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Y.KQICAL KOTIOE. rrcii-,,,,-,-: i. ■■■;-,;,;-,. :r:.s:;; HÏ SS ï .", ,' ■" he-tws: kv,,.,;-- :-- 7;": cases, ,,Cv,,n:v,y:!.lM.1'lh. M AflTucuonsof ihespjné, i-l. u.ieru.?Jui. &c. lMvon..v tb Tnsy mank terrors by the ti.iVely .skiouoi, o! 1 iiícH'CáTneiits. , , . . ;:■ riHicwd?" ,y . -m u ui ,-t I odies, w5aiüSr-HüflioWEMly ft whalil cJami GHo 1! i alsö s' na -!i il ho I. jrtSt rr.Mirne.i ptotea poned wlfe8ew' end in all e LU, nnd I bon1:i-i-.mi l!ui-y on-ï es " h' 's Èiving 10 ihc - ,in,, ... n.niojopnhy ')!li!l;%.w ...-■■ . Oimihunicitmos. p 't Pn,l. ora p ; n diaance, wj.ll re.-.v.e i-u-mjn Tinao w!i hjay -.s1.! to plico tlttras.clves Her b3 treatiñóm f.? nit? cliromft discose. rwn of,M5n : ertherátfaie house, orín . „„.ees, aP--. ;XM D. ÍIo.nrr-'pTvhisr. IM?ORTi:il ANO WÖOIJÈSALE DTALIÍRDWARE AND CUTLERY. ICTNo 4 Cea" strech 2 tls apv'i Tcarl st. New ITorSi. J. M. WiRUweUi D;51ün. W & i. are reccivmg .1 ftril and gén"l na íortmntpf] ?pí ráísistmein ;-irt of TM Snws, A'ni'erfcnn Bñtnaha Sho velsn:, VV 1. Rowïani's II ai ■ H.irV. Blooda'. Definid ánd ■ lór's S -T, =- v. ■ .flcretl on inosi favorable lériaa ror ensh or eêc moiidi'Bcrcöiii New Vork. Fcv W4K 85fe46m To Wool Gi'owers. WE beg i".uc io n'..r... oui ■■'i:.;. friend?, thai we sball bo prraréü i.k tLt püichsse o! 100,000 Ibs.of n goor1, cl san mBrcWShftWe amele, qs 't es lh" .--we are conhec-ctl wiifi : ■ w sha 11 beable o -.est pi en 1'; mkei wili affbrd: Great cotnplaint was mg ■■ Fasi seaion omniJzst th-a Eawern Deal : bfncuuers, i rcference 10 the poor condinon o:'in SVou'- inuch of t bvuig ia bad oidei anl a cjnaiderable portijn boiüg UMfiiUkxL We would here take occisión to rcfiucst thnt the utmost pains öhould be :uken to hnveihr rbeep weü wished befWre shoarins, that ihe Lag Doekt oe oüt urT. mi thai each Fleece be carefully tied p wuh proprr v.oul twine. (cosl 13 to'ió c:s p -r i:. ) Ik-ü'-P rvfïne is the !est: it vrill 6e found gfeatlv to n.iv.ntageof Wool Grow ersto rót-up 'th'eir wool in ihis naonner. Vn wxshod wool is nJt metchnntablél Ha wkl be rejaced iy mos:it notali oi'üie Wool buyere, ij bcir.g difficúlt to olean. J. HOLMES & Co. Wuoir.vAP.y P.wsvr., LnniCK1. - ftíock". Dctrcii, MBrfch26,. IS46. 2')7-tf CLOTH! CLOTH!! 1"9Ëünderaigned woald itUonn the pubhc tnt 1 ey continue 10 m'nnu&clure 'fulleo cloth.and flam::els, at their inamifuctory, tw anl n i-.-ilf niilus v.-cei Of Ann A.bor, on Uiü llurou RiveT, ncar 1 1' Huilroad. TER.MS. j The pricc of manufácíuring White Flanncl wilt be20cc..ts) Fullcd Cloili :57i cents and C;.r-5, mere 44 conis per yard. or half the cloth ihf Wool will ninlce. Wc will aleo exchange Clotb for Wool on reasonable terras. Tne oolors wil! be gray. black or brown. Thr Wnol b'elongíñe lo each individúaj v.