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The Oregon Treaty

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President Polk hassuccceded ver y veil n gettingout of hi-s fix on the Oregon juestion. Having asserted our right to ,he territory to he clear and unquestionible, he sent to the Senate a treaty proposing to cede away half oi' it, and yet lelling them in an uccoinpanying message that his own opinión retnained unchangcd, and unless the Senate by a two tbirds vote should instruet him lo eoniply with the British propo&nl, he should reject it. - The Senate approved the treaty, tind by this happy expedient Mr. Polk was at once roleasod from all necessity of niaintaining our clear and unquestionable rights. The tirst two articles of the treaty are as follows : Article 1. "Froin the point on the 49th parallel pf north latitude, where the boundary luid down in exieting treatic& and conventions betweeu Great Britain and the Uniied States terminate?, the line of boundary betuecn the territorios o her Brittanic Majesty and thoee of the United States sha 11 be conti nued westwart along the 49th parallel of' north latitude to the middle of the channel riich sepa rates the continent from Vancouver' Island, and thence southerly through the middle of said channel, and of Fuca1 Straits, to the Pacific Ocean ; provided however, that the navigation of the sak channel and straits, south of the 49th parallel remain free and open to both parties."Ahticle 2. "From the point at which the 40th "parallel of uorth latitude shall bo found to interseot the grcat northern branch of the Columbito river, the navigation of the said branch shall be frce and open to the Hudson's Bay Company, and to all British subjects trading with the same, to the point where the said branch meets the mnin strcam of the Colunibia, aiid thence down the said main stream to the ocean, with free access into and through the said river or rivers, it being understood that all the usual portages along the line thus doscribed shall in like manner be free and open. Innavigating the said river or rivers, all British subjects, with their goods and produce, shall be treated on the same footing as citizens of the United States, it being, howcver, always understood that nothing in this article shall be constructed as prevent ing, or intending to prevent, the Government of the United States from making any reguiations respecting the navigation of saidriver or rivers not inconsistent with the present treaty."(EElihu Burritt has arrived in ' land, and writes, - "Next week I intend to mount my slaff ' and take up my line of walk for the south of England. As soon as I get away from this circle of warm-hearted fricnds by which I aai now surrounded, I hope lo have more time for writing. I have seen many persons nnd things, of which 1 intend tosay somethingheieafter. Before I leavc Manchester, I think Ishall be able to put the Railways of which it is the terminus under my "Bonds of Brotherhood." I trust these missiles ol goodwill are circulating with unabated interest on the Railroads at home. The receipts for making "corn-meal fixings" I am putting into circulation both by precept and axample ; inasmuch as I have several times superintended the making of puddings and cakes in the family of a friend. I saw it stated the other day in the Cork Reporter, that about $'50,000 worth of In. dian meal was dispenscd f rom the Government depot in that city cvery week to the several relief committees, who receive supplies. I mean to supply them with my receipts for raaking corn-bread so that the taste of a new erop of potatoes shall not divert them from the use of cornmeal."OlTC M. Clay writes to Mrs. Chapman, a friend of Garrison of the Liberator, three days before he went to Mexico, - "I ask nothing, I expcct nothing, from the slave party. I make now as heretofore, eternal war upon them. I a-sk of Congress to make a speedy ond honorable peace, just to us, and to Mexico. Who, then, daré denounce me? I defy the world in this respect, and challenge the arbitramentof all coming time! Again, I thus prove that I am not an enemy of the while$ as they of the 18th of August would have it, bul of Slavery. The confidence of the lower class of the people is essential to my success. - The lic is proven upon the men of the 16lh. They now fcel it, and the people see it. I thought that you would have cause to rcjoice that therc woie vet signs of vitality in one who had dared to beard the lion inhisden! Mr. Garrison may confine himself to his narrow circle of action. I do not blame him. I ask, however, that he will not presume to think lor me. I am of ás stern stuff ns he. I ask no favor of mortal man. The man does not live who can rule C. M. C. Begging your pardon, vtomen may."GThe Bangor Gazette flenies that it is a supporter of the war with Mexico, and note dcnounces it os wholly unjust and opprcssive. Gladto find youright, Mr. Gazette. We verily thought we saw in your editorials at least strong attempts at ajuslification of the war, but not ha ving the papers we cun't now quote from them. (tTMcNulty, the late defaulting Clerk of the U. S. House of Representatives, died on his way to Texas. He had enlisted among the Ohio volunteers as a private soldier. The Warehouse bill pnssed the House by á vote of 1 17 to 25.