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IIBjllll il is 'S !íRíi S lfi il ui ijf TThB t% ob 'l'iiip sx cellen t comnound is for sale by tha oprietor's Agcms. MAYNARDS. 263-ly VilIsoia's Corn Mili, (Mc'Xnight's Patent.) The subscnber would liercby sny 10 the public i.-it h'j is now prepared to furnish on slm:t noü, iIioïu who wmh. a portable mili, cnpable of r'uii'iug oO buslicld ot ears ol corn per hour, or liml olhercoorso graln ior leed, -ir shcllcd corn, with u rush.) rub out clqyér sed, &c. &c. ilit.iJ. L. MoKnigüts patent corn crmhcrand lover rubber, &c. The subsuiibcr is nlso prepared "to se!! town ml cu;;iiiy liglïta to saul poten i on liberal terina, "liii machine woiks like ;i oh.'iini. applirable to orse, wulcr, or sieam power: one horte, ia ullicientto perlbriii tlio lueessary grinding for ny farm or esiabjisbnient tor homo conmnpiinn. bat more power is necessary to do BStpm wurk lo a proiit. Thesubscribor luis now in operation in hia liop ai hin Tettíperanco House, in Jackson, a vo horto power, by uhicli. with the i'orce of mehorse (only at piesen) lie diivcs said ma:!iine. The advnntages oj" feeding corn and cobb in his w.'iy is now ion well umlcrstood to need reïenrsinp. Sufliceit to say, that to ihe south, ivhere they ïaise corn easy. and worth pj'rhaps 10 cents por bushel. thcy think it an object to ■c-inomisc by thns fcetüng corn and cobb moni, ind thnt too where ihuy give (rom to for for ,grinding ciiher for feed er distülation. One, twti or din o competent saltsinen wantod t'J soll righta lo said machine in this Slote Find Ohio, and lo-eëHrigHta to Thomkin's morlicirtg mrachrne in tlus Stalc; the best now in U86. J. T. WILLSON. Jackson, March 2, 13iC. 260-6m GD. IIILL would rcspectfiilly inrorm tha ciuzi'iid of Ann Arbor und viciniiy tbat the iirin ol G. l). Hill fc Co., havinjr ditsolved, hè wiü continuo the business at the old stand in Hasskins' Iilock, on ihe c!d and established principies of the house "smalt, fkoi'its and puompt pa y." he will be able to offer to his cueiomers on or about the 20ih day uf May, A SPLENOID ASSORTMENT OF SPRING GOODS at the lowest possible rates for Cash, Wheut Wool. and'ii!! othor kinds ol proHoce. All persona vyonting to buy oods will find i: to ihcir advqntoge to hold on their Old Cloties, until tbc abovo named assortmciu is received, ai (bey vM be 8old at crv Ipw taics. 'l'lie íául)sc:lier will also pny the liiirhoiit market price for 100.000 POU.N'DS OF WOOL. G. D. 1I1LL. Ann Arbor. May II, 1646. 2(54-tf EXCIIANGE HOTEL TEr?IPEKAICE HOUSE. (Direclly ojyosite the Catar act Hotel.) BY CYRUSF. SM1TII, NIÁGARA PALIO, N. V. This Iloueo is not of the larpept claes, liit n wel! kept.'upon the same plan thai ii leen fnr several ycars past, and aílünin implo ond very cofnfortnblê accomnüodaiions for tLose stupninir attheFallu. This Hotel is situated in the plonantest pnri of the Villnge, on Main Street, and but a k w minines walk f rom the Cataiact, Goat Island or ihe Ferry. Niágara Fails, 1310. 262-6rn 1846. WatkÏEES &■ BisSCM, If40 FORWARDING AND COMMISSION JJETltOIT. Agcnfsfor the Troij and Erie Line. For l'rcight and Passage, apjiïy to Asa C. Tëfkt, 7 N. Cuamkerux, J A genis. 20 Coenties Slip, N. Y. Ide, Corr Sc Co., Troy. KlMBERLY, PEASE & Co., ? „ - , S. Drullard, J BufruioMnrk Packap-es "Troy and Erie Line." Ship Dtti'y, (JSundays c.vcepied,) fnmi Coenties' Slip, IT. Y., by Troy and Erie Irun Tow 2M-Cm Valuable Water Power for Sale. TOE eubscribcr will sull or rent his interest in the Water Power in the village of Delhi, 5 miles west of A uu Arbor. on the Hurun Rivor, consisting ol' a shop stntable for blacksmithing, funiüce or scythe factnry, willi two forges and threc trip hamiucis. The "Water Power is 150 roches luider neurly nine feet heah. Also, a Wotcr Power in said villano suflicien'. to projel four run óf sione. A ciwellin house wil) atso bo .' s.ild with thf abovo, if desirt-d. For furthcr par, ticnlarsenquirt on the premises of JACOB DOREMÜS. May 18, 1S1G. 2(i4-tf IHssoljiiiofi. e TPIJF] co-partnership hi-retofore existing uudor the firmof Lund & McCollutn, is ihis day dissolved by mutual consent - nll notes and ac- cniints du aaid firni must be paid to D. T. McCollum who á duly uuihori'ed tosettle the sanio. J. II. LUND. D. T. McCOLLUM. Dated, Ann Arbor. May 20, I4ö. The business will hereafter be conducted by J. 11. Lund As Co., who are now receiving a largo and extensivo nssortment of Goods, consistí ng of Dry Goods, Groceriea, Crockcry and Glassware, Boots and Shoes, Bonnets, Painu and Oils. Drucs nd Medicines, &c. Tha public are inviied to cali and examine qaaiity , and prices. J H. LUND & CO. 'rf Dmed. Ann Arbor. May 20 I84C. 266 3m 1O THE PUBIilC. THE stibscribcr wiehes to inform the public, that he has completed his new Bliek Build' int' in thcVillaacof Howell, and has fnted itup, toyether with Bnrns and othcr out Btiildinga, fora permanent Tavern stand. lie has now 'S opencd the same for the accommodation of the public, and will eudeavor to make hishouaca - quiet restinc place for the travellor. The House wilt be kept'opon stricilv Temperance principie, p at charges which will comparo with tho most reasonaLle, "though it should demand Bonie pecuniary sacrifico to sustain it." !0 To the friends or liberty nnd eqnal right, tlio ili "BiBWjJousit" is now olFeredyou with tb id motto: ''Liberty $ Tcwyeiancc." _. ,T) E. F. GA x. , Howell, Liv. Co. April ?9, 184C. L63-tf 5 nñTKoffs of Easlern Nails, received )W and tor sale by .„-:„ T m VVILLIAM R. NOYES, Jr 76, Woodward Avenue, Detroit. Dec. 12, 1344. L42 TEMPERANCE HOUSE. PB. R1PLEY would soy to his fnends and . the Iricnda of Tempcrcnce, that he has "' taken the Temporáneo House, lato Iy kept by ld Wm. G. Wheaton. whcre he would be glod w waitupontl.era. Hny and Oate nnd Stabbling fo accommodate teams. Detroit, January I, 1646. 2i5tf