Classified Ad
MICHIGAN LAÃO AND TAX AGENCY. H. D. POST, Masón, Ingham County, Michigan. WILL atiend to tlie payment of TixÃis. ex amination ot Tules, purchase ontl sale o' Landa.. &c. &c. Any busiucsi cntrusted to him wili br tmnsaet ed wiih promptneas and accuracy - Addrcss by m ni 1. Refcrences, (by permission . ) C. Hurlbut, Detroit, J. C. Henrir, drutüer & Co. I .,. Wilder &Snow, ] IrmJWonilhurv. Avery & Co. ) . ,r , R. G. Williams, elc York 7 To WooK Ãwrowers. WE beg leave lo intorm uur Wol Cfriwinp frieiids, thnt we shall bu prepare J fur llupurchaso of 100,000 lbs. f a good clcnn merchantnble nrticle, as soon Ãs thc senson fo' el!iiig conimcnces, as wc üic ' conncct(;(i wiili Eciüiern wool denl rs, wc shall 1 !e nhlo lo pny the highest pñcf! the Enstern niarket will :iÃTurd. Gre.u complpint was made ast senson nmóngst the Eastern DeaU-rs uml .Manufacturéis, in relerencc to ibc poor conditÃon ot Michignri V Ãol - nucS of it being n bod ordor ind á coniidétablé p'iriiMti being uuiciuh:d. We wnald here lake occisión lo request that he utmost patns should be tako.n (o linvc thc shcep well washed before ehèaring, that the Tag Lóeles be cut oÃ}'. anJ that cach Flcece be tareai ly tied np with proper wool twine. (cost 183 o '-35 es per Ib. ) hemp twinc is the best: it will e found grenily to tluncJvantngcof Wool Grnw ersto )ut up t'neir wool in ibis manner. Un washed wool is not incrchnniable, and will be rejected hy mostif notall ofthe Wool buyers, ir being difiiculi to nlean. J. HOLMES & Co. WuOllWAKI) AvKN"E, Larnerds Hlock. Detroii, March2G. 1346. 2'7-tf CLOTH! CLOTHà r 1 1 ! I E undereigned woald inforin the public JL ihat they continue to manufacture FULLED CLOTH AND FLANNELS, nt their manuf.ictory, two and a half miles west of Ann Arbor, on the Hurón River, near tle Railroad. TERMS. Thc priceof manufacturing White Flannel will be 2ü cents, Fulled Cloih 37J cents nnd Cassimere 44 cents per yard, or half the cloth the Wool will make. We will also exchange Clotb 'br Wool on reasomble iiims. The colors will be gray, black or brown. The Wciol belonging to each individual will be worked by itself when there 8 cnqugh of one quality to make 8à yards of cloth; when this is not tbc case, several parcela ofthe same quality will be worked together, and fhe cloth divided anioug the eeveral owners. Wool sent by Rnilroad, marked S W. Foster & Co., Ann Arbor, with directions, will be attended to in the eame inatineras if f lie owner were to como with it. - The Wool will be manufnetured in turn as it comes in, as near as m iv be consistent with the different (fiuilittcs of Wool. Wc hÃve been ensaged in this btisiuess sevoral years. and from the very general satisfaction we have giveti to our numerous customers for i he laat two years, we are nduced to ask a larsre shnre of patronage with conÃuience that we shall meet the j'it oxpectntton9 ot customers. Lotters should be oddressed lo S. W. Foster &. Co., Scio. