Communications: Letter From England

LtvBiipooEj Juiy 2y, 134G.mor icaving iVitunigan, I visited my Iriends in Ohio. found ihem-.well. Spent about two waeks at my faiher's in Elyria tlien vieited Obcrlin, found it in a fiourishing cotxlition, both in referenco to t finnnces, iis mimher oà students. and its state: for J undcrstood they had enjoyeda very inte real ing revival ol religión dnring the p-M winter. Their nurhber of etuilcnts wa9betweerj Ãive and six h uncà red. I tlien visited he Wt-stcrn Reservo Coücao at Uudson - found (he meana of erlucation to be ampio; hut for sume renson or other, their number of etiidents was comparatively aniall, being lt)8 in the thrcc departmente, Affer r:turnn to my fit';cr's. I started for New York, niaking short stops in BufTilo, Rochesler, nnd Troy. I arrived in New York on the firet of May, ppont ahout two weeks tbere. in which ti:ue I Imd the privilego of attendiig the Annivorsarira. whirh were highly intoresting w it'à onc excpption, wliich was the Cólohiéaon Society. I ain morn tlmn tyer convimcl hal it isa crcaturc of slavery- nnd will give my reosons for th8. opinión. Firsi, they sent to the South for r slaveholder to doliver the priDcipal specéh. Uestntcd in ihcoutsot thnt ho woa an mtislavery man; wae brdughl up one, hoped henighl iivo nnil die onc. He n!so state;! in ihc coursc of li Ã3 remar ks that if t wa3 not for the lamooi sla very, ho bc!iecJ ihe slaves wcre the esl ofiof nny luborin; peoplc in tho world - Fliis met tlie universal a[!nnsc of the aesembïy, "or ilicy chcercd him ö'ntil he was tircfl waïlitig. l'liis led nio to cry out, niy God, are thcèë the iieii that would ha ve si ivo ry nboliihed.and wlien hcard that the spenker was tho owner of. 14 sla vee, I was Ailly sntisiied thst S'avery would ncver be aboüshed by tho infiunnce of euch nen. Alter the Annivcrsincs, 1 left for Boston, from herc went to Lowell, and spent two or tlirce Iays very jilcasnntly. I called on the Rev. Mr. Potter, wlio went wit! mo to the seminary; found that ts prospecta for the future to bo norc enconraging ilian ibrmerly. Mr. Potter tlion nccompnnieii nic to the Faetones wliich were %vorth visitirig, and I was obliued to ncmowledgo that the power cxceüed any ihat I had ever witnesscd. I speni the Subbatli with Mr. Potter, and on Mondny retprned to Boson, where I had the privilege of attending the funernl of Mr Torrey in Tremont Temple. - The House was filled to oveiflowing. and thousnnds went away that could not get in. His body was preservcd in a load cofïïn with very litil. njury. Mr. Lovejoy preached the sermón, whi:h wns cnlculated to excite dcep sympa'hy in behali of Mr. Torrey, and tho cruise for wliicii he liieJ. t will givo apeciinen. Ãn answering tho obectioh ngniust Mr. Torrey's nttempt to CBcnpe from prir.on, lic says, "Mr. Torrey did right - !ic did jupias I would do, and just ns yon would dn, if you wcro sluit i5p in prison to fill up the spacc of tvyelve years. And to prove it, I will refer you to ihe ca?Q of St. Paul. who cscaped from prison. being let dovn hy the wal! in a basket. But snys the óbjectör, nll this he did pgiinsi l.-iw. Wdl, if you will havo itsq, lake the case wherc God himeelf oarit nn Angel frrm Hcavcn to loose the bands from Peter, then opened the prison doora, then t]c gates of tho city, and set Peter freo. Rnd all this againet Iavr.'! Hut I must not go into detail. Aftcr lcaving Boston, I went to Connecticut to visit my frienïs: lound thehi woll, spenl abont two weeks wiih ihem, mul then rcturned to New York for the purpose of emborking for Eitrope. I remained there about two weeks, in which time I had the plcapurc of attending the Grand JubiLco of ïhe S0113 of Tompprance.. The vholo acene taken togethcr, was highly intereilinfj, and e.xcsllcd any iliing thnt I ever saw ol' the kind. They marchcd in rank four abrcast, composed ofëOdivision6, eiich, with its peouüar bann'er, together wi'h sotnc 2(J bnpÃB of nuisic cqually distributed, ibïfning a procüssion of some two lo threo miles in lengh.. This proecssion wa nccompinicd with over onc hundred ihoimnd spectators. Tnry rharched (o ihe paik in front oà tlie City Unll, where they lititenod la an appiopriatc address. and then icturncd home in rjuictnoss. I undergtood that one of the ruin sellors on witnessing the scène, emptied his botllcg and said hc would sc!l rum no more.Oi the 23a of June, I embarked for Liverpool, on bonrcl thc Siiip England. But for sume reaton or other, wo lay at anchor Ãn the harbor until ilio VÃÃih when wc set snil. On account ofadverse winds, and calms, we made but two hundred miles on uuf conrso the first week. Tliis wn(lBcquroLn, and led usto pray for success. for it n Bifinll pnrt of thiriy-five lnindred miles. Thc Lord heard our cries and canied us on our way ncar two thousand miles llie 6ecor.d wcek. On tlie Sabbsth vvc liad a calm. Thc â noxt woek we hnd favorable .winds, whicli carricii iisabiut tu-flve liindred miles funher on our wny. And on lh Sáb.bnlb, wo liad anotlier calm. On Monday, tlie wind roso in our favor nnin, nnd continued unlil wo vvere safein port. maHini; 29 days. So wonderful wns our passage after llie fÃrst wcek, tbat it wib remirkcd by all, tliar they never snw or heard ot' so favorable winds. J was remarked lliat our'liip wns a Sibbatli keiing ship, Tor it was moving all doya bu'. the Sa!)b;ii!]