Classified Ad
v â '":â 'â ':'' â ':â ";- .'â ''â ''â '"' .':": ..'' '; 'â "':'â '.'â ' Tliis exéeth ut cörnjiound a fo.i su]e !iy the n.'i'üetoi'ö Ageftts; MAYNAUÃS. SfilJ-Iy WïlisoÃii's Corn JtLiïï9 (Mc'Knighl's Pc!, .it.) Tlic siibscrincr vyqjuld jierehy say lo tito pu! 1 c in' ,-s liiv ih;:;ki! ti) liii;i'-]i ni; sÃÃMà HO"; Ã-..-C, t]i.. â vs !.â ! â I :i. ;, 'oi ;ililc l'.iül. c;i.illc 'f Vinduig : tl .i, .-!,â !. oi cm Ãs à corn p.ei l-iir. or 'lin'l ui !;( r c i.mvc L-'.iin !'r I . ! , j 'm. ' ! i i m n. witli :t iiü-li.) tul) om -I i-: i'i!. Ac i&c ulied-J. L. M.'Kni-viiü [) tic:)! ciTii urirb]ièr ond l.i vor ruMi r, o.c. The siili-ci'itw'i il--" opnrcrl'ti efll mi. tiiii coitfÃiy i i ir 1 1 1 i. snid p?f hl on lil !"lu' iiiniihfiiie ioYks I.!'!1 â â ! .n-m. apjjlftsihlc è ïorsc. w.ii. r. u stenru p.wi'.r: oi. â : â nifÃtcifcnà tà pèri'orm tho ntf.i-y.irv prÃfÃdià iny larii) or uln-r r.sir.hüiiinfiu tor I m'è ci'i. bui moro p'iwcr á necesstiry lp c'o i;stHn nvoi!. ti ;i ptiilU. 'I ,.( r i.'it-ci Ã;it Ii.uï inw in op.'r.uion in his llC]) tl' I]!S Ti'i:,'i : .iiiCi' IfoÃSC. jn JD0k%0U, :â . IlüflC ]K:V(M'. ly wllïchj willi li'.c ' â )ne liorsc (only al jucscüi) lic (Lüve sáid n - iiino. Tlie acivniüntrcs of fee Ãnr: cnin mul c;' l Ãn !üs wey s tov t.M) w."!! h:;i!itÃ!u(mJ to n?fijd :'â ïearsin-ï. Surtueit to sny, ihat to liu' sivj;li. .viiero thoy üu'ie rorn cny. and wortli pjihiips löeatiLs pej busiiel. i h-y tliinlc i; rh objpci i" â conomif-c by tliüs .'"ciünr: crn and cihb i u il. iü! thnt ii'o ln'ifi t' â }â : -iw (n:i ,} to J fb] br ïiipili;;; (iihcr ii-r fetd i t! tjllatfftj}. Oni . t-.vo or (firi'e co n'peiepi eilesnipn wiptd !' piü ri.-.iits t.) s i:l nr.c: -.lid Olii', npd lo pjll righvfi to Thontkinls ü."à icing machine in dus Ã5 1 ;i t o : the best nbw i: uec. j.T. WILT SQÃÃ. Jnckson, Mnrcli 2. 1.10. 230-Cni GI. ÃILL wöViid rrspcctfvüy n'orüi itÃl ei!:'., rs (.! Ai.ii Ail'or i:n vici:ii:y tlim ihc lirmiil Ci ]) Hiil '.- ('o . liTv'inp diesiilveii 'ie yi tSJnnffmic biii'i. â - â :! lÃe ul-J fi.-nul h [Jawkiü-' i.'l.r!;. rii :!,; , Mi.-hcil .lill ; .!(â . of the fiuii â 'bMAi .t. rKof'iTs au phómpt ['.w." hè wÃl! â his on ir ;i!iont t!n 3(iih H.iv i iM--iy. CPLEIMDID ASSORTMENT CF SPRIIYG GOODS ;'.ii!.c lóivrfit pössibte rn;?8 for Cneli, '.lc..tWcrrtf. ;iür! ali athor kinds "à prátiúce. A'l personé w.-nuin:; i buy :."mk1 wil) fiml r lo tlsi'ir advunlnge In ho!d on tluir ()!t Clolics, iinlÃ.the ii!)ovc nnmed .ir,.s.iit!iiein is ifcceivcd, ni they wHI ba s!.i;:i i-i' low raiès, The Sjdhscribër will e leo wy :lic bÃ-rlirst markei grjcë for lüO.ouü PQUÃÃDe Oà '.')OL. G. D. 111LL. Ann Aihor. Rln) IL 18-io. S.-tl" EXCHANGE HOTEL TEMPERA ft CE HOUSE. (Direclhj opposile ihe Cataracl Hotel.) BY CYRUSF. SM1TH, MACARA FALLS, N. Y. This House is t;ot of il:i' !;npe?t c!.;6; 'uit is wol! kopt. upon tlie snmp'pian tliat i hosf-ceii for icvcnii yenrs pnst. nnd ?iilbrifs ntnplo imd v ry coinfortnlile iicconimotiutiöns for hose stopping n'. F;.lls. T!:is Ifutel 8 siün'cl in the piea'on'iosl pnri of tlie ViHr.o. n Mnin Sireet, è'n3 bui n f w ininÃHea walk t'rom the Cataract. Goat Isliiiul or the Ferry. Niágara Faifs, 18 10. 