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The Nail Right On The Head

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L lie lUltllipaU uiaic juuiuoi, ij_i 111 : of the "right or wrong" doctrine, 1 the danger that cenouncing the inlity of this war will hurt the Whig ïsé, lbrcibly says: "Straight-fonvard bonesty is as J rior in policy as in true manimos to : cunning ócheme ofexpediency St ns, v.ho are afraid that speaking the g] th, and acting honestly, will injure the riyf Why, bless your carcful souls! don't you know that a partij injurcd doing riglU, deservcsto he killed stone C ad ? Speaking the sincere and honest rn ith and living it,can never injure p ng hut Satun's kingdom."- Michigan Qj ate Journal. p The above comes back to us with mmendations in our exchanges, f rom e east as f ar as Maine, and the west p far as Indiana. It is one of the best j ings our neighbor ever said. O Wc have received a communica)n of twelve pages length from William oodell, in reply to C. Gurney, l g the nature of Tavifls, and their conjetion with the antislavery cause. ough like his other productions it is a sod article and ably written, yet the ' mits of our columns compel us to decline 3 publication. And wc take eccasion to iy in this connexion, that for a year ast v.c have opened our paper to a c ussion of the connexion of the other f ;rest3 and of the Liberty, and have pubshed much on both sides of the controersy - about an equal amount on each ( ide. This wc have done, because thcre j ras Uien a prospect that the Liberty party . -light take the appropriaie grounds of a ermanent, national party. But tliis prosicct no longer existe. Those in favor ){ the movement, it is evident can only ;nrry out their views by stepping out at mee from the Liberty party, and organi;in-anew. This, in the present condiion of poütical partios, they do not deem eces5ary or advisable: and henee any liscussion of their particular views, hoviv'er appropriaie in theory, will not be ,ecessary for practical purposes. Henee, tfefiough we may publieh cbort communiations on financial matters, as heretofoie, ;c we sfcálí admit none in contintiancc fthe above mentioned controversy. - rhc great latitude and space we have alov.ed to the discussion of this subject for lyear past, and the fairfieds and ability vith which Épth sides have been presentir!, we Ihink will bo appreciated by all is a suíFicient apology for declining ita ;ontinuance.Cr Oen. Tuylor's troops have taken possession of Comargo, a small place of about 2,000 persons, up the Rio Grande. There was no opposi.ion.