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The Governing Class

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It has become a standing m.ixim with reformers in this country, that the legislation of the several States and of the na tion does not represent the opinión?, views or feelings of the great ïnajority of the people, bat on most questions of reform, it is full a quarter of a century behind the average virtue and intelligcnce of the people. Ilence to secure any important legislative aciion in favor of reform, is found to bc a most laborious and dilatory process, a rcsult scarcely to be looked for till nnother generation shall have come on to the stage. The grade of moral character and intolligence of tho men elccted to public offices is also usually below that which would represent the average of the corru munity. How coramon is it to see a vulgar, swearing, bar-roorïi tiplér elected to the highest otFice in a community abounding with churches and ministers, and whercthe leading men of society are usually church members! W e need not stop to prove or illustratc this. It is nolorious that the holders of oflice, as a general rule, in point of character and virtue, represent, not the average of the community, buf tho inferior and less intellectual porti on of iL What id the reason of this state of thingsl The answer is this : ófrico holders are selected, not at the eJections of the people, from the whole body of them, as issametimea supposed, but al the party caúcuscs, and the nominees are from a ' ticular class. These caucuses are commonly attended, not by the better part '' of community - by the preachers, the ' deacons, the church members, and the prominent temperance men, and business men, and substantial property holders of the party : but by tho idlers, the speculators, intriguers for office, the hangerson at public houses, the frequenters of grogshops, and by all that class of men who have plenty of time and little work of thcir own to do. TheTe may be exceptions, but it will be found that the great majority of the primary caucuses are composed of this portion of the party. while that portion comprising its moral worth are not there. They are at home attending to their business : or perhaps they are attending a rcligíoüs meeting. - Nien you ask them why they do not altend the party nominations, they will teil you that they have business of their own, and that they do not dabble in such dirty waters, but leave the caucuses to those who wish to attend at such convocations. But when they learn that some unworthy rascáis Avere nominated, they exclaim against it with great indignation, mournover the degeneracy of the times, express apprehensions lest the judgments God should fall upon the people, and then go to the polls and elect the rascally nominees by their votes.In this way, thebctter portion ofcommunity withdraw from its political government, leaviug it to be managed by the more vicious and least informed portion. These of course, nomínate men of their own charactcr who will represent thei.r vievva and wishes. Henee the great length of time required to secure the passage of any laws for reform. The ldgislators care very little for any class of cemmunity except that by whom fhey were nominated ; ond i f they can only secure their approbation and support, they can safcly snap their fmgers in defianee at all the rest of the communit;.-Yv hateare they for the censures of the moral and religious, so long as their course pleased those who attend at the caucuses, and who will ag#in re-nomïnate ihemi Thus throughout the United Sfafes a small and not the most intelligent portion of tbe people, by constantly attending at the caucuses, have obtained the control of the govemmenf, mid they will continue to hold it till the other and better class can find time and dísposition to particípate in the party nominations.O There is no very exciung nnvrg from ihr at of war, From o!l accounts il oppears thai Gen. Trtylor is waiting for ilio ineans a{ iransportation for his ariny. At the !nict dntc. the rainy seaaon hu) commencod, and it raincd near ly everv day. Col. Kearncy is advancing upon S ta Fe. anl iaiéli'giaee may joon io cxpected fry:n that qairter .