2(;2-6m FORWARDIXG AND COMMISSIO DK'à 'ROIT. Agenta for the Tnm and Erie Lhic. l'yor Wreighl and Passage, nppy lo AA C. Ti.r-r-T, ) , , N. (:;.,â :,,â â ;,,,, LAgRllis' 2!) Coontics Slip, N. Y. ïdk, Coit & Co., Troy. KlM!5KKLY, PeaSÃà & Co.. ') ,, , S. Dux.LAi.n, ' 5Lllfl"10Maik Paclinircs " Troy and liJrré Liir.'' 3Ãiip Dai'y, (Kynjlaya oxcepicd.) Ifoijn Coenties' Slip, N. Y., by Troy and Erie Iriin 'i'ow 2.') J Gm Viïliüilbflc "aier Power for TflE suïiscriber uil! Bell or rent his intrrPit in t!i WÃtitÃr IVcr in the villano il Delhi, ó iiiiice v'es) óf Anh ArbQf, on live Hmoii Ilivji. coiiMsiing of n shop siiiiiiil'." lor hl.icUainiihiiii: furnncu or spyjjje (nctory, wuii iwo fqfgcia nml threo tii[i lianiiiiff. The VVateri Powjf is 130 ilicllrs Ãjult'r IK li'y llilH' kei l:".i!l. Aköj a Wulf r l'ov.x-r in s:n 1 viIIul'o üuClclent 10 prooi foui run qf stone. .A cwclün.,' liouss v.ill ajro bc s ilJ with thp:;bove. ifdesiied. For further pr.r licnlarseiKiuirc on liiOprëni6ca l' JACOJi DOREMUS. Mny 18, 1846. 2Gl-tf rPIIF] cojiantccrilii;.1 liereuiloiu e.xisting uiider the firl'rt oà Lnnd & McColIum. is ibis d i_ dissol.vod by n:u'.ual consent - aü noiegnnd wS cnuntS sqid firm msiot le pöid to D. T. AJc Colium wii'o iscluly autÃiorÃzed ti.-sntio the s;iin' J. II. Ll.M). D. T, iMcOOLLUM. D.iicd, Ann Albor. Máy O, ic4(5. T'be busin 's-s will lierefier b.e condurted by .). 11. Lnnd Co., vho are now rcceiviug inrge and eitciwive ussortnient o( Goodö, con?i-iing of Dry Good3, Groccric?. Crockcty nnd Giisbwaie, Uno;s arwl Shocs. liunnots, Puinià ujd Uils. Druïs ?nd IV'edicinef, &c. 'f'lie juWic are imiied lo cali and examine qáttiitj itid p rices. .T II. LUND & CO. Duted. Ann Albor, May i?0 1346. 2C6 3m Ã;OTHE 'PUBLÃCT' THE snbscriber wishes ;o inlorni the public. thai ho bna ctJcnpfetön his new lirirk lïuiltl ng p the Villaeeof ilowcll. -w.d Ins fi'.dvl i up. :ógethor vj(h Barjie and other put Buildings, "ora permanent Tavern stand. He has now jpencd the snme lor tbc aceomniodation of the )ublic, and will endenvor to rnrike filelióúfiea jui.:f restins place for the iraveller. The House ,vill bckepl upon strictlv Temporáneo principies, it charges whÃch will compare with the most easona'-le, "though it should demond some pcuniary snerifice to susiain it." To the friciids or liberty nnd cqual riht, tbc 'Biknj.y Housk" Ãs now oÃ'ered you wiih tbc notto: "LiOcrty $ Tnnperancc." r:. f. gay. Howell, Liv. Co. April ?9, 184G. L63-tf TOO ege Eaetcrn NatÃa, ji:st received 3"" and tor salo by WILLI AM R. NOYES, Jr 76, VVoodward Avenuo, Detroit. Dec. 12, 1344. 242 TEMPERANCE HOUSE. PB. 111PLEY would say to his frienda and the Irienda of Tempert nee. tbat bc has iken tbc Temperance House, lately kept by Vm. G. Wbeaton, wbcro bc would bc piad lo ?ait upon tliem. Hay and Oa(e nnd Stabbling ) nccoimnodatc teams. Detroit, January I, 1846, 2-iBtf
Dr. Osgood's India Cholagogue
Willson's Corn Mill
Temperance House
Watkins & Bissell
Water Power
J. H. Lund & Co.
Ide Coit & Co
Kimberly Pease & Co
Old News
Signal of Liberty
J. L. McKnight
J. T. Willson
G. D. Hill
Cyrus F. Smith
Asa C. Tefft
N. Chamberlin
S. Drullard
Jacob Doremus
J. H. Lund
D. T. McCollum
E. F. Gay
William R. Noyes
P. B. Ripley
29 Coenties Slip New York
76 Woodward Avenue Detroit