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The fullowiug batch of httWS, Irum ihroemmici i u f Uto Oregon Spectator, wiil intertui om j judcis, :is showing ilic beginmnga ül a greai ( :m-ik'. Tlie i-M.iblishnn-ni ol a nowspapcr in ►rt'go ia quïio o reiiturtaWe cvtn1.. Tho N. r. Coni. Aiiveiliser tinyi Ihe pupur id moda up ! eatly, ol tlie medium s.zo, aud will bear ] aridon wnli nny journul pjintcd iu iho United The fust nuniber comaiii8 tlie ' Org.uiio juws oí " Ort-gnn." Tho rpÜüwiuK is tlie piemblu. : "We, die ficoplo of t!ie Oregon Tcrrilory for lur'posoi "t i. utua! )roicclion. anJ to secure loace nnd prtsieiity ■niiion ouiselfcs' agreu U idopt i'ie iullowing laws nnd rcgul.ition-, unlil uci time us t' c Ui-i'.cd S'aitj of America cxend thir jurisdicción ocer us." From the Oregon Spectator of Fcb. 5. City Govkknjikst. - The time hiui arrived 'or n thorougli and completo orjrinizniion ot oui :ity Curporati. ii. Our Mayor and trutei-a ara iouij; up buinc-ss in the righ'. wuy. We are infoi raed by Cupt. Knjtfhton thnt a )Zl1 willbe jjiven ot tlie City Hotil uu Tuesdny, llie i.9 h indt. We aro satifitd tliat Capt. K. nnd lady will be O. K. on thui occasion. Appointmonts by tho Governor, Fv.-b. 4. Wm. G. T'Vault, prosecuiit)L attonu-y for the te:j;to iy, vic;o M. A. Ford reaignfed. 11. M. Kuiyhtou marshal, vice J. L. Meék, resigned. The saine prtpor coiitúins o ïeport that Dr. White oud his puny liivu Ixtcn m.issicad on iheir way to the Uimed Slaiee. Tlus rumur art'e fiotn iho ai;ack upon the docior mid !iie companions by a pany )( Indians, who robbod ihein of nll tlieir hores, bisca3e 0Tho Rev. Mt. Lesüe ha publislicd a bií.groph ical sketch of the Inte Rv. Jasou Leo, the fust superintendent ui tho Methodist nriwiou in üreLon. H. M. hip Ñodtste, wos nt anchor nt Vuncouver, Columbia rivor, on tho 5 h of Fobruar."A "pot office law," is .jllihed. It ! tains eiglu seclions. Tlio li6trequres a general I post office lo be cstahüslied ni Oroguti City, i der the dirccüon of a post master genera! 10 bt appoinied by ihe House of Rf pi cuentan ves. Second - Tbu poet mnsicr yeneral to appoim officors at auch placea as shall deein expeUienc. Me is 10 bu guvernud by tlie post oiftce laws o'. (hu United State?. Thiid - None oiher than a frec male descendant ol a white man to be eaiployed in carrying thoniail. Fourth - The owneia ol loll bnrs, ferrie, &c required not to obstruci the mails. Ftfth - Ratea of postogo. Sixih - Coinmission lo postmasters. Sevenili- PostmasferB, &.c, cxeirpt from oiher dutiea. Eigh'h- Po?tmaster penernl to ronder his accountb every lliree nionths. The Spectator of the I9th of Februnry coniaïtiB an tiet rclative to the currency; n deacription of the Willamette rivcr. and of the Nonli of the Culumbia, which we hall hercaf'cr notico. There is aiso a long account of a thcatrical performance on boud ihe Biiiish hip of war Modeste, and of a buil "given by tbe officers ol ihe same shipThe las: t.umlic-r, Jlaich 5ih. cont.iins the act to providc for asse&jing and collucting thü jcvenue. It üccupics seven columns. John H. Conch was appointed treasuror foi the territory. On iho 7ih ol March the foílpwing resolution was to be discusscd: Rtsolred, Thai the tondency of the Inw dent spitiis is productive oi more cvil ihan good. and ought to be repcaled. "Wa3lún:ton's birth night" ball w$fullyat tended. Amone ihe porsons present were several officers from the Mo'e'-'e The same paper contains instructions fo tbe posimaster ol Oreaon, signed by W. G. T'Vault, posimasier general; and an act passed the 23d o( Ftbruary, to incorpórate Oregon City. The &'.c tulir is published semi-monthly a1 fivc dollars per annum. U contains a goodly numbei of advertisements.0Doctors of Diviuity sometimos get curious lotions into thcir heads by a long study of theolo:y. llre is a recipe by 1:0 Iess n perton ihon tcv. Culvin Siowo, showing how the Bible regúlales sins and how men muy practico thein, tnd yet ':yo: communion with God all the chile." Iiil Chris', tcach such a doctrine? After showing that Moses did not abohsb. ihe practice oí shcdding blood for btood by near kinenniii he urguea - So of Polygamy: Ahrnham practised it. thongh ii svas a wrorjí; nnd God ncver rejiroved hun lor il. Jacob liad four wives at once, and en joyed communion with God nll ihe while; ond il the piincijile of the ïneinortalistö, touching focial evils, is sound - then Abraliam, the foundcr ot the cliurch. and Ismil, afier whooi the clnirei. wns noroed, Ihpuld have been excommunicntcd rom the church. Not that (hese prácticos are riglit: for Chris! assarts iho conrniry. But ihis shows tho Bible mtthod of doing away the50 s.ns - that is, to licdge them up, and niaka tliern irksoi.i e. so tlüii they vvill disoppear. The Bibl regaida sluvery as it does polygamy; but in (ireciin? how to get rid ot ir. it leads ns to rogiInte ond irvpose' on it restnetimis of ChruÜ&n principies, so as lo make il vvortlilesa and iik■oros. How consoljng it must be to the criminal who is impnior.ed by our Iaw3 a serios of yenrs ai liard labor, for hoving more than one wife, to rcad in I.iï Bib'e ihat Ahralnm had done jnst lihc lum, and Jacob a goyd ded more 3). and lic'ijn7jcd commmion icilh God al] Uu while!"OThe New York Tribune snys 10 ihc Morniiig Ncwe: You hercby rrspccifully nnd distincily infurrned iha; ihe Présiïlfi i liWseli, eteaily nd ex plicitlv, some weeks si ree. sinted a gentleman of the higbéál rcipuriab:litj', thnl it was the tised detentiinnti-jn ot ilif öovern'ïnenl (6 i.ikc anÜ 10 hold pnrmancnily New Mexico. Chihuahua, and Cülifornin. nnd io annex ilietn, ultímalo ly, to the Uniicil Stmes. Ifyou doubt' rt, ask t'hn e-Iitor of the Union to get leuve frum ihc President to wy iliat he iins nol s.iid so: but rlm't r.i liim quihlle tipon wonls. 11 the President denies it sub3lanually, the nnmc of llie gentleman caüi be von wlio made ihñ obscrvalion. O"The Fe,ii(ileAr.ri-S!avcry meeting ol Leoowee Conn'y. a cali for vvliich we publislied last wewk. mee; nt Adrián, at the Baptist Churcli, on ihe last Wednesduy in August, ai !0 o'clock, A. M. It was accidental ly distribuied, or we ahould have insertcd it Ogain. Crrieport8 from the Rio Grnndo state that ihere are no Mexicon treops at Montcrey, and it isdoubiful whether tbc American Army will bo able to find any forcea to liybt ngainst. Thif wou!d indeed placo our army o( 11,000 men in u deplorabiö tuatiun ! Oihr-rifir Iwwerer, nre of a con'.ijry pi'.nfe.