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The Chicago Convention

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We cut the fulíosvíng froin the orrespond enco of the i;Truo Democrat," a Whig paper of Ühio. It will show in what light the discus;113 of ilie Northwestern Convention oiipcnred o the eyes of a Whig. "On the niorning of the second dny resol utions ere reponed by tho coinmittec nppointed for ïat purposc Upon onc ol these reolutions n ery interts'ing ciscuscion nroso as to whether was best for the Liberty party to define tlieir osilion npon various mr.iters of public policy ow agftaitqg the country. It a aSmiUed tlint ie di#cussion was out of oidor, ns ihe Convenlion was not cdled to build up llint party or pull it down. Tt wouli! have been nricstcd, but no one objectcd. Tho various Liberty men present cerned ahijóos for o tilt, and the whigs and 'lemocrnls lind no objection to roc it yo on. - The dist-ussion a vcry warm onc but conducted in good temper, it was perfocily a:parent thni n largo mojority wcre lor niihering ia iho ono idoa only. Tho sfirflWácoJ pojiñcíaits itmén g theni wero for assuinini; round uprtri ill lioluical qucsïioiia ncrn in ngitaiiou. They declarcd that tho party in the Siatcs wliere il luid ong tísica, liad come to a dead stand, and wouid reniain there, uniil u thtu defitied itself : that it liever could gel ihe power to adminidter the g-Vrntnortt, ntrl tint sJine oiher party wouid tako Liberty party groutid on the subject of slavcry. and draw from tlietici ihe masa of thcir numbers. Tíio opposers declnrcd thai tlii was all they wanted. that '.bey carcd nol how 30011 the Libenv pnrty died. whf.n any othixr party would lead ofï on their ground against slavory. which lliey dec!arüd was nothing more than that we fihould go to tho n: most verge of our constitutional powers. for the overtlirow oi institution, a principal, snnctiincd, yon know, by a vist msjority of the Whigs on tlie Western Reserve. 1 am satisficd that the Liberty pariy wilt have to remain as v is with the nno. iJca. There are too niany ministers acting in it 'or it to chango. These could nol act in Conventions&c., in it, ifiienibaced Mher than the simple elavery question. Thev will vote nnd argjie againat any addition to their principies, and will carry the majortty with ihem."