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The National Reformers

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We have received sovcral communicntions on the subject of Land Monopoly, aod we Imvfi had repented npplications from subscrihers who regard tho projects of this party favorably, lo publish somethiug on the subject by which the reader could get an accurate view of the Lnnd Reform sought for by ihcm. For the&e reasons we shall miike room next weck for an art iele from the N. Y. Tribune by H. Greely, addressed to the N. Y. Convention. It is wriüen with ability, and is woll worth ronding and consideraron. We are not now prepared lo express any opinión on the principies it advocates.CF Tho Europcnn rcco will uhimalcly fill the wholeearth. The barbaroua oud unciviüxed naiion8, ore cvory wherc yiving w.iy before ihom. and citltor bccome cxiincl, or bccome incorp-ru!cd with their conquvors. The Inteot ottempt to mnkc new acquiMtions is by iho Eng lish in the ívist índice. Il nppcarn il:?.t thcyintend t tahe posfcssion of Borneo, iho lurgeat islaud in the worl.l excepting New Holland, nnd fertilc in cvory líiiog produc-ed within tho tropicsA Wr. Brooke, an EnglUhmnit, fut(d out an ox peJitiün at his own expense, landed upon ihü oast, eccured ilic fricndsliip of n chief or rajnh ol" ne of tho naiive trihos, oidcd him ngainsi lus ncighbors, nnd linally ronderd himself indipenaahlo. Ho then threatened to leavo the island. but linuliy consentcd to remain. upin condition of ncciving in full sjvereigniy, o largt tract of terriiory. Quite characttrislic ! He iminèdiótely bcan to civilizo his new subjects; umi hoving wcaned ihen from piracy, undcrtook to subdue all the piratcs who infcslod the coaet. In thia ho was oucccssful, bcing joincd in llic midstol his eüorts, by q British frtgatc. sent out against those pira:es. The Brttisli governmciit then took po?sesion of n email sland on the Noriiiwcs;cnst of Bornee, nnd begnn ,n entile inent, wiih iho ultímale inicniion of eenling Borneo likewiso. Thoy will dyubilcs3 succeed in (bis.(r'A fricnd writes us from Paw Paw, July 12: "A fcmale Anti-Slavcry Society was organized by tho Ladics of Paw Paw and Lawrencc July Tth in this villnge, at a meeting convened by previous public noticc, to be called the "Van Buren County Ladies Anti-SIavery Society." After delibérate and frec discussion on the best apparent mode of precedure, a constitution was adopted and officers for the ensuing year elected. Business meeting to be held semi-monthly and county quarterly. It is hoped that auxiliary societies will be formed in various places in the County to extend our operations and strengthen our influence in this eflbrt on behalf of the suilcring and oppressed portion of mankind who are held in bondage for no crime, save that they are guilty uofa skin not colored like our own." While we leave to our Fathers and brethren in the Republic, the exciting arena of polilical action, wc cannot but fcel that woman is nppropriately employed in aiding the cause ofhumanity, though so gently as to be almost imperceptible tothe multitude, yet as eflectual as the little silent riíls are in forming the "mighty torrent which eventually shall proudly bear in its progresa the riglitful boon of Freedom TO ALL." (t53 We'have received a lengthy communioation in answer to a position in Hammond's-Address, that the church is not responsible for slavery. We intended to publish most of it, but cannot, becauso part"f it is illegible.