Classified Ad
J. HOLMES & CO., WH0LE8ALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IX STAPLK AND FAfiCY DÃIY GOODS, &ry Erroccriv8, Varpeting, and paper IZangMtgs, Yo. 63 Woodward Avenue, Lamed1 Bloc:, Dclroü. j Botwxs, JVw York. ? s.M. H01.KKS, Dttroit. 5 ; WE tnke iliismctiiod of infornm?our frienda anti ousiomci,3 tlirotiyhoui tlm Staie, thnt ve tire siill pursuin; the. even tenor ofour wtys, endenvoring 10 do o'ir bjui'css upon kit ind honorable principies. We would alio ten- !':r our acknowlcdgnien's for the purronage ez.- eiided to us by our customerB, and would beg eiva to cali the ottention of the public to n veiy veil felccted afsortment of scasonnhlc Goode, vhicli are oöered nt wholesnle or retail nt vcry oV pnce?. Our ÃncililÃeB lor pi'rqhnsini; Goo d ire utisnrpri-M'd by any concern in ihs Sinte - . Dne o( tlio firm. Mr. J. IJolmes resides in tho :ity of New York, and from his lonjr oxperienre n the JoMiins tr;ir!e in f fint city. i.nd fr.oni hia horongh knovleage nf ihe mnili."!, oouenajlcd to _nvnll hitnsclf of the aiiajions end cny Iccline in pnces. vVc al so pinchase from th fmportere. Mf.nuf.-cttircr's At'.-nfe, nnd ftfm the. mciion?, by.ihc. [ja'jkngr, the Barre ns N. Y. Jobbers pur.;hase, th;is sr.inï tht-ir piofits. - With these farilitiefi wê can r-aely sny that our Goodsaresoid cjukap for the evidnce of whirh we invite ihe nttemion of the public to om stock. Wc huid to the great cnrdina! principie ol 4'fq rentest gond to the xrhole nuvibcr,'" 60 i f, you wantto biiy Goode chrn-p, nnri buy a Ittrg'i q;ianlitij for a titile monei; arive ü? -a trial. Ãtr BtofcS isas extensiye nsany in tiip city. nnd we are tfntantly receiving new and fresh Goods l'rom New York. 0,000 Ib. TTooI. Wnnied. theubove qu;iutity olgood üiorchnritT ab!e Wool for which the highest market prico will be paiá. J. HOLMES & CO. Detrptt, May 28 184S. 214-tf ATTACIIMENT NOTICE. Oramiel Beckley, i vs. Before E. Thomson esq. SylvnnusFT. HuÃ. ) AWRIT of Attachmcnt having bcen iesTJfd by.t Edwin Thomsun, eeq., a justice of tha Peace n and for Wnahtenaw County, oX tha suit of Oramiel Beckley agáinst Sylvanus II. Mili returnabla at tiie office ofeaid Justice i n tho nllngc of Ann Arbor, in snid county, on the lüth day orMay. J84G, at J o'clock, P. M.,an4 :he said defendant having faücd to appear, nolice is hereby given that said cause is continued "or trinl uniil the 17ih day of August, 1846, at. ne o'clock, M.l at the tlie offic of said juaice. Dated. June Ist, 1346. 269 CAN'T BE BEATPH THE Bubscribcrs would inform the Public, that tliey continué to 6upply the State oà Michigan with, L. B. WALKER'S PATENT . iïl V T fl .f CIMIJVE S : The large numbers ol these Machines that havo, been sold, and the steadily Jncreasing demand for ibera, is the best cvjdcnce of thcir real Talue, and of their esiimation vith i!iose who huve becomc Ãamilinr with tfieir nicrits. Walkék's Srnut Machine iseuperior to otbers in the following particulars: 1. Ãa it combines the Bcating. Scourinn. and BlowÃng Pnnciples. it cleane ilie srriiittiest f grain in the be3t inanner, retaining al the fric-, tion of the whent, and discharging the srnut and dust as fust as sepnrated from the wheai. 2. It is simple in{ constmctioji, and ip . fore lcss liabie to become dcranged,and costsless for repairs. . . . 