Classified Ad
" , Medical IMotice ttt , PTUIL unnersi!Ãiieo 1 1 1 iit ring ma iwrvices tö washtenaw X and the adjoinirig C-vintiea, a Homoeopathic physicinn. vvould say. thtit alk-r having praclicud medicine on tht principies is tauyhi in the oÃd school, and treatcd disenso fui the lust two years according to tlie Iaw of Homocopaihy. - (Similia similihiis curuntur.J tnught iñ the ncw nchoo! of medicine; and ha ving compaied tlic auccessof ibo twr gysiems, he unhesuaitngly believes Homo;opithy tu be ih most aafe, certnin and successful meihod of cure. DÃ6e.'ise8, hnhertó incurable, aro novv in most cases, perinanenily erndiuated by ÃJi)tna!Oiniliy.Ancctioiis oflhespine, heud, uierus. stomacli, &C. Sc. boye tÃo iheir oerciii) remedies. Epilepsy, ninnin, paralysis, neuralgia, bronclmis. liverand lung; scarlet lever. f:holeiu.back ineasled, inallgnant uore liuo.ii. erysiptlas or bliick tonque, croup. inÃluiiiiiiú'.ioiia oà thc brain, 6tomacb, bowels, .rr. tVc. aie â nly a few of thc many illn, tliat have been stiipt oà thc'u errorsby the ti mély{n)plà catión of lioiria;opailüc inedicauients. WiiliuiH further essay, the undersigned wouldltnve ii tó the alllicted to say, on trial of ihe rciircdied, wheihcr Iloniojopailiy is wiiai it claims lo he or lint. He would also .-'taie iliat lio has just returned Ãrom New Vorkand Philadclphia. wiih a compirto nssortinent of MEDICAMENTS, jnst imported from Leipsic, to this place, wlicro he svillaileod to all calta, and Ãurnisli medieutnents, bóóks, fec. atthe lowest jirices. Froni the close and exclusivo atteniion he is giving to the study and practico of Hómoéopatby to be abie to givo satisÃaction to thoso who niay favor him witlitiieir patronage. Coinnutnications, post paid, from paticnts al a distante, will receivo prompt nttention. Thosc who muy wisli to plaoc ilionisclvos tinder bis treatment for any clironic diseose, ran obtnin Ipdginge eiiher ut hia house, or in other places, at low pñes. TI1OS. BLACKVVOOO, M. ü. Jlomccop.ithist. Yptiiliinti, SOth Nov. I84H l. CÃJANCKRY- 2nd C1KUUIT. Belwcon Erastus CorniÃig. James Horncr, and Gcorce Sedgwick, Complainants, and Ãlugh Gillshonan, Defendnnt. In pur8üancc and by virtue of a decree of tJiiwCourt rpade Ãn this cióse, à shall Bol I at public anction at the Court House, in the villogo of Ann Albor, in 'he County of Wnshtonnw, on tho twcnty-sixih day of Sepiember next, at nne o'elock in the afternoon of thai day, tlie followingdcscnbed io wil: Villnge lot nuinbcr iw in block n.umber nine(9) in Ornisby'.- &. Page addition to tlie village of Ann Arbor, in tbc county of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, according to the recordad plat of aid villaje. - üiitfd. Ann Arbor, August 10, 1816' (il'.O. DANFOHTII, Masier Ãn Chnncery. CiKOiiGt StxciWicK, CoiiJplainaius' Soiicitor. Ã??-Cw