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J. HOLMES & CO., WttÓfcfcBALE AND RETA 1L DEALERS IN STATLB ..M 1ANCV DRY GO O DS, 2$ry Gracerifis, Cetrpcling and p:iper MfatisrUigs, No. 03 Woodicurd Aienue, Lamed1 $ liluck, Detroit. j h H. ii . A' ro l'or. 5 M. HOI Mi, D.tiuit. WK Lnk? ihis !)i-thv)(i of infoinviiig onr frienclt aiui cbfitorners rhroiihout ihe t?in!c,.ilia we nrc süll pursuini,' the even icr.or ofour '■ w:.js, cndcavorini,' 10 do our business upon luir -.ind hononiMc principies. We would also ten■Jer onr ackRuwlcrfjjmcnls for the patronage ex ■cndcii 10 tis ty our ctisloniera, nnd would bcg teave to cali tlie attention of the pnMic to a very ! wcll selected assortiment oi stasoiüible Goeds, which are ofered at wholesale or rntnil nt very lotv prices. Our faciiiiiee for piTchn.-ine G.n,i! ! nrc UTjeiupafeed ly n:iy coricerri in the Smtc - One of tiic tirm, Air. il. Holmes resides in the city oi" New York, and from his long experience in the JuLliing traiie in lli city. and from .i .luiroiig!! knowlidpe of tho niniket, he is cnabied lo nviiü himeelf of the ouciioHs anJ ony dicüne in j'ricea. We also purchfise Ironi ilc Iirportc-rs. Mnnufacrurer's Aí'Cins, r.ná ítoni ih rmcripns, ]-y the .-irkna?, ihe snivc as N. Y. .oiihñrs puichnpc. tlüis $;ivir:7 ilicir profits. - Wtlh these we C?.n t=::!c',y f,iv ih;it our Gor!s an soidtHKAi' for tiie evidenco of whic! we invite the atieiaiuii öftljÉ ublc toont stock'. We hoid to the greót enrd:.!in! principie oi ï't'n ttést gPQfi tó li.i ir hvL nu tuier." so 'tí yol wrtntto Imy Goods chenp. nuri Imy a lurrt, ipiatt qt ■! t 'noncy Livc lis n trial. Our stock 3 f.'i ;..Ai na ipy in ilte city, nnd 'c ari rcccivjnoev and fresh iiom New Yoil: . 50,009 ïlws. Wco5. W.i;iii. [Uejibovc.-quoñiiij n('ru({ rri?rcjiontW! for wliich the ■.est uifirket piicf ïll be puid. f. T10LMT.Ú & CO. Detroit, M-v . 1-! :. gï4-tf ATTACÜ M I5ÑT N OTICIi! Öramiel Beckltyj } .Ueforo JO. Tiioiv.soll'.'sq Syinus H. RUI. ) AWilii" öi Auaciniieni Inving ln-u iBSued by Kiúyin TJin . . tjci) ■' ík ! I'c;ice in .-tml fr V;-.:-Ui'ii!iv óumiv, n( du [suii of Ou -niel n.-ckíiv ngfiiri.fl Sylvhnus H. '. I jill roturtiaiilc .: ii - ') Jusíiccin t!i of Ann Arbor, iti s-Vrd ; ■■.mty, on In i 1-T.ili h y of M ' 1 ":!ock. 1'. M. ;ni' the said (' ' : ui ! rj to áppen,r no lice is lictiliy given tiial - - coiilintó I f,ir tri-d ii nul Ai?U8t-. 18:fi. n j .me o'o'.oek. i' -M.. nl (In f .si(l j'is ]).-!. Juñe ]--- 1V4 '- Gheap LLar. re. JL li!.- ;' ' ■ [Ue iniblicgenorjiHi j diat be siitl'coniiiiucs o fcrefia Ittrearid gertera 1.--M' i ■ , ■ n r (.; j'"ir"i"!i :it:'' !o;i,f-;ic 1 ! A UI) W A R E, C:UTLE R Y, &Ó. o, 'v nniiriit. C tu and lloree Sboc .;ifl. Glnps. Sheet Iron, J 1 1 ;-:■ lwn; Sheci nni iiur Leml. Zytie, Bight pnd &icteó Wire, -;" . d Giüfi ''; .. ':■ - s C 'i. I i;iil '.[i-l H,, S.iv.e. Baek urn! i.'. i..:, ■ . 'iccH. Iic!!u-.s-.s,A'!z. f.Coojj oV a 'Jool . Djwín Knfves, Spoke í j Tap Borel . I AuguTs, Coniinon Au ; "iirs. Augur bit'8. fiullov Atiguis, Steel anc Iron. 8qunrcs. Grpuiid PJasici, W;ater Lime r Grind Stones, l'otnsIi.CoKlnin ;u1 Su'giirKcttlea r Ct-blc, Ijiiij. 'J'rnce and Maker Clmius, -Broud ílrmdiMul Ñarfow Axes.fSpirit .'íüJ Piuinb Lev i el, lóetbér wiih. a general as$ortjQicntUyLlfoi'. w Wnre. wliich will Ir sojd luw ior Cash c J. approved credit al J23, JcHcrso-i Avoiiue. ElI's Blor;k. II. MARVIN. Detroit, Jan. IGib, 1846. 2-18-]y LOSS BY F1RE ! ! MITCÜF.LL EACKEH. succeseor ui M 1 ! ■■:. .ird. ns AgOnt ior the In ,m CóitPÁvtt of Hartford, ■uill insure - ÜweWngi?, "ËarriS, Mcrclmnrlizv. and all othe insurijl'lc pr.operty on as low terms as any olh er eood co'rripbny in the United Simes. KAR.MEtt's JiAllNS INSl RED AGAIN.ST MGUTNÍNf. ! Office in the Sécnd Smrv of New Post Office Birfldmg! nonh ol C.'"!irr House. knnAbor.Juncl VJHi. 2Gütf KOOTS APV SI1OCS, AT WHOLESALE. A. O. M'GRAW & CO., ■VHOLKSALE AND RKTAIt, DKALBKS ÍN BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER AND FINDiNGS, Coiiijt of Jcfferson and Woodward Avenues, Detroit. AC. M'GRAW & CO. would respectiully inform the Mcrchants of Michigan, tliat théy hnvc opened a WHOLESALE BOOT AND SMOK STORE. ín the roome over their Rctail Store, Smart's Corner. Their long ocquaintance witb ihe Shoe business, and the kinds of phoes thnt are nceded in lhi State, will enable them to furni?h merchants wilh sueh shoes ae (liR.v neod. on better tertntí than ihey can buy in the New York market, as all their goods are bought from first hands, and particular nitcntion ís paid to the Belcction of eizce. Detroit, 18-16. 2 18 J y