3. It runs very Ught, and is perfectly securo from fire. 4. It iá as durable as any other Machine in use. ... , 5. It costs considerable r.vss thnn other kinda. Tbese impoitant p'oiiK-a óf cCfiercnce have giv. en this Mnchine the pri'ference with. thpse wholiavo fairly tried it. Among n IÃirsre numberof. Gentlemen in the Milling Business who Ãnifiht be nnmed, the following have used the Machine an:I ceriiÃied to their excellency and superioriiy't II. N. Hoaki, Ponliac. Mich. E. K. Cook. Rochcster5 do E. B. O.a?fóp.t:i, Masón, do M. F. FrÃkk, Branch, do H. H. Comstoctc. Comstock. do Reforence8 may.nlso be had to Job Baco, Auburn, Mich. . W. Jlvo.v, do do I). C. Vr.ELAVD. Rock," dp' P!i!rs,,Monroe, do II. DoccmÃn, do do A. Bech. Wnterloo. do Geo. Ketchum, Marshall, do'. N. Heme.vww. Onkland, rio . All orders for Archines will be promptÃy attended to. Address E. O. & A. CRITTENTON.. Ann Arbor, (Ã.ower Town) Wash. Co. Mich.' Auff.24, 18-55226-Iy FOR SALE AT L0W PRICES AND EASY TERMS. THE Subs-criber offers for sale a Farm, in tÃie town of DcxÃt-r. oflfiG aert?, bout rTO neres mproved. Aleo a 7arm ai tie mou.h óf Honey Creek in Seto, 3 milca frum tÃ8 vill.-igft Ã) I4fia'cré, 90 nerrs iinprovrd. Msva Tcruv one mile froip jhip yiliaec. of ICO acres, ÃOO arrpq inÃproved. Ench ol theec Furnia ere. dciiraby lucaied for resldcnces; bnve good buildings and nre il woil v.-i:ered. Also two dwcüing houses and lou in ih village. 200 viJÃfTCft lots: 24 out lotsof nbour onc ocre ench. in thc inimediate vkjinitv nf tliis vil!ae. - 10 acres timbered lanrl. o:id SJacrts improved J of n mile from this villsge. lso.5 slips in thc Prrsliyiriari mee'ingliousc. Any of lÃie ab.ove mentioned property will bö sol J ai fnir pricos nnd on n credit of % of ihe purcha.=p nioney - Title Perfect. Want cd - a span opcoodHorSES ÃS PAY.MENT. WILLIAM S. MAY.VAR0. Ann Arlior. May l'J, ]SiC. 261-Gnx 1846. VV HOL ES A L E & RETA'I L. A. M'FAÃRÃN, ., BÃOKSEILER AMD STATIÃNER. SMART'S 13LÃCK, . 1S7 JRKFF. RSOS AVENUE, DETROIT. KEEPS ccvtaijtlv for ftalea complete nssqrt ment of Ivliscclinneojs, Schooi, aad Cl.jssicnl Books, Letter and Cap Popcr.-plain and rul ed, Qui'ls. luk. Sealing Was, Cutlery. Wrappins Pnper, rrintinff Paper, of alt sÃzcÃ? and Booki Xewsand Cnnnisrer of varions kinda. BLANK BOOKS, full and hall bound, of cvT ery voriety of Ruüng, Memorandum Books, &c. To MerchantP," Tcache:s. and otheie, buying in ('inntiiic?. alarse discount made. Sübbath Schooi and Uible Society Dcr-isitor. 247-tf TO LAWYERS. JL'ST oponine. a first rate lot of Law Eooks, for salo at the publislieis prices. for cash at Pehrï's Ãookstqre. June 15, I-iG. 270-tf . Select School; "jVTTSS B. Smith. ossisied by Mies P -LtX FiKJ.rannounces to ihe public thai sïie in' prepared to r'ceive young laiies inio her school in tho basement room oà the Episcopal Church. Tkhms. - For quarter of 12 weeKs. for Eugl:sh brnnchesfrom $ .;5; French nnd Lntin ench $3 extra if rürsued togetlu-r with :he Englislï studies, or separntcly, .r each. The Echool will bo furnished wiih a . rhilosopliicnl nppnratus; and occasional lectures given on the Natural Sciercs. Mr?, fluchswill 2ive nstruction to nll w,o ilfsiro it, q ütisic, Druwing, Paintinjand Needlew.ork. Miss Smith refors to tlie followtnp irenliftmen: Professors Williams. Trn I'rook, nnd Wheedon of the Univcrsity: Uev. W. S. CurtiF, Rev. Mr. Simons, Rev. C. C, Taylor. Hon. E. Muiu dy, Wm. S. Mnynard Y.tq, . Ann Arbor, Aprü 29, 18-JP. 2f3-tf
J. Holmes & Co
Dry Goods
Writ Of Attachment
Smut Machines
Farm Sale
A. McFarren Bookseller
Perry's Bookstore
Old News
Signal of Liberty
J. Holmes
S. M. Holmes
Oramiel Beckley
Sylvanus H. Hill
Edwin Thomson
L. B. Walker
William S. Maynard
H. N. Howard
E. F. Cook
E. B. Danforth
M. F. Frink
H. H. Comstock
John Bacon
W. Ryon
D. C. Vreland
John Phips
H. Dousman
A. Beach
George Ketchum
N. Hemenway
J. B. Smith
S. Field
Mrs. Hughs
Andrew Ten Broek
W. S. Curtis
C. C. Taylor
E. Mundy
No 63 Woodward Avenue Larned's Block Detroit
137 Jefferson Avenue Detroit