Classified Ad
1846. 1846. TEMPERAMOS HOUSE. WILTOD UARNEY OV THK - StcainJjoat Hotel, DETROIT, IS now retdy to nccotnuioAiie hi fri encÃa and tlieTravc.ling Public, wtili r.ll ihose cuiiveri enceBcalcuIiited to niake tiiein cuinloriüblo, and vñxhpricús to uit tkcttiiics. Mras ticenly-five Cents. Hcst f are in t!if Cily fur ltc same Nojtcy. General Stngê Office. Süamljbats leava Detruil for iitiffittu rciry Ennhig. at half past à o' doch. ( Usnally. ) The Railroais are vúthlnfivc minutes ridc of the Stetnnboat Hotel. 272-tf BOOKS! BOOKS!? At Pcrry's ISook Store. TO THE PUBLIC!! THE undersigned having roturned ïtom New York v.iih a nuw, largo and valuadlo stock, of Bools, Stationery and Paper HangingsJ is now resáy to teil for Cash, nny ihin in his" line at iiti new stand on Mnin eireot, uppuie II. Becker's JBnck Store. He will Kiy to Book purcliftsera. ihat. by his iffnts lont fall on liis re-urn fróm New Vork, tlio price of ncorly every thinir in his line has been sold leöa than herelufore, and had u not been for him, purebasors would liave cuntlnusil tu puy tbc priceahêrot')ti!p. nhiir"il.muic ;uur!cu. Un c-iu say nlso, that bis sales havo been bevond lus most sanguine e.xpectations, hon-ing eonelusively that n public benefactor, although ever so email, wil} not go unrewarded in ihiaenIi:htciied community. He is tli.inkful frr the favora nlrcady bestowed," and woula respecifully solicita continuance of the. trade; nndhe would say u those who ncvor have purchased hóoks of him, ihat he wiïl show them anieles and prices wiih ileisure ai any time, they nay cali wh'ether ibèy '-ib': 10 nurchase or not. Cash ordeis from the country will bo attended to, and the books packcd as wc!! as if the persons were present to atiend the purchasea. He. will ulso fcüll to children as cheap as their paren tÃ. Purehnsers will do well to examine his stock and price9 bcforo purchasing elsewhere. DonH j 'orgel the place; he sure youcall i PERRY'SBOOK STORE, on Main Street, a few doors South of the Public Square, in Ãhe same room icilh C. BIis3, Walch Maker and Jetceller.' W M. R. PERRY. Ann Arbor, Jnnc 27, 18 1G. 269-tf TI9ttESHIi& MACHINES. HM i IIC undersigntd would inform the public Jt that he manulacturcs Jlorsc Powcrs and" Tbreshfrfg Machines at Scio, of a superior kind invented by himcclf. Thesj Powcrs and Michines are pnrticularly ndapted to the cse of Farmers who wish to uso thetn lor throshing their own grain. The pow-. er, thresher and fixtures can all be loaded into a comnun sizcd wagon box and drawn with one pair of horses. They are designed to bo used with four horses. and are abundantly strong for ihat numbsr, and may be safely u?ed with six or eight norees whh proper care. Tüey work with less strength of horses according to the amount.of business done than any olher power, and will thresh tjcncrally aboul Ã00 bushela v heat per. day with four hortes. In or.e intancè 158 bushels wheat wcre thrcslied in thrée houre with four horses. , , . This Power and Machino contain all the vantaes hecessary to niake them protitoble to tho purchascr. They are strong and durable.-' They are easily moved from ono placo to añother. Tlie work of tho lorses is easy on these poweis in comparisoii to o:hers, and the price is LOWKR. tlian any olher power ánd machine, have ever beon sold in ihe State, according to the rcnl vulue. The terina of payment will be liberal fur notes that ure knowa tu be ebsolutely good. ' I havo a nuniber of Powers ond Macblnes nów ready for snle and persons wishiiig to buy ' aro invited to cal! CLEAN RRS. , I Xpect to be prepnred wi:h'n o fow dnys (o uiako (.Menners for those who nmy wnnt thom. The utiliiy and advnniages of this Powt-r nnd Miichino will oppar evident to all on ejcamin'mg 'hc rccomnicndatiütis bslou-. All jiorio-is firo cautionod Bijainst tnaklng: hcsc I'owcia .arjd Madiinea; tho undersigned hawiii nü'optcu liio ncceasarj métfëo'fèa for sucurinp leiters pnient fur the eamc witfain the timo ! rcquiicd by law. (. tÃ. W. FOSTEÃà . 