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Our Inquiry Meeting: No. 6

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To Isaiah,and tocvcry one who would Utatn lo superior mental excellence, our - Tirst words of advice are - "Don't be in v !" No lopic can be more appropriatc to ono commencing a long jnirney. The race is not ulwnys to thoso who are the most mpntient lor the start, or the swiftcst in tho outset. Impatience is generally c.liaractorisiic of the young, as well as of the uncultivated. The cllild cries for the pnssession, to-d,iy, of the toy it was promised to-morrow ; and the intervo.ning spnco, whon ho thinks of it, appeais ió him hs 'lonjas a yeárseems in maturer lilu. The girl longs impatienlly lor lUat time, which seems to opproach soslowly, whon sheshall tako lier place in society as a w ornan ; while her brothcr counts ogain and ngnin, cach revolving month and ycar as it brings him snccessively noarer to that haopy period, which the law has assignnd as tho. memorable ern when he shall tliorcafter be considercJ a man to all nteiils and purposes wli.itRorver.Dut tlus impatienco exhibiís a chiküsh spirit, and nurrow and contracted-vicws of liíe. As a general rulo, sevcnty years, at, are alloUed to th mnn or womati of good constitution, who lakes the best possible care of hcalth ; and the yonth of twcnly or twonty-iivc years has but just cpipioenced living. Even at thirty, a man has íorty yoars bcfore him, in tho full maturity of liis faculties, Cor use and mproveinent. What vast results can bo accomplíshed ín forty years by steady and unremitled industry ! Mighty cvents take place in the life timo of evcíy RIJPS : nnd those actions which carry one'sname to postcrity, althongh usu-illy the result of systematic and oftcn long-continued previous training, are accomplishcd in a few years. The splenJid polilical career of Buonaparte, whióh nstonishcd the world, wns commenced and finished within á quarlcr of a century. The fame of Washington rcsls upon the labors of tho last seventeen years of his life. Had ho dicd at fifty, his name would havo fillecl only a parngraph or two of colonial history. Yet the first fifty years of VVashington's liíe werc an indispensable prerequisite to the great aclions of the lalter portion. Thcy were years of patiënt industry, and labor, and study. So of Dr. Franklin. At fifty he was not known in the political world", and in the scientific onc, he had becomo notorious only as the originator of somc odd experiments - Yct the intcllectual self-traimng of Dr. Franklin had been pursued with great care through many previous ycars, and rcsulted in tliosc transactions which gave liim erninence and honor for a third of a century following. Most public men are made by a similar training, and becomo somewhat advanced in years bcforo they stand prominently bcfore tho nation.- Eminence of a stablc and enduring character is not to be attaincd by the labors, howcver intense, of a singlo week, or month, or year. Yet how little is thistruth röaltzed by young people, ín their eilorts to mako ïntollectual attainments ! Take, for examplo, a young man who has determined to master a particular brnnch of learning. [Ie sends to the bookstore for a standard work on the subject. How impaliently he waits the return of the messenger !- No sooner is it in his hands than he