-ül bc worked by itclf when theie is cnouah of one qaality 10 inake 80 yards of clnth; when this itnot the ense. sovern! ;nrjds of ihc sime qm.hty will bc worked tou-iher. and the dth divi'!t-i) amon" the several owners. Wool ser.t by RtiI roidninrkcd S W. FVrèteT &i Co., Ann f 1 with directioas. will be atietide ! to in the saín jmnneras if ihe owner re to come with it - The Wool will be rrfanuláctúred in turn ns 1 comes in. ns nerr as rniy be consistent wub the different qn.-l ties of Wool. We Invo been cngnEcl in this btí6iuea seyc ral ynr3. and from the very general s-itiafactiun rnvo 'cive:i to nur numcrous cus'oiiier for the last two yenrs. we 're in!:iced to ask n Jare shnreof pntronar wi:h corrödence th.t w Phïil meet the j-jst éxpcctHttdna 6l costoiBiM. Letters should be addrL-ócd to Si . Fos:e &Ca.,Sc:o. s. w F0STER CO. Scio, April 6. 1P46. 2fi-T' "Slcain Fowndry T'Ii: iniorijmie-l h-ivitii; bouhl the en tin interest of H. &- Pnrtridiic and Gco. F Keniinthö t;Sionm Foundry," Ann Arbor will manufacture al', kindá jf Costinas to ordeand wiltbe happy to fumish any kind.of Castmgs to the ol J cuötomers ot Harris, Partridtre & Co. H. & R. Pnrtridgc, & Co., and Partridge. Ken & Co., and to all othera who may favor thers WhhaCalL II. B. HARRIS. E. T. WILLI MvI8. Ann Arbor, Dcc. 2G, ÏBIG. ZUM THE hicliest pricc paid in cu-h by G. F. Lew is, Excharfee Troker. opposite the Insurance BailV, Derföit, for orders on nny of thr eouotiodin theftatef Micbigaiïi a!6; lor Sta icurities ofüUkindsatiduiicurrcntfunds QqU Der 1. 184',. -M-If To }5ioríí2ieii. A GENE ft L..-0 rm. ent ot Casteel and Iron B-.rrel, doublé and single I Bhut Gu:is, Pistola. Gan L"cks. Game J3as ghot Puuches. Piwdcr Fi.-nks, förfta'e Hy VM. R. NOYF.S, 248-1 v 76, Wondwnrd Avem-ti. O' -■■:'■ MICHIGAN LAND AÑd"taX AGENCY, H. D. POPT, Masón, Ingham Cotinly, Michigan. WILL atlend to the payment of Taxes, ex aminntion ot Tules, purchase and tale o' Lands, &c. &c. Any business entrustcd tohirn will bc tronsactcd with promphicse and accuracy- Address by mail. Refercnces, (by permission . ) C. Hurlbut, Qelioi'. 3. C. LLwrtt, i?;oüier & Co. ) T Wilder Sc Snow, $ lTOi-' J-jrw york. v R. G. Willinntfj. ) 7 E. G. BURGER, Dentist, riRT ROOM OVER C. M. & T. W. ROOT5 tori;, crank & jewktt's block, 26l -tf ANN ARBOR." ' , ■ . I :RYi, ! ■ ; ! IMA . ! L3 ATMER! ;.■:;:.:;. ö ":.'.. ■ -i-mim acm-. -i-:! !.. ,;■- . :-oii,!r,ke ,LÍ tlii.í ())!orti:i:ir, ló iiii'onn thoir cnstomer . ';y, t1mt I Ley stiH cóhtíutie to krrp o:i hand a íuii assormuMit !' Spaui.ii : I Alsrf; Ltjra ' Curtjera Tools&c. Sbpgfju I l.irtc ri:i'! Col I 01, Híí:;.jl-. ' r, j (.'uii.'( v. n C:k ' ' ' i M.M-d:.. i-'j ;io!i r-pncd CuífS:.:;is. S Óok una Huid' ' ' . h do n.i; ■ ,,!. uní Coioitíu Lii.ing3. I ■ 'w; Shoe Ruaset do A.stlio Siibscrib.ors ore now mnnufncluring tbciv own fc'eather, they aro propared o sol! rus hnv asenn be purchased in ibis mnrkct. Mercltnn;s nnu iníiiiufncf'orers will fiiid it to thcir od ar.ínge to ctdl and examine ')iir stock héfoTÓ purcfrnsing él-sev'!wre Kr Cash and Lcathcr oxpíianeed Coi Mides and Skins. ELDRED & CO. Dolroit, Jan. ISáp. 2ÍS-1}'