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THE LIBERTY MINSTREL O.VE HÜNDRKD COPIES of the tifih edition of ihis hiyhly populnr work are ior sile at the Signnl ofilco nt 50 cents single, or $l,oï fier dozen. Terina Cash. Now is the timu lor Liheriy choirs to supply thonwelves. JLcatUer! Leathcrü IODO Sidcfl Sole Lcatlicr, 5i'O do H&rnesf !. 200 do Bri.lle 00 10) do2cn Col f Ski 113. 5J do Upper Leathcr. For enle by ELDRED &■ CO, 27ötf 123 Jeffcison Avenue, Detroit. WILMAN tt. WO YES, JR DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Hardwrare and Cutlery, Nails, GI.iss. Carpentere, Cooper's and Black miith's Tools. Also. Manufactnrer of Copper Tin Ware. Ko. 76, Woodwaril Avenue, Le -roit. 2-lÖ-lv Ij O OU ISEREU rpHE Sobscriber orfets to sell Forty Acres ol X jood Land in the Cutinty of Livingston - The land is timbered. and wiihin iwo miles o of vvhere a steam Saw mil! is erecting. Ter acres nre eleared, and thcre are len acres mort readyfor logging. Thcre is a good log house and same fruit trees on ihe premlses. Tht terms will be liberal, and pnyment vnny b( made in crpentei's woik. lumber or n oo( team. Anply to the subscribir in Ann Atbor. . S. D. NOBLE. Aun Arbor, JulylS, 184G. 274 12wAWN ARBOR THE undcraigned liavinp purrhrsed the interestsofhia partner in the Mnrble Business, wonld iníbrm the nhabimn's oí thisand adjoining connties. ihnt he continúes the business ni iiir (■ld stond in Upper Town. near the Presbyierion f'hnrch. wliere l wil! rmiínctiire to nrHpr. Monuments, Grtvs Stancs Painl Sionc, Tablets, Sfc. efe. Those %viehing to obtain any artiule in bis lintof budines? wül find by ca!linj thnt he hns on assnrtment nf Whito and Varie'gated Mirble froin tho Easiern Mnrblo Quirrics. wluch wili br wrought ín Modern stylc. nnd sold Qt enstern pri ees, ftdding transportation only. Cali nnd ge' ihcproof. J. M. ROCKWELL. Ann Arbor, Ju!y 8, 1846. VJIy CL0CK8 AND WATCHES.'f !rSi rrHE Sub8crtberho8 ju8i V ""S received, (and is con ffE jfJ stamly receiving) fron fí mS New York an elegnnt ni (: V i jfeflK wc'' selecied assoruncnt Jewelry, Clocks, TTatchcs, áíc. &c. whicli lio iniund to sel I ns (oto ae al any (itnei st ítiiisluiicii'. this iide oí JBuflülu fot reaúy pay only atnong wliicli niay be 'oum! tJiefollow m;: a ood asortincnt nj Gold t'ingcr Rings. Gold J'renei píns.'Wiistlct!. Gunrd Chains and Keys. Silver Spoons, Gemían Silver Tea nnd T.iblc Spdélia (íirst (uality.) Siiver arid Germán do Sugar Tungs. Silver Salt.MuMnrd nnd Creani spoon?. Biittor Knives, Gohl and Silver lVncil Cásea Gold l'ons, " l Pencüs, Silver nnd Germán Silver Thinibles. Silver Speotacles, Germán nnd Steel do. Gogiles, Clothes. Hair and Tooth Bruhes. Laiher Bruslus. Rozoríánd Pocket Knives, Fine Shcnrs and Scisíors. Knivrs and Forks, Briltannin Toa Potsntid Cnslorn. Plnted, Brasp. nn'i Brittnniü ComltesticUs. Snuffers & Troya, Sliuviníg boxes nnd Soips, Clinpnmn'f! Best ]tizor Strop, Calfand Morocco VVallets. Silk &nd Cotton pursea. Violins and Bowfl, Violin and Base Viol Strincs, Flotes, Fifes, Clarionett. Accordoons - IVlusic Buoks for the sanie, Motto Sen!é. Stoel Pens and Tvvecor8. Pen cases. SinirTand Tobncco boxe?. [vory Dressing Conibs, Side and Bflck and Pock et Combe, Necdle cases. Steleltoes, Water Puintt nnd lÏMibhcs, Toy Watciies, a great variety oi Doll6. in short the greaiest vnriety of loys ever 'jrmight to miirket, Fancy work boxes, children'e ten 8e:ts. Colosne Huir Oils, Fmellins; Sults. Conrt Plasier, Tea Bclls, Thermomeicis. Germán Pipe?. AVood Pencils, RBAüS AND WOOD CLOCKS, Ín foct nlmost every thing to pleose the fnncy. Ladics nnd Gentlemen, cnll and examine for ynnrselves. Ciocks. Watrhea and Jewel ry rcpiired nna warranted orj. 6hort notice. Shop at his oM stand, opposite H. Becker's brick Store. CALVIN BLISS. N. B.- rnsh pnid for r,]d Gold &. Silver. AJso Perras Book Store in the san1! e room. Ann Arbor, Mv lít, 1846 Í71-]y