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Michigan University

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Fiom a pressurc of business, we wprc unablc 10 attcnd ihc c.xerc ses at the nnnual commencement of the University. wliich look place on the ."tli instant. Wo take plcasure, however, in compiling anouilme of tho procecdings copied trom dillbronï roporte. (i Mr. Editor- 1 hnd tlie plensure to atienè e onnual Commcnecrnent ot ihc University o! Michigan, on the fifth iöstanl. The graduatin clais consiated of scventeen. The exercises woro gcnerally of an inieresting character. The nudienco was largc, and, notwiihstaiiding the exneme lioat oí the dny, listened wi'th attcntion to the young pentlomen who oddresscd thein, ]i vsms p.leasing to observe the tone of tnorol feeling which run thro' all their uildresRCS. All were creditablo to their niuhors and to the professors ; many of thern evincwl protnising talent nnd corlectmsle. Uut I must be pjrdoned for expresping the opinión that the pixc9 were geoerally too lont: - mueh longcr, certainly, tlian ie usual in the older nstitutions, where the spcaking is geldom allowed. morO than eight ot fiftren minutea in the deüvery. Nor do l think the8018 used thecritical pruningUnife withsn meiert viqor upon severnl of the productior.s- an instrument the free use of which ought to be consi.lered as imperative on the professor, ns bcneiicinl to the student : it ia seldom used too much. Anothr.r point on which I will venturo to lemark. is the delhery. It must have struck the audienco that thia misIu have beea improved ; nnd, without intending the slightest rcflection upon nny one, I muslbe allowed to say thnt this matter Fccmrd to havo been too much neglectcd, - correct inflectiuns of voícp, easo of attitude, and pproprintenpss of gestnre aro absolulely wentia! to givo forco nnd effret to ipoken ihought. - In nmst in8'iiutions iliey constitute n principa! element in tho cdócatjonal c-iursc. The scholars oficn eufier more from the want of it, thon from more solid ncquiremenis." - Detroit Adrcriser. Aftcr spMkirig of tho raciiitics which are niTorded to tho rich and poor, in tho education of their sons nt ihia institmion, a crrreí)ondenc in the Journnl vrie8ns fol'ows in roference to the possible diflicullics In the woy of the Univeisity in future. " But in spiio of its fair promiae !ct the public wcll remember that the Universiiy is still ihreatencd with dangera. It is not to be disguiscd, nnd it must not be forgotten that it hap nctivo, venomous, nnd interested enemies ; while ts friends, save a few who have nobly brensted the tum-m, have been lukc warm and tiniid. So ate ai last winter legislativo measures was proosed, and very nearly carried. dispensing to pri' vate individúale thoRe funda which were givèri by Congress as n menns of liberally cducaiing our sons, forever ! Yet tho cilizens of our own country, our own village, who have a direct ind even n monied interest in the rratter, gave no expression, called no public meetings, sent in no remon8tr:incc9 ; and a fatal blow might have been struck at its vital intorests without theii knowir.g or caring a fi nbout it. We trust tha if a oimilar dungcr occurs tho ensuing winter the ecntinels of the press will give the ahrn nnd the citizens of onr town nnd county wil make themselves heard."A correspondent in tho Oahlanil Gazeit: writes is follows, in reference to the exercises in the ifternoon of the Commencemeni bcfvirc the Societies. 11 Tho poem of W. Pitt Palmer, Esq . wns read by Jacob M. Iloward, Esq., in a clear nnd forcible manner ; althugh I must be allqwed tü say he appeared liko a eailor on land. so little is ihcre of the mero poetical nntl sentimental in his mnnner and voice. The poeni, however, was of tiie more masculino and substancial kind, and Mr Iloward tlul it good justice. The subject was New EngTand, and nlthough such things liavebecome a litile too coninion of' Inte, I tliink there will b room in the public ear for ihia ncw song ol praiso. The truth is it ia an oble and poetical production, and when published will be re:id wiih iniorcst." In the above extract it may beseen, that Mr. EToward is spoken of as having read the poem in a ' clear and forcible manner." A discription ofihe sufierings nnd trials of ihe pilgrims. and a liistory of our niother coun'ry, the correspondent thinks is " loo common of late !" He believes the poem of a misculirte kind. Bnt he Hmlly concludes the truih is, it is an able nnd poefiral pro'inotion, nnd when published will be read wiih interest." Jiut what is more strange. nfter Mr II. Jmd read this " nble" and {' masculino" " pnetical produclion " with so mucb .' cloarncss," and yet " appcariiií; liko a snilor on land" xvith so linie of the : poetical" nnd "sentimental in his mannere." ibe reporter is of opinión "Mr, Iloward did t good justice." -