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Jubtice O'Beirnc yestcrday overruled the defcndarr.s' demurrers to scveral suits against per 6on3 of this city for selling ardent spirits comrary to law. The Justico stated tliat during the relees; lie had advisedand taken good co-jrscI. - He had wciyhed (hc po werful argumenta of counsel on buthsides, and had cxamincd the stalulor) provisions of the law-and iis constitutiunality. - lie found some lawyers were decidedly for - somc aainst, and sume doul:ful of the consiitutionality. He tlieiuioresliould decide in favor o ihe law, and leavc tliu maticr to be dcioniiiiiec by higlier courts. Tliere are scveral demurrers by pluintifii to deas tliat the liquor bold was under the U. S laws iSLc. These cases jurill go 10 the Suprcme Court, - Det. Adcuti.-icr.DU" ir our correspondent in Clinton County, who writes on tlie the "signsof the times." wili consider ihose signs nttemively, " and compare them with the record of hisiory. lic wül find tlia.' the establishment of a icrfect government, or even the formaiion ƒ a pariy wioich sliall cmbrocc all polilical truihs without any mixture ol error, at the present time is irnpossiblc. The most that the patriot6 of each generación can do. is to labor for the removnl of ihosc evils, and the establishment of tfrosB blessings which appear to thciii lo be the most important, leavingit to pos terity tosupply thcir deficiencias, and corrcci thetr errors. The courso our correspondent practically propo6cs, is right. Wo must often ur.itc and c)o)'frate with men and parties wliich are not all that we could wish them. Our influence is to !'j thrown in such a man oer us will sanction noevil, and jiroduce wliat we conceive to be the realest amouiit uf good. Jlence this j)rinci])le )nay lead a phUanthronÍ0{ soinetimes to change hits party associations, as tho (imea and parties change.ET Wc tío tibe iliat the Homcslcad Kxcmp. tion projecf is discutalng in five or six ofonr Michigan exchange. It carne very ncar pancing ilicbbt jcisltiiure. If got up in tlie right W;iy, wc are for it. QT' At;!ic execuiiou pi Vont-r f New Haven, Í5.000 persons were present, of whom ontlioífwere fcmales. Tltn Connccticut lidies must have quite í tnsic for blood. O' John P. fialc is l;tturiny in vur.oiu towns in Maine.