Classified Ad
AIV ARBOR I M win .. .;â jiVJïTrti i â ffI MIK undireigped hoving purrhnsed ihe inK-rGsisofhis partner in ipe JVlorWé Bus'tnc&s. jiild inform thu inhübiinrj'B ol th s.ind adjoining nimies. i!nt lic roniinucs the hi&inesa (à liic tel st-in ï in Upper Town, nar the PrcÃ-byirrian 'hiirc!). wherc I" wil! mnnufncjnre to onlrr. yionumcnts, Gryve Stones Paint Slone. Talléis, $c. Sfc. Thosfi wishin" to obrú; niiy arliclo in liislinr f business wiH find by cnllint; ihnt ho Iris nn nsnrtment f Whiie an;l Varic,'atecl Mirl!e rom he Easterrt Mnr!)!c Quurics. whjch will be vrüuelit in Modern siylc. and Rild at eistern prips, od-ling transporiatinn on!y. Cn!l nnd get heproof. J. M. ROCKWKLL. Aun Arbor, JulyS, 1S4G. 27'2-Iy DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Hardware and Cutlery, fiails. Glnsa. Carpenters. Cooper's and Bluckiinii'n's Tools. Also. Maniifaciurer of Cuppcr. Tin Ware. No. 7G, VVoodward A.vcnoe, Dc.roit. 246-1 y THE Sobscribcr ofieis tü sell Foriv Acres of cood Land in the Connty of Livintjston - Tlie land is timbered, nnd wiihin two milea o of where a steam Saw inill is ercciincr. Tei acres are c'.eared. and tlinrc are len ocres mor ready for logging. There is a good log hous nnd sorao fruit irnes on the prem'ises. Tl I terrr.s wilL be liberal) and pnyment may b innde in carpentei's woik. lumber or n 500 team. Ai.ply to the subacriber in Ann Arhor. S. ü. NOBLR. Ann Arbor, July 19, 1846. 274 12%TO Wool Growers. WE heg k-ave to inform our Wool Gmwins fri:nds, we sliall be prcparcd fur ihc purchaee of 100,000 lbs. of a gcod clenn merchantable arlick'. as soon as tho season selling commencea, as wc are connectcd wiih Eiistern won! dealers, we sliall be oble lo pny the hig'iest prico the Eastern market will afFord. Grent comphint was made last season amongst the Eaetern Dcnbrs and Manufacturors, in reference to tlie poor condition of Michigan Woo!- much of it bcing in lad order and a considerable porlion beiug uvapath d. We would here take oectsion o reques; iliat the utmost pnir.s should be taken to have the shoep well washed beforc shcarinfr. tliat the Tag Locha be cut oÃÃ. otul that eacfa Flcece be carefully tied up with proper wool twine, (cost 183 lo '25 ctsper Ib.) lit-inp twine is tlie best: it will 6e found greailv to th.ndvantaceof Wool Grower8to put up their wool in this innnnor. Unwashed wool is not r.ierchnntabl1. and will be rejected by moatif notall ofthe Wool buyere. ii being difiicult lo rlehn. J. HOLMES 6s Co. WoOUWAKD AvKXtTE, Larnctds Block. Deiroil, Mareh 26. IS46. 2"7-tf""WÃÃIi! WOOÃ.à CLOTH! CLOTHà "pHK undersigned woald inforni the public X tint they continue lo manufacture FULLED CLOTH AND FLANNELS, t their nianuf.ictory, twn and a half miles west I Aun Arbor, on the fluron River, near iht tailroad. Th price of mnnuinauniiK White Flannrl will ie 20 cents, Fulled Cloih 37L cents and Cassinnre 44 cents per yard. or half ilie cloth tl tVoo! will make. We will also cxchangc Cloth or Wout on reasonnblc totras. Tae colora will be gray, black or hrown. The Wnol beloninc to c-ach individual will bc A-orkeJ hy itself wnen theic is cnouch of onc riuality to mako 80 yfirds of clolli; when thU-H dot the caso, sevcral parcela of the same quality will bc workcd toetlicr, nnd the cloth dn'ided aniong the several owners. Wool sent by Rail road, niarktd S. W. Foster Si Co.. Ann Arbor. with drec:ons, will bc attendei to in the snmi' mannerns if lbo owner vcrc to nomc wilh it. - The Vool will be manuliirtiircd n turn as il comes in, as near as m iy bc consistent with the different qu.-.luies of Wool. We have been engaged in this hnsitifiss scveral ynnrs. and froni the vory encrat satisfaction we hnve given to our numcrous customers foi tho last two years, we are r.Kuced to ask r larcc share of patronage with confnieni-c that wt shnll meet thej'ist expectaiions ol customors. Letters should be addressed 10 S. W. Fostci t Co., Scio. 8. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, April 6. 1346. i?C0-Iy"Crockery at "Wholesale." TpREDKRICK WET.MOKi:. h.ns cnnftnnth JC on liand, ihe largesl stock Ãn iho We"st o4 Cracker y , China, G lasa tra re, Looking Classes and PÃales, Ihil 'annia Ware Trais, Lnmps and Wicking, F Ia led Ware, China Toys, $c. %à His stock nclurics all t lic varïellöS of (,'rockcry nn-J übintv, iVom tho fi$est China Dinncr and Tea Setis to the nnst c.ninion nml low priced ware - froüi tiie riclicst ent plass to il. plaincst gla8 wnrti. Rrhóniria Cnwowofovterj kind. Britannia Ton Sctis. CoBSe i'ors, Ten Pots, I.nmps. Cantilestiiks, &c. SolAR Laru Laju-s ottvtry Jescr:ption from t!io mosi cosily cui l'urlor Lnmp to the chenpcsi Store lamp. All ihe a'jovc articlcs nrc irnportrd hyfiimspli directly frotn the manufacturcis nnrf wH t.e so!.l at Wlmlcsalc. as low ns nt ny Wholesale House, expenses lïnm st'ihonrd :dicá A liberal ÃliÃcoiint ytvi'ii Cor cnsh. Meréhünta nnd oibora ore nvitf-d to cn!l nnc! cxnmine the abovc .viifltf nt ihr olJ 'lard. No 12.', Jefleison Avenue (Eldted's Blork.) Detroit. g-H-iy cS(eanï Fonndry." TUK understgqcii having bóubt ilie entirr icterrst of II. ifc Purtridifo and Gco. F. Kent in the ''Steun Kosuidry," Aun Arbor. will ninniifactnro n!l ktnls ofCasrincs to ordrr, and wilHe hnppy to fuBfà nny kind of Cnsiinps to tbc old cnsio;riers l Hnrris. Pirtrid fc Co , H. Sc R. P irtndso. Co.t snd Partndf. Keni & Co., nnd to all oïhers who may favor tiiem with a cali. IT. P. HARPTP. K. T. VVfLLI MS. Ann Arbor. Dec. 2C. 1845. 214-tf Chatfel lorlgages, JUST pinle and Mr Kilr a this nfñrà .n snqtiantity.
Ann Arbor Marble Yard
William R. Noyes
Land Sale
J. Holmes & Co
S. W. Foster & Co
Steam Foundry
H. & R. Partridge
Chattel Mortgages
Old News
Signal of Liberty
J. M. Rockwell
S. D. Noble
Frederick Wetmore
H. B. Harris
E. T. Williams
No 76 Woodward Avenue Detroit
No 63 Woodward Avenue Larned's Block Detroit
No 125 Jefferson Avenue Detroit Michigan