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Dr. Sylvester, an Itnüan by birth and nn eminent chemist, has discovered a modo of hardenng the human body to ihe consistency of slone. or solid marblc, which he is about to exlnbit in Lomion, Ilis specimens have excited great astonishmont. One was tho head of a lady. with the hair partcd and dressed, retaining its flexible proporties and color, although the surface from wbtch it grew rcsembled stone- somewhat Iike a wtl model; a!so a child'a head, plump and dimpled as in life, but cold, semi-transparent. and ringing like stone, and a tongue petrified, as it had' never uitered a sound. The petrifying procesa is said to be simple and cheap. A boqiiet of clioico flowers - tbc juicc first extracted by a pneumatic process - preserved tbeir natural colors, but were as hard and rigid os if 8omc cunning workman had carved ihem from Parian marble, for not only the leares and pctals wcre rendered stone-like, but the mi uitte and hair formed linea were rendered coralino. An Iron Chdrch. - Mnny of the great l.inded proprictors in Scotland who own whole districts of country, refuse to nllow the ;frec" or dissenting congregatrons to bui ld churches on iheir lands. In tiio Western Inlands the inñaúitanis. have been foreed to construct an iron church, in vessel form, which they havo moorcd in one o1 the bays. The Duke of Bucelcugh is one of the largest of Ihcso landed proprietors, and so greai is bis hostlliiy to all who do not recognize the estnblishcd church, thal he will not nllow a single ereclion to bo made on bis domain;. The inhabitants of ono of the parishes lately madt preparación to ndtninïstcr ihe sacramen; in the public highway, and wcre only prevented from doing so by obtaining permission of ihe D;ikc to erect atentiti ono of the fialds for that purpose. If the linebetween the Northern .tnd Southern prorinces of Mexico be drawn from Cape St. Lucns Eastward to tiic Gulf of Mexico, the Norihorn Independent provinces would be ns follows: - New Mexico, Chihuahua, Couhuiln. port of New Leon and Tamaulipas, Da rango Sonoro and Upper ar.d Lower California. These Statos embrace oro-húlf of the Mexican territury,but only one-fonrtecnth part of her populanon, thnt is. nbout five hundrod thou.and souls, all o them of European or Indinn blood, without admixturc wiih that of tho African. A Surc Sgn. - A man with a red face and looking rather shabby, called at a houso in the couniry on Sundny, and asked for a drink of eider. The good lady of iho house told him she wouJd nol give lijm any. Ile urged, telling her hat s!io had bettor, for sotne persons had entertainecJ angels unawares. " Yes, " said she, "I know that, but angels lon't go about drinking eider on Sunday." A GOOD FARM. In proofof what a farm of 100 acres can pronco, when properly cultivnted. Iet us tako the tatement of Jnmca Gowcn, Esq. as given in tho 'armer' 's Cabinct. He h'rst stntes tbc stanling "act that in one season the wnges he paid amountd to 1,000. This rcally is calculated to nlarni timid agriculturaliet at ihe verv threshold of !ie exporiment. but lot us look at resulis, which re tho truo criterion: iO tonsofhayat $18 $2,130 400 bushcls of wheat at $1 400 ?D0 M ryeatSOci?. 24Ö 00 ' oatsut40cts. 40 000 " corn at 150 ets. 6)0 500 M potators at 75 ets. 375 90U " carrois at 40 ets. 3C0 GüO " ruta baga 25 ele. 125 600 " sugar peas, 1í7 5 slaughtered hogs 2'5 Cattle, calves and pis 487 Nett sales of milk and bttttcr 1 .500 6't72i Independent of milk, butler, pouhry. meot. vegetables, fruit, S:c., for family consumption. ihere wcre also maintaincd on the farm Jiliy head of cattle, seven horses and some thirty head of 8wine, nnd tho only outlay lor fced ín one yenr was $::i00. SuppufC, in additioii to the $1,000 for lobor, another $1.000 was expended for seed. manureand ontingencies, Sc, we shall find ■ farm of 100 acres mainiaining a family, and yielding a profil of rising $4,500 per tinnum without deducting interest on the original cost. This is a vory intercsiing and authentic rosult. - It exliibits what can be cione by faruiing in a proper manncr. Sincethc battlosof the 8th nnd 9th of May, Gen. Tnyrorhas had LL. J). nttached tohie name by ono of the southern colleges. We sec by a tonst given at Matamoros o:i the 4th inst., "Olc llough nnd Ri;ady," since that cvcmk. is callee Teacher of Lawij in tl o Univeraity of Muxico." JIovv to get ve a Fight. - "1 snj'," said one urcliin to anoihcr in the streel the other day "you are t!io feilow that stolo my marbles." - No I aint." '-Then I am a Vuir. am I?" am without moro ado he pilches right into him. War ani IIakrors. - The RufTilo Commercial estimates that tho war expenses for fortij etsKt liours woutd sulUco to pay every ap)ironaüon in the liarbor bill vetotd by Polk as ':un consliiulional and uexpedient;" and this money would havo been expciulod at horno, !'■, nt.n our own pcople would have luid thjB lienefit of it Aservant girl upplíed a dinner tHÍ'e wiih cus lui cil iitttdd oí olive. and boirig sharply rebuUctshe defended hrrself by saying tl at it wos labelled "castor oil," and she supposed of course bat meaiH oil for iho castor. Quocn Victoria and Princo Albcrt vvcre mnrricd on tho JO1I1 of Fcbrunry, 1840. Victoria is now the motlier of five children, - tlie only IJrit8h Annuals, thnt oro not rc-produced in this country, wo bcliove.