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IVtnilie. - 1 he Legislatuao lias ofj a Jaw proridihg 1 1 uil a plural ty shall iV ïct inmbcrs of Congrcss. jie On Friday last, a Lale of waste collón, ut hád been storcd on the wharf abóui vv e days, took firc sponfancously, but an, as fürtunately discovered and SI) u'sbed with liltlo duniage. - Saco SU on. IVeW SImshílC. - Mr. Samuel Y . Hortte, of Móultonborough, wrïtès us of at bc has a cow wbicb bas violded hini dii X hundrc'l póuhds of viilh in eightcen pr 't.ys ; and sa"s, beat tbis, Dover, if you Ui in. Ih By a recent law óf New Iïampshire, ank slockholders are liable in thcir Si vidual capaciiy for the debts of tlie of ank, to the amount of thcir stock. - lx 'bis individual liabilily does not extend ) othcr corporalions. cc JVIassacllllSCttS. - According to ie last reports, of the 380 ordaincd v onarics and inalc assistants sent out by t ie American Board ofForeign Missions, j-j jnvards of onc-iifth have gone from tc lassachusctts ; and of tbc $"4,042,430 onlribulcd to tbc board, upwards of onc ,i uarter of the whole sum, or about i 00,500, lias been given in the sanie late. Of tbc 257 forcign missionaries nd assistants appointcd by tlie American p ïaptist Board, 00, or upwards of one uarter of the wholc, have also gonc _. rom Massachusetls ; and of the conributions of this board, amounling to tj bout $900,000, the same state has ( ;iven about one-fifih. - F. Press. A correspondent of tlie Bunker ITill Vurora states Hint James Oli ver of South Icading, on Friday, 31st uit. ejectcd from v lis stomach a live snalco, one foot and 1; 'jur ihclies in I'engtli, wliich was probablv v jwallowed many years ago. Mr. Oliver 1( ias been for sevcral ycars subjected to lts. The Barre (Mass.) Cazcllc, says the U jell ou the Universalist Churcb, in t( ershiam was sold on eccution on v lay, to sati-sfy the debt of the formcr y Minister of tbc parish. Tbc heil was i jiv'cn lo the sociely êeertÜ years siñce by e wocitizens ofretershain. VcPIMOnt.- (ov. .Slade, we soc il t Jlated, bas been oilbrcd the Proüideiicy s jfÜlicrlin Institute, and lias accepled. v KEkxIc lfand. - Tbc opcratlon jf Lithotomy was ;erformed on tbc Oth, t, m Mr. Jolui (Jarlur, oí" Warwiek, ly l'i'. c ushcr Parsons, of Providencc. The ' tone removed í'npm the bladder measuns Qvc incics in circunifercnce. The pai :iciit, w':io is eevcniy-four yeajs of, age, t )ore tbc opcration with great fcrtïtu.ï.-, md is alrcady ncarly recovered from il, r as wcll as from the previous suübiiiigs wbicb bad ailiictcd bim fi ni.tiu yc&ts. ; Mr. Leonard Carltun, of Smithliclil, I ncar Slatersville, owns acow which gave l one liundrcd and tweiity-seven quarts and one fourth of a pint ol" milk, duriflg the week cnuing the 24'h insl., wbich is an , average of over cighlr.ccn quarts per day. [ The wbole amount of rnilk for the week, weighcd tlircc hundred and ninc pounds ( andninc ounecs. The cow was raiscd by Mr. Carlton ; is Jive ycars old, largc 1 size. If any of our asrricullural friends can beat tlii.-, we hope they'll "send the i documents." - Woonsockct Patriot. . NCW Yorli- Dr. William B. Waterman, of Buflalo, bas been sentenced ( to tb ree years imprisonment in the State } Prison, fordisintering bodies for ' cal purposes. It appears from tbc stale Convention ' Document, No. 41, there are TW( TIIOÜSAND SIX ÏIUNDREDoilkcrs , in the gift of the Governor and Senate ! 1 The Govcrnor bas the appointment of 289 of these odicers without the veto of the Senate ! Many of these oflicers have under clerks and agents, so that the direct patronage is cquivolent to 10,000, or more, oflicers indirectly in the app.ointment of a few men who meet at Albany. As to thcir emolumenta, undcr existing usages, some are as high as $4,000, or 20,000 ; but of the otbers wlo can tcll what they receive! - Tocsin. The New York Convention have agreed that the Senate sbould consist of 32 members, and be clected for two instcad of four ycars. The single district systcm was also carried by a handsome majorily. Tlie New York Tribune, speaking of Ihc reccipt of the Ilibcrnia's news on Monday, says : " Tbis inlelligencc was announccd in Boston at half }xisl six ! and placed on the bulletin of tbc Tribune in this city, at a quartcr bcforc sevenf Tbc diilerence bet ween the two cities bcing nbout fifleen minutes." Fourteen missionaries, 7 for Northern India, 3 ibr Siam, and 4 for Chiba, took a farcwell at a vcry largo mectitig in tbc Rev. Dr. Pbillip.s's Church, on Sunday evetiiríg last. There have been dcslroycd' "according to law," in New York city, since the I'j5'th of Juno last, no les,: thari 1315 dogs ! !New York Convention hns agreo,] Singlo Assembly districts by ten to ), and on Singlo Senatorial distriets 70to:U. Wm. M. Price, tormerly United States striet Allorncy for thè easterh district Mèw York, committcd suicide on Monf by shooting hiinself' throigh tho ad. A largo di.süllcry was burned at WatooonthcTth inst., valuc'd at #25,000, 1 iu addition lo the loss of building and rits, #5, 000 bushels of grain were conncd. The appropriate committce óf the New rk Convcniion bas reportcd in favor abolishing the chancery court and blonïg equity and law powers in the sueme court and that teslipiöny shall bc ken ernhj in open court as il now is in 0 COUKtS of law. in all casos. The valtie of salt manu factu red inihis ate in a single ycar, exceeds a rmllion 'dollars and it givcs employment to iv ut two thousand persons. Pcnnsylvania.