. Uut yon may wonder v!iy wc wero so long undcr such favorable circumstnnees. - The renson w.13. sho wns a very slow ellip, cindlièaVy Inden, htfvïng 16 Inimlred toi o) cargo, borides 70 passeagers, ahd 20 feet of water. I liad the picasure of.prqaching (by rnqacst; cvery Sabbath but onc, whicli v,-ns spent in ïepniring tho ship, ono of the innsts having been blown avay in a gale on Saiurtlny night. J saw very littlc on my voya?3 thnt was peuliarly intpresting except a storm at sea. whioli wns the most sublime scène thal ï ever wi'.ncased. The broad ocean was made to boil Iike as pot - and wnvo. was chasinc; wave as if struggüng for the mastery, unlü henps piled 01 lieips, then groanin, sank way bencath their load. 1 spent three daya in Liverp,oo!, onc of whicl was the Sabhath. The con trast bctwoen that anc our chics wasvery etrikrng. The buildings. Gtcnmers, carriagep, nnd everj tliing soemed designed for strcnth and durability. The architecture bcars some rcscmblanc tothcGuhic. Thcir dress álso bears tho finni genera] charactcrisüc, bo lliat I vas IcJ to gaytho Enifüeli forstrength and durability,the Air.cricnn for fancy and toste. Liverpool In8 a popirtation of 2G0,0Q&; 155 Chapéis, 72 of the establishcd chuicli, 8 B.iptists. 13 Iiidopndems, (which are Congrcgationists) 3 Uoinnn Calholic Chapéis and 20 or 30 Church,s; for thren or four Cliurches worship in one Chipe!;!) kinds of Methodists. to wit: 13 Weseyans,7 Calvinist ie, 4 New Conncxion, 3rrimlive, 3 Associate, 3 Unitarians, and some others. ml y-t it is not a city. Eut it is ihe greates: :omti)crcial town in the who'o world, for il has l!) miles of doek, fiiled looverilowiiig with shipping. Lonuo.v. Aug, 3d. I '.ook the slow train of cars for London, and ind an oppor'.unity of vieviqg the country dislinctly as à passed, and must confess ihat it expelÃa any thing ihat 1 ever suw lor beauty. The land lies rolling, being spread over wilh jreen hedges. interspersed with shado trees, rt'hich niakcsit exhibit a most bcauiiful appcarïnce. Tho fields werc ripo for harvest.a'nd compared -ory well with onrs in Amoricn. Their farm ïouses do not comparo with ours, for they nse ii) white pa int, I stopper] two honra in Birmingham, which saboiil half way. It is a larÃ;e manufacturing own, contnininir about 200,000 inhabitants. - [ nrrived in London at 9 o'clock in the evcninjr. ind enquired ÃQr a Temperancc Hunsc, but did i ' find une until the next day. They are in England, and lie worst feature Ãs that tlio woincn are in the ïaLit of going to the bar nnd tnkin their rlrauis -cguiaily as tbc men. it is atud in Liverpool, .hr.ra nre ns many drinking wumen as men. To morrow !ie World'sConvei:tion on Temperance inrets in London. and it ig hopcJ tint it wijl eive an Ãmpetus to the canse. Princé A"ibert signed the pledgc in Liverpoi! last Fridny nt the laying if the corner stone of tho Scaman'a flomc. ]t wás n f.rerA day, evcry shop was closed, r.nd al! business Bttspendod. Every thinij in K:irrlnn;l is wortli nbout doublé of is in the stntos, ex'r-cpt cloihiiiLr whtch is vcry little chcapcr. Flour is w.orth from 7 to 8 dotlnrp. butter from 21 to 20 ets.; cIiicfc from 12 to 18 cents: boef sieak from 18 to 25 cent? per lb., fruit s senree this ycar and vfit.j High Tt is tincommonly wnrm thÃ3 scason but does nor co:nparo with the S'ales. I havo visited mnny p'nce? in London '"hich are worth describing, but for wan.Lof ronm on myshefit must defer thpm until nnothcr time. I design to another cotnnnmica'ion for your paper at tho close of the Convention on Christian Union, and wil] givo ihe pnrticülars. 1 have been kindly received. nnd tronted with great politeness since 1 have been in Knglmd : although in thfi midst of glrangers, yet I am eurroundcd with frien-is. I have at tended Dr. Beunitt's Clmpel yepterdny jnorning, und was invited lo preach ior bim in the afternoon. 1 have scen but ono American as yct, and that was Mr. McLane. our Minister, wliom ] fcalled on last week, and was hindly received by !im.