you. Won't you take a seat friend? You are ofl'for Jerusalem, then, by the ñrsí boat?' 'O yes, sir I must go quick, too?' 'All right. We can talco you there by steam, and that's faster than the old prophets used to travel, I expect, except now and then, some of them, who took, like Jonah, the belly of a whale for a cabin. But I hope you are not in suc-h great hoste but you can pass a day or two wilh us hor2 ; we have a fine city, filled with palaccs and works of art." 'Oh! I care no more ■ for these 'ere thingsthan Paul did when he stood on Mars Uil!, and see the whole people given to idolitry. I must be on my way, Cor I have yet to get to Jerusaleni and keep a holy fast of forty days beforc Christ can come, and I don't v.ant to delay the Lord Jesus vou see.' .'Oh no, of course not : I should be very sorry to have you do that ; I don't think we ought to do cuch tilinga. But tcll usa word about the way you gothcre. I have a great interest in your mission. I have noi seen sucli a man -for i many a day. 'Wcll, just as soon as this revelalion come, I sold out my carthly goods to get a little money, and left friends and home. for you know what our Lord said, that if a man didn't bate bis father and mother." kc. I got to Boston, and found a steamship n-goir.g to lcavc the next day for Engl and, and I took passage; we was 13 days at sea. .The same day we got to Liverpool I went to London in the care, and the day after I gotthere I went aboard an English vessel, and we eailcd here to Genoa in 18 days. So you see it's only GG days since I left my father's house in Worcesler; ; I've gonc so last because God Was on my side, and every thing was overruled for me hls servant and choson prophet." "Yes, I sec ; wcll now w'aich way do you go ?" "I want to go the qaïckest way to got to Jerusalem, only I must go by ihe way of Rome, for it lias been revealed to me, as it was to Paul, that I must be persecuted and sufi'er at Rome ; she is the mother of harlots, tho beast, ihe falso prophet, Sutan's seat and no prophet of God cnn ga thore without persecution ; 1 slmll be there in prison twenty dnvs us has been revealed to me, and sulTer great torments and tortures for which I am prepared, aud then God wili come to deliver me from prison, as ho dicl Poter and Silas, and 1 shall go on my way to Jorusalem." "Why, my friend, it sesrns to me that if they are to handle you so roughly in Rome, l should givethen the slip and go somc other wny." "Oh no, I am commandod to goto Rome and proclaim to the pope that the daof God's judgment is come, and that in a few weeks he will be cast into the bottomless pit." aAnd what do you think his holincss will say to this interesting picce of intelIigence ?" 'Hewill order meto great torments - but God will deliver me." "Yv'ell, my friend, tcll us something about the state of things in Jerusalem after you get there." 'WellasI wassaying, I don't waut todetain the Lord Jesus, nor keep hin waiting fór me, so I ehnll get on th ground as quick ns possible. Thcn shall keep a holy fast of forty da)-s. - When thiö is done, the Lord Jesus wil be revealed from heaven, andset uphi kingdom in Jerusalem. Tlien the dny of reckoning wül come for all the world. All creeds will be burnt up, and judgment taken on al] priests, churches, and wicked men, and a little while given them to ropent, and if lliey don't do if, Ch rist wil] deslroy them all. The Jews will all be galhered lo Jerusalem out of all nalions lo whicfi they have been driven, and all the holy dead shall be raised o live and reign with Christ ; I shall be bis prime minisier, and great prophet. 305,000 e:iri=, and hen the world wül be urnt up or biirni over, ind a r.ew world nade out cf the o!d one, and we shall ive on it for ever and ever, even to all ternity. Heil will be in the centre of ie earlh, whicli is nothing but fire and meited lava, andfbere they wül beburned for ever and ever, even to all eternity." uBut do you really believe all this, my friend?" ''Believe it? Why I know it, for it's all been revealed to me, and I can't be mistaken;1! ';But whiit if Joeus Christ doivt come when you have finishcd yourfast?" u.Wby lic?- como." 'Well, ButijTsp strarigê a tliing shoxild happen nsthathc should not come whai Wfjulfl voii flii?;''' -l . 't ti' . "YV hy, yon may just as well ask me, whut f thcrc wifS no Jcsus Ckristf But ï have stayed licre too long already ; I was going right wáy, but the captain rold me I must liavo a paáspbrt, or tlc earthly p'óWqrs would stop ir.c ; I want to go ; make if out as quick as you can." "'You shall bave it in au höur friend.'"' "And Pil pay { höw ; what will it cost ? I've got a little moncy left." "Oh I don'i charge pröphols anything for passports, and will got the govornor, and pólice, and papal consul lo vise our passports gratis, and you enn go on board the'stcamer Virgil this cvening andbe oiffor Rome without dcloy." 'Well fliStf, Pil stay hcre till il comes." So 1he prophet took off lus cap, and put it on the Hoor by his side, and taking ouí a pocket Bible, turncd to the prophecico to read by himself. All this scène, thus far seemed to me at the time the most ridïcüloüs I ever bcheld ; but when the firát novelty had passed, and I saw the popr deludeJ man turn to his Bi bic, the blessed rcvclation of God, and con its sacrèd page with t':at intense gazo, with which no man looks butanbonest man, it was by fr-r thesaddest sight I ever witnessed. I tbought of his friends, and tlieir entreaties thathe would stay at his home, in the beautiful townof liis birth and pass his days peaceiully : Ithought of the care thathad worn him thinner than a shaddow, in pursuit of a shade, and of the disappointment that awaited him wlien he reached the holy spot, wherc the Savior of men died, and on which I daubt no more than he. that he will Btñd again at his second coming, wíiilo I sat gazing at the poor victim of dclu.sion beibrc me, and heard the involuntary sigh that now nn J tlien carne from his restless spirit, 1 feit a sadness which I cannot describe ; I could not smile at him again. I m:ide out his passport, sent it to be signed by the proper aut'norities, and then went vith him to the steamboat office, saw him on board the steamer, which wasjust weighing anchor for old Rome. 1 have heard nothing from him since. He had money enough totake hlfirt to Jerusalem, as he was villing to undergo any privntion.- ïlis health was declining evidently ; he was wnr.ting away like a man vith the consumj)tion ; his life was being burnt out of his heart by a slow fire. Beforo now he has probably reached Jerusalem, and not unlikcly he has died of hungcr and disappointment, witliout the gate of the Iloly City, where the dogs have caten his flesh and the vultures of heaven have picked [Note. We found the preccding in the Advent Ilcrald, the Millerite paper of Boston. The Uerald : Thearticle was communicated by Mr. Lcster, the United States Consul at Genoa, in Italy, and is doubtless authentic. It was w ritten by Mr. Lestcr in Europe soon after the interview referred to. M r. Lcster has sincö been to this country, and remurked that after the atticle was' written, he had father intelligence from him. The young man went to Rome, and entered St. Peter's church duving some high service, denouncing the Pope as the Man of Sin, who was to be destroyed by the brightnessof Chrisfs coming, anduttering anathemas against all his inherents. Tlie priests had him arrested immediately, and imprisoned. Aicr detaining him ín prisona few weeks, thcy became satisfied that ho was insaneand released him. He then started for Jerusalem, where Mr. Lester ís a believer in the personaling of Chrjst at the door, connection wit t!ie return of the Jews, and had no in tention of speaking lightly of tíiis sok-iui (jucstion.