- "IIow will your unty go this year?" asked a zealous ïlitician of Philadelphia of a citizen of ueks county. "Veil, I cant teil much; does not know," replied the honest uichman: "de man what tells us how 1 vote has not been round." Afarmer's wife in Lebanon, Pa., with ie aid of her dawghter, recently pitched, taded, drove lo the barn and unloaded ïven large loads of grain. 1 r. Dallas has been hung in eiliscy in hiladelphia, Pittsburgh, and several othi- places in the state, by some of his ox5ficratcd Democratie friends, principally perativcs in the faetones. In 1844, iese folks were singing, at the top of ieir voices, "Oh Lve us Tolk nnl Dnllns, too, llo-.v happy we shoïl fcel !" Tlic dashing KeuUickian who ran aray lïoui Pliiladelphia with a young uly Trom Ihe sanie State and married her ■ itliou'. ihc consent of hor paronts, triod 3 kill bis cbariping bride u short time ince. The circumstances are thus staïdin a letter fromXbuisyilie: Wliilc enjoyinga plcnsant little tclc-a:í',tlie young brido on beingcomplimen3i! upon tho boixuty of a sirnggling curl .'hich feil gracefully over her sbotdtfer, nlbnncd her spirited jrolcctor thut there . ,i. ( -noiigh to love without the curl, and lic woiüd not have him gtiilty i' any xcessj ahe would therctore clip it ofi'. - ïe renionsiralcd against the rash act - lie persisted ; he tlirentened - sheclipped lic curl. IL: Itnoiked ter dourn. he creamed for assistanco, rt-covered, and chile mak ing her escape ihrough the oor, he made a desperate Mow at hor with iis dirk, which misécd its uim and éntod the door with such fórce as to split (l'a large j)iece of the wood. Ile then nade bis escupe to hisfalher's Uquorscllug establiahnierit, where, in all probahilty, he iinbidcd tlie innocent drink which cd tö the diabolical act. On his rcaching he tavern, his eldcr brother kicked him uil of the house, and thus far ia the histoy of this iviiiaulic rnarriagc. Uov. I Í .-. Gniy, the Circuit preacher f Northampton c'rcuit, wns recently aken froyr his pulpit in Salem church y a mob. lío wout to the county seat o obtain justh-o of the court then in ses;ion, bul wasdnyen away by a mob, and e ft the county, his Ufe beíp(f considered n diinger. The allcdged cause of the ■iolencc was tlrnt hc was a "northem )reachcr." Tlic-e are in Pliiladelphia O-lö Smiths, f which cxactly 100 are Johns. IVBaryland.- The BaltimóVe Cfip)cr says tliat eight slavès - two men, two vomen and four children - of Hagersown, latcly decamped in a body, for .mnsylvania, taking with them a liorsc ind machine. The scène in the magnetic tclegraph fiïce at Baltimorc during the prevalence )f the storm on Friday afternoon, is repesented to have been fearfully sublime, lbo electric fluid with which the ctouns tvere chargcd, look com])letc possession f the magnetic tclegraph lines, rendering tlicm cutirely unmanageable in the liands of the operators. The lightning 3ould be seen continually playing around Lhc instrun:(.".)t, and at one time a ballof fire, appw'éntly severül inches in circumferance, cameiri on lhc Washington wires and explodcd with a loud report. - One of the operators had narrow escape at the time, as he just had his hand raised to touch the instrument as the ilufd carne in. Virginia. - The Richmond correspondent of the Pliiladelphia Enquirer writes that a man in that city who has a number of hired negroes in his employment, was proceeding for some slight offence to pnnish one of them by whipping,. when poor wretch, knowing his master's unmcrclful nature, implored that he might be hung at once instead of whipped. This of' course would not answer, and on tyingthe nogro's hands behind him in the usual mannor, the employer went into anothcr room to ]rocure his cowhide, whéh the negro, taking advantage of his absence, rusned f rom the room, jumped iiiio the river and was drowned. - hou. JJnnorrat. This is the third suicide among slaves recorded by tho newsj)a[)ers in as many weeks. JIow many cases ure nover recorded ! In all of them, crucltij is assigned as the cause. rVoríH Caroioia. - A man by tho name of Briglu living in North Carolina latcly sjjöt a negro, wounding him so severely that ihe poor follow died shortly aflcr. Diight was arrested, tried, IüuikI guiliy and sentenced - to be hung by tho neck unlil he is dcad? - no!. - but instead to pay a fine of five dollars. - Tho same peually that tlie law provides in Masáachusets for the destruction of