Classified Ad
ril E undereigned would tho public r, ihat lie mnnulncturos JÃorse Powers nnd t 'iuxhinij .Marlnp8 at Soio, oà a superior kind u ivenicJ by himselÃ'. Tltrsj Powera and Machines ore pnnicnlnrly dapted to tita (so of Farmers who wish to use . iiem for ihreahjng their uwn Tiie powr, threshor and fixtures cnn nll be loadcd into 11 ommon sized vagón box and drawn with ó lie air of horses. They are deaigned to be us-d .th fonr horses. nnd aro aBundauÃly Btrong luà : liat nutubar. nnd inay be safuly used with six or . iglit norsos wiih proper pare'. Thcy ivork witl ssssirengih u horses accord'ng to tlie amoi:ni ol c usiness done than uny other power, and will hrcöh cenerally uboui '00 burhels W'hent per ny witli Ãour lior.-t's. In or.e instnnco 15? I iU8lie!s wh'eat wcre thrcshed in thrce houre , vÃth four horses. i Tilia I'ower and Machine cointaifl all the nd riiii i â ( .â nocessÃiry to tnakc, cliem proliinlln to ho pürcfuser. Tliey aro strong and durnblc. - y Vhvy are enaily moved ('rom onc place to r. Tlie work of tho joi-seS is cnsy 011 tjjé ioffc:s in coiiiparison ro oilict. nnl the pnce ià 'r jülVKIl ilinn any oilier power nnd machine, Ã.ivo evör been Ã-olil in the S'tate, accoidin to ihi' cri! valúa. TÃio terms oà pnymsnt will le . ul for notes ihat ai knowa to be ubsÃJulcl}1 oii'!. I hnvc a nnmber of Powers and Machines iow rendy for sile and porsons wisiiing to bu ire iiiviicd to cali sóon. CLEANERS. I expect to be prepnred wi;h:n a few dnys to makc Oltuiers for those wjip ni.-iy wnnt ihem. The utility nnd advirnlngea of ihis Povcr and Machino will nppear evident to all on examininy 'he reconiniendations bolojv, All persons nÃa ca.UJtonjjd against mokin [Ãpsr Pojvers and Machrnbff: lie nhdorBÃgrtcd linving adopteil the necess'iry meaanrea for sec rinjà letle'rá paléiil for the sanie within the time required by luw. tÃ. W. POSTER. Scio, Wnsbtenau' Co., ilich . Jan; ItÃj 1 3-16 RECOMMENDAT1ONS. Durin? the year Iá45, enchof Ãhe undersigned purchused nnd used either individually or jointly with others. one of S. W. Foster's newly in vented Horse Powers ond itireabing vnnchincs. nnd believe ihey nre betterHnpied to the use f Parolen who wani PoWr'á nd IVInchincs fot iheir own u?e (han any other power ond ihics-hor widiin our knowin);r. Théy aro calcnlntcd 10 bo nsed wiih l'our Iiüisoj nnd nre of ampie ntrcngih (or tbat nninbcr. Thcy nppear lo b consiructed in such n mnnner as to render them very durable wiih linio liabiliiy of geJting bu't o' order. 'Iheyaio cisily ropvéd from onc placr to nnothor. They can be worked wiih nnv numhor of banda froni fonr to cighi, ni-.d will thrcsh aboct 200 hiishels wheai per day. J. A. POLHKMUS, Scio, Wnshtonaw co G. BLOOI), " " T. RICHARDSON, " SAMUEL HKALY, " ?. P. FOSTER, u " N. A. PIIEÃ.PS, ( " ADAM SMITH, .!. M. BOWKN. Limn. " WM. WALKF.R, Webster, " TMOS WARREN, " ' 1). SMALLEY, I,o !. " I threshed last fa 11 and winter w.'ih onc of S. VV. Fonter's horso powpra. more than fifteen thousand bushcls giain. The ivpairs bestowcd npon tlic power nmoiintei] to only f.] cents, nnd it was in Rood otder when I had dono threshing. 1 invariably used six horsos. AA RON YOUKGLOVE. Marión, Juno C, 13 16. I purchased onc óf S. W. Fosler's horei powers lost fail and have used it for ojübing. i have ueed mnny diflerent kinds of powera and hel evc ihis ö tho best running power I have everften. D. S. BEN?iET. Hamburg. June, 1810. We purclüiscd ono of S. W. Foster's Horse Powrs i;:;;i lnll, und bayo used it and '.hink it is n first tate Power. JF.SSE HALL, DANIELS. HALL. REUBEN S. HALL. HÃimhtirg, Juno, 1846. 269 tf 1840. 1S44V TBIVIFBRACS HOUSE. MILTON IJAIUNEY OP TUF S á e ;ii laa h o a t Hotel, DETROIT, IS now re.dy lo nccommndnte hi fiicnds nnd the Trnve.Mng Public, wjjb all those convenicncescalculated to maf; e thcin comlortablc, and willig; i ;c.t tifiuit Mals twenly-five Cents. Ticst fiaré in the City for the same [nnf,y. General Stage üjfue. Stetimboals leevr, Detroit for Jiiiffalo evrry Ãrenivgt ut ha ff past t) o' cloek. ( 'Usually. ) The Railroads are icithinjlve minutes ridc of the Steamboal Hotel. 272-tf -'AA Kegs of Eastern Naüs, j'.-st receivcd WILL1AM R. NOYES, Jr 7G, Woodward Avenue, Detroit. Dec. 12, 1 814242
Threshing Machines
Temperance House
Old News
Signal of Liberty
S. W. Foster
J. A. Polhemus
G. Blood
T. Richardson
Samuel Healy
S. P. Foster
N. A. Phelps
Adam Smith
J. M. Bowen
William Walker
Thomas Warren
D. Smalley
Aaron Younglove
D. S. Bennet
Jesse Hall
Daniel S. Hall
Reuben S. Hall
Milton Barney
William R. Noyes