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, April 6, 184G. 260-Iy "Steam Foundry THE undersigned having bougbt the entire interest of H. & R. Partridge and Geo. F. Kent in the "Steam Foundry," Ann Arbor, will manufacture all kinds of Cnstinas to order, a,nd will be happy to furnish any kind ofCastings to the oÃd customers ol Harr;3. Partridge &. Co , ÃI. &. R. Partridge. Sr. Co., and Partridge. Kent & Co., and to nll others who may favor them witli a cali. H. Ti. TI A R RIS, E. T. WILLI MS. Ann Arbor, Dcc. 23, 1846. 244-tf THE highestprice piid in casi l)y G. F. Lew is, Exchange Broker, opposite thc Insurance, Detroit, for orders on nny of the countifis Ãn the Stute of Michigan; a!so for S'ati s?cnrties of all kinds and uncurrent Ãunds Cal! a mi sec. Dec 1. l?4r.. 241-tf To" Sportsuiem. AGENERALasáortmcnt of Coeteel and Iror Barrel Rifïce, doublé and einglo barrel Slnu Gum, PiüIjIs. Gun Locks, Game Bags, Shot Púuches. Pi -vder Flasks, for sale by WM. R. NOYES, 248-ly 7i. Woodward Avenue. Detroit. E. G. BURGER, DenUst, KtRST ROOM OVER C. M. & T. W. ROOt'p STORE. CRANK & JEWKTT's BI.OCK, 261-U" ANxN ARBOR. ATTACHMENT NOTICE. Guy Beek k-y &. ) Luke Ikcklcy, Befüro g. Thomson csq Sylvanos H. HiH. j à VRI oà AitQchtr.ent having been issurd fjL by Eiiwfn Thomson, csrj., ajupiice of tlv peace in nnd far WnshtPnaw County. at the sui' f Guy BecWey und Luke Heckley ngainst Syl vanus H. flil!. rntuiiiable at lbo oflicc of sai.' justice d thf village ol Anti Arbor, in p-iid coun ty. on the 6 h day of May, 1Ã4G. ot onco'cleck P. M., an! the snitl uefen.dortt hnving failcd to ippcitr, notice is hcreby ia givcn tjiat snid ennsf 's continned for trial until ihe. I7tli day of Au gust 184(5, at one u'clck. P. M , ot the oiïicc ol said Justicc. Dated, June 1, ISIG. 26'. BETTERLATE THAà NEVER! 'T'H E Subscriber hus tbs plensure of announcing to t!i3 Public, that he has just received from New York, and opened a chotee and wel! eÃlecteú nssortment of NEW G00DS. consisiing of Dry Goods, Gröccries, Cróckery, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, which he will sell ni Very Low Prices for Readj Pay in Cai-h. or Proriuco. Cac h or Goods svill be paid for WOOL in arn quaniilies. â , , ROB'ÃRT DAVIDSON. Ann Arbor. Juno 10, Ife4(. ïffe CH EAÃFsiÃy JBS! AT YPSILANTl! IQPà COOKING &PARL0R STOVES. 1 J just received, by the Subfcnbcr, (mostly from Alhanr) making a pond awortinehi Qi the latest nnd best .pnttcrni. which will be sold at Loto Prices! uot to' be uhdersold this' side LnkiEriel AIro, Copper Fúrnituro. Caulöron Kertlcs. Hollow Waro of all sizos, Slove Pipe, Sheci Iron, Zink, &c. TIN WARE! Mnnufactnrcd. and constantly Kept on hand whieh will als.) bo sold very low P. S. - Purrhnsers will 'do well to cnll uud eraminc for their own satibfoctinfi. J. M. BROWN. Ypsilanti. J:.ne20, 1846. 871 f WII.LIAÃTI R. NOYES, JÃÃ, DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Hardware and Cutlery, Nuile. Gl.ass. Carperucrs, Ooopcr's and Blacksmith's Tools Aleo. IttflnufacUjrer ofCopper. Tin. Ware. Nb. 7, Woodward vonne, Deroitr 24U Jv
Michigan Land & Tax Agency
J. C. Heartt Brother & Co.
Wilder & SNow
Woodbury Avery & Co.
J. Holmes & Co
S. W. Foster & Co
Steam Foundry
H. & R. Partridge
Exchange Broker
Gun Sales
Hardware & Cutlery
Old News
Signal of Liberty
C. Hurlbut
R. G. Williams
H. B. Harris
E. T. Williams
William R. Noyes
E. G. Burger
Guy Beckley
Luke Beckley
Sylvanus H. Hill
Edwin Thomson
Robert Davidson
J. M. Brown