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ftJBW COOKING STOVJE, r'f' And Stoves of all kinds. The subscribir woul J cal! ihc mcnuou of the pnMic to Woolscn's 22ot üir Cocking STCVE'V'iicli lic cnti confidcnily recommrnd as hcinij lecidedly 8tiptiior to any Cookins Sltye in ns'. 'or pimpliciiy in opcration - economy in (nel, nd for uririjiialled Baking and Roasting quolity, it is unrivailed, The ncw and in)ponant improvcmcm inroduced in its construction being such .'is to inure great advniitages over all othcr kindè of Cooktr.g Slove8. WÏLLÏAM R. KOYES, Jr. 76 Woodward Avenuu, Deiroit. Dec. 12. 18 15VZ Whoïesalc Gïccerie. THE SlüiSCRlliER otlore 10 Country ufcrchktás, the following selccted stock, on the most favorable terni3t and at tlio loitesL maikct trices. J60 chests teas - nssorted packages, 40 hhds. susars. 180 bngs cofiee. '22 hluls. molasses, 20 bags pepper, 15 do Bpice, 60 boxes tobáceo, 150 do raisins. 30 do lonf silgar, 100 do pipes, 120 do bar soap, . 200 do herring, 35 barréis sperm uil, 25 bbls. mackercl, 50 quintáis ermfiih, 5 ti orces rice, 40 kegs ginger, 35 baga nut3 - assorted. - ALSO- 300 barrels dye wood, 'V cases indigo. 2 barrels ca.mpb.or. 10 barrels epsom salts, 20 do maddpf. 300. kegs white lead. 40 barrels Ünseed oil, 15 do spirits turpentinc. H. EATON, Wholesale Druggist nnd Grocer, Stores, 180 and 190 Jeflerson Avenue. May 25. 1846. i 0w 4J Hats and Caps, IN nll their varieties. nlso Cams. Silk nnd Gingham Utnbrellas. Suspenders. rich Silk Scarfsand Cravats Silk, Linen and Kid Gloves, with every article in that line can be had at fair ■prices and warranted to suit by sending your wishes by letter or by caüir.g at No 58, Woodward Avepue, 3 doors north cf Doty's Auction room. Detroit. N. B. Ministers and Liberty men supplied at a email advance from cost. 2iJG-6ai JAMES G. CRANE. Keady Madh Clotíiing ! ! HALLOCK & RAYMOND; WOULD respectfully cali the attention of thsir triends and the ci'.izons of the Sta'c gei era!ly to their fresh & extensive assortmeniof Keay ITiadc CIofhin? just maniifacmred in the latest atylésj and bes; possiblé manner, consisting in pnri of superfine clotii Dress end Frock Ciat9. Fme Tweed. Cashinarette. Crotón Cassimere SummêrCloth and Merino, fiornbaznie, Chally, "Vyooretèd and Marseiücs "rests. Bluo. Black and Fancv Cassi mert. Tweed. Drap-de ta, Merino, Woorsted nnd Drilling Pantaloons. together with n very lartrc sto k of Linen, Drilling. Cotton Sack ond 1 weed Coats, Summer Panraloons and V'esfs. Shirts. Sockp. Mandkerchiefs. Stock.". Sun &c. Also n very larsè supply of frph Iiroadclotlis. Cassinercs and Vegiïs, which hy the aid oi experienccd.ciittrrs ond first rate worküipn they are prepared to manufacture in tho lnteststyle anr! bct pussible mnnner. Thfy are prepnred fo s-11 eiiher at Wholesale or Rcinil at prires wjiich cannot fail to p;ve satii'jciion. nnd would respectfully solicit a c!I from tbose vishing the city in want of Rendy MndcCloihingor pentee! garnien'.s made to order, ai their 'Ffi!.i'iiablc Cloihinj Empirium.'' corner of Jeiltrson and Woodward Avenues, Detroit. May 20. 1816. 265-2m Paper lïangiiigs. 4 LA.R.GË lot of Paper Hangings. and BorX. dvirinc;. fur silc cheapr thaa ever oflcrci! in ihis Villaje, at FERRY'S BÖOKSTORT:. June IÓ. i.70-tf BOOTS AD SHOES, AT VVEIOLESALE. A. G. M'GRAV & CO., AV!ior,nsLK and niiT.ML nrALKKS rrr BOOTS, SHÓES, LEATHER AND FINDiNGS, Cernir oíJ'-JFersov and Woodicaid Jlvenues, Detroit. AC. M'GRAV & CO. worIJ respcct.'ully inform the RJerchonts of Michigan, that üiey hnve opeñecí c WHOLESALE BOOT AND SllOE STORE, in the rooms over their flfiail Store. Smnrt'a. Corner. Their long ncVKiintancc with the Shnc business, and the kinds 'ofshoesthut ,'irc needed in ihis Stale, will ennble them to furnish merchants wilh such shoes ns they ncod. on better lerm than 'hey can buy ín the New York niarket. ns all their goods are bouglu from fi-st hands, nnd particular atlention is pnd io the seli-ction of sizes. Pairwt. 1S4fi. 943 ]v Öheap Hardware -Store. rTHE Subicriber tnkes this tuetliod to inform X his old customers and the public gcncrnlly tWhealill continúes to keep n l.irgennd genera] as?ortnieiit of FortigM and Üomesiic HARDWARE, CÜTLERY, S. Xlécu ■Spike. NVroüht. ('ut :md ftor.-u Shoe .Va:N. ü!:ips. Shcei Iron, Upop Lon. Slu-et and Bir Lead. íync. Btigfú and Aliento Wire, Mulasse Gates ñnd l''iisfieití, MiH Sqvs. Cross Cut S.iws. Hand nnl Wood Srvs-, Bnck and Key Hole Sns. Anvtls, Vicc?. Béüows,At?Z'S,Cotp. er's 'looi , iJmwisic Knives, Spoke Shaves. Tnp Bortr-, ('üot Öicel Augura, Common Au"íu:s. Auui J'iti;, Ilollow Ai.igms. Sicel and Irou Squares. Ground Plastei. Water Linie, 'Grimt Sfonep, Poinsh.Calrlmn and SngnrKertlcs. Calile, Los. and Hnltrr ('hnitip. Brond, Hand nnd Nimnv A.xcs, Spirit nnd l'lnmb Lrvëjd. toffether wiili n general oworpncni ol Ho! l:w Ware. whicn will le s:ld Irw !or Cush o" apprnved credit at '23. Jéifirrtoj Avrmip. KIdred'i Blocte MARVIN. Detroit, .lan. líírh. 1816. 24,-;-!y LOSS BY FIPEÜ ja EACKER. puccepsor of M. iVX Hownrd. as Agent for the Protf.ctios Insckascc Ccmpny. f Hartford, will in.-nre DiceU'.ngs. Jiarns, MerchanS-.'c. nnd nll oiher insurable pioperty on hs low lernis asuny othor good comoany in ihe United States. farmer's barns insured against lightning! Odicein the Second Storv of New Post Office Building, nonh o! Court F?oüse. Ann Arhor, June 16. 1946. 269lf