1 Sciu, Wnshlcnaw Co., Mich.. Jun?Ã3, 1 3-iGà RF.COM.MKNDATIONS. Diirins ihe V(',ir td 15, ench ot ;lo undersigned paróhjsed ood ised eithcr individually or jointly wiih othurs. oi;e of S. V. Füster'n newly in1 vcntuil llur.o Powiia nnd ihrcehing vnnchincs, ' and baUeve they are beller cdnjued lo tho use of l";iriini who want l'owors and Machines for rhcir oun uso ilmii any othor power and thresh, er wi'ihin our knovrledgo. They ore calciilntrj (o fo ustd with four hoes J and nre of f.rr.p.e 1 slrongih ior that iiunilcr. They nppcar to be coiisiiut-Kd in sucha mannei os to ronder t!em vciy dunilile wiih linie liability of gening oi!t of â order, 'f hey are ejsily cnovcd from one place to nnoilu'r. Tlioy enn be workcH wiih any number of hands fruni fodr'tp ,cighi, aiid will threali' iüitrt 000 buahrls uiieu per ány. J. A. POLIIKSIUS. Scio, Wnshtanawco. G. UliOOD, " " T. HICHARDSON, -" SAMUEL JJKAJ.Y, 3. P. FCTSTKR, " N. A. l'HP.LPS, ADAM S.MITH, " " J. M. BGWJSNi J.imo, " VM. WAi.KKU, WeUter, " TflOS WAJIRKN, ' V D. SMÃLLEY, I.odi. " 1 threshed last Pull and wintoi with one of Sf V. Foster's horse powors, more int} pftceathousand bushels grain. The repairs bedtowed, Opop tho power amounted to only 6} cents, and! it was in good order when I liad dono threshing. I invajiablv uscd six horses. A A RON YOUNGLOVE; Marton, Juno G, 1346. . , 1 purchnspd one of S. W. Foster'a h(.p?c powcrs lust fall and havo uscd it for jobbipj:. f havo used niariy difieren! kinds of powcrs ond i bclieve ihw ie the best running power I have I ever scen. , ü. S. BENNET. ILuuburg. June, 13 IC. We purohnsed ono of S. W. Fostcr's Homo Puwers hm lalt, and have ustd it and think it is . a first rate Powor. JESSE HALL, DANIEL S. HALL, REUBEN S. HALL. Hamburg, Juno, 1846. 269 t f HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALB OR BXCHANGE. HOÃSE and (farree lois uniicd, si'luated 30 rod tÃ. Ã. o( the Academy, So.ld tot half uv di. vn. or exclutngêd (br a iiirm with good luili(lngs, aboi't u mile Trojm vill;ye. betweca iav U md -i;J deg, n New EnlüÃÃd, New York, or Mtcbfgon", Yiicre tà Tli.h Scbooj may be obi.i:iii;il ;!,oi ti monüi] yenrly. FnquÃre of the .nvni?r ii. II. (ïnliin. Cr:i!i.-.hury, Vt., or Lorin BÃills. aml R. Moóre, Ann Aibor. S68-3m; ]ÃüiSOlfltÃOil. TUF. Purlñership undei lbo name rih! firm of G. I). M'll ft ('o. iKiwrii; fiisuclyrd by hm-, nrtimi!. uil pt iswns indebted io the :uncec ly, note ot m-. ii..1. ;u nOtrfted tftnl u.-'lcss ihey c.ül and p.iy or scitre ilio same wiili G. D. Hil.' pieyious io l.ili day oP.Jun riexi. hey will rind Baid ikiics and accoudtfl in the hands ol a Jueticeof the Peace tui cnllertion. ⦠; I). HILL & Co. Ann Arbor, May fl li-46. iG-i-lf
Temperance House
Steamboat Hotel
Perry's Bookstore
Threshing Machines
House & Land Sale
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Milton Barney
William R. Perry
S. W. Foster
J. A. Polhemus
G. Blood
T. Richardson
Samuel Healy
S. P. Foster
N. A. Phelps
Adam Smith
J. M. Bowen
William Walker
Thomas Warren
D. Smalley
Aaron Younglove
D. S. Bennet
Jesse Hall
Daniel S. Hall
Reuben S. Hall
H. H. Griffin
Lorrin Mills
R. Moore
